Did God cause the Coronavirus?

obviously not. Serenity is peace in a state of mind where a brain actually understands its one of a kind proportion to life outside one's skin. Not always a female name as both genders can achieve understanding things that can be changed and how life works never exceeding the moment here.

Not obviously....in my extensive experience the majority of people suck now....and I most certainly do not mean suck in a good way!
It's like taking a "cleanse". It's good to flush the system every now and again.

A not so new method of ethnic cleansing from that "man is God" master plan to reduce the number of Americans just as the Christian Nation megalomaniacal crusade to reduce the number of US Constitutions - old glories - old testaments & absentee voting ballots to protect & serve liberty & justice for all Christians...
Not obviously....in my extensive experience the majority of people suck now....and I most certainly do not mean suck in a good way!

you ever figure out why? I have and it is so simple most never believe it is possible because history teaches rationalizing away real life for social narratives being truth. Common human error transferred from great grandparents into great grandchildren each change added to the population so far.
you ever figure out why? I have and it is so simple most never believe it is possible because history teaches rationalizing away real life for social narratives being truth. Common human error transferred from great grandparents into great grandchildren each change added to the populaiton so far.

Ya I figured out why...too many figured out that the system sucks so much now that they could have a fab life even if they sucked...even if they refused to try to be decent people.

It is a very sad story!
Ya I figured out why...too many figured out that the system sucks so much now that they could have a fab life even if they sucked...even if they refused to try to be decent people.

It is a very sad story!

what are the instinctive effects to honoring intellectual hope, faith, and charity? Feeling helpless, hopeless, socially worthless not being part of a we mentality. Catch 22 use of vocabulary.

Say one thing promoting good intentions while actually going for the instinctive emotions that naturally occur when training brains to mind context over content rules that govern behavior of timed apart reproductions alive so far.

This is why I argue from the standing point reproductions are eternally separated now. i.e. time is stationary while the universe limited to perpetual balancing mixes contracting combination to form shaped replacements of what is cycling through space as timed apart now.

It is always kinetic, not potential beyond induced static charges stored up in subatomic particles that don't have a nucleus to become a molecular characteristic. Subatomic matter hold the polarity charge of last magnetic filed moving by.

Gravity, 7 bandwidths of light, 6 types of electrical currents, 8 hemispheres of forms shaped inorganically and organically using the same periodic characteristics that when combined sustain perpetual motion within universal perpetual balancing. Closed system, no room for nothing at all and intellectual doubt constantly propelled by what if anythig else is possible sets the stage of world interpretations life is more than reproductions being eternally separated now.

original human error/ called original sin. how many people accept now is physically eternity and back it up with everything used to prevent people from knowing why they only exist as one of a kind?

we the people mob mentality won't allow anyone to be honest about life limited to now. What can one hope for cradle to grave and justify rank has its privileges the governed pay to play for. Humans are the only predatory species that treats its own species as psychological prey. nothing good comes from orchestrated chaos and organized social deception praticed ancestrally so far.

"It is what it is." and very few people dare explain why it doesn't have to go this route because there is no reality that tolerates being told their ancestries were wrong about life. Pride comes before the downfall. Karma..
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what are the instinctive effects to honoring intellectual hope, faith, and charity? Feeling helpless, hopeless, socially worthless not being part of a we mentality. Catch 22 use of vocabulary.

Say one thing promoting good intentions while actually going for the instinctive emotions that naturally occur when training brains to mind context over content rules that govern behavior of timed apart reproductions alive so far.

This is why I argue from the standing point reproductions are eternally separated now. i.e. time is stationary while the universe limited to perpetual balancing mixes contracting combination to form shaped replacements of what is cycling through space as timed apart now.

It is always kinetic, not potential beyond induced static charges stored up in subatomic particles that don't have a nucleus to become a molecular characteristic. Subatomic matter hold the polarity charge of last magnetic filed moving by.

Gravity, 7 bandwidths of light, 6 types of electrical currents, 8 hemispheres of forms shaped inorganically and organically using the same periodic characteristics that when combined sustain perpetual motion within universal perpetual balancing. Closed system, no room for nothing at all and intellectual doubt constantly propelled by what if anythig else is possible sets the stage of world interpretations life is more than reproductions being eternally separated now.

original human error/ called original sin. how amny people accept now is physically eternity and back it up with everything used to prevent people from knowing why they only exist as one of a kind?

we the people mob mentality won't allow anyone to be honest about life limited to now. What can one hope for cradle to grave and justify rank has its privileges the governed pay to play for. Humans are the only predatory species that treats its own species as psychological prey. nothing good comes from orchestrated chaos and organized social deception praticed ancestrally so far.

"It is what it is." and very few people dare explain why it doesn't have to go this route because there is no reality that tolerates being told their ancestries were wrng about life. Pride comes before the downfall. Karma..

I cant follow this in my condition.
it is an understanding, not a faith to be followed. want liberty to choose your own life for the time you get here now, civility lasts, cultivating civic pride destroys civil behavior.

Here is what these Modern Morons never learned....because they are dim and lazy and refuse to try to be better.....humans are \both good and evil in equal measure....if we want to be good then we need to work at it.

This takes real work.

"WORK? No way!!"

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?


as has been pointed out several times, Epicurus' logic fails from being based on false dichotomies.....a being able to create a world without free will but unwilling to create a world without free will is not malevolent.......only a fool desires a world without free will......
What with coronavirus, trumpweather and an asteroid narrowly missing the earth, might it not strike such minds as the Biblebashers can spare from hating everyone else that Somebody might be getting a bit pissed off with them Up There! :)
why do you consider people telling you your character is inaccurate projection of your real time occupying space now an attack? .

I spent about five minutes considering what you said........I think it means "you are not being honest about yourself".......please let me know if I am close........I have not had a lot of experience reading the posts of people who have chosen to communicate in computer generated language.......
What with coronavirus, trumpweather and an asteroid narrowly missing the earth, might it not strike such minds as the Biblebashers can spare from hating everyone else that Somebody might be getting a bit pissed off with them Up There! :)

????....then why would she kill off New Yorkers who voted against Trump?......
Here is what these Modern Morons never learned....because they are dim and lazy and refuse to try to be better.....humans are \both good and evil in equal measure....if we want to be good then we need to work at it.

This takes real work.

"WORK? No way!!"


good and evil is rhetorical mantra for "with we or against us.". what is a mob's mentality always asking an individual? "Who do you think you are?". There isn't and hasn't been an institution of thought or beliefs that honor the idea reproductions are eternally timed apart now. That is how life works in plain sight without vocabulary and suggesting anything else is possible.
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I've often wondered the same thing......I expect its a place that always elects demmycrats.......

outside sarcasm, lets look a Catholocism's 3 worlds, Purgatory, Heaven, Hell. Heaven is the uptopia of anything is possible conception to birth. Purgatory is cradle to grave adapting to the moment. Hell is the threat of eternal damnation not performing to social narratives in the next life.

what is a next life when reproductions are timed apart now? Is first world grandparents, parents, siblings never reproduced their replacements and granchildren added to the ever changing people populaiton now?

From metaphor, metaphysics, to actual body count of a species timed apart now. Relative time logistics is about recognizing geographical area passing by event horizons that never move and never stop taking place currently, simultaneously on a rotating planet.

midnight is to conception what dawn is to birth, arrenting at noon. becoming grandparent at dusk. See the parallel? Inorganic and organic same molecular content sustains both same time same universal point of perpetual balancing life as it always goes on or not anymore here.

Adapt or become extinct is universal rule to eternally timed apart now. How a lifetime, family, species work within it makes living hell on earth or Garden Of Eden. how many humans broke away from faith in philosophies, spiritual fantasies, science fiction possibilities to actually adapt with timed apart so far?

I cannot be the only one. sure seems like it though. Being equally here and understanding why and how kinetic details are always the what, where, when, who displaced so far.
I spent about five minutes considering what you said........I think it means "you are not being honest about yourself".......please let me know if I am close........I have not had a lot of experience reading the posts of people who have chosen to communicate in computer generated language.......

ok so your interpretation via time table logistics and flow chart counting rotations of the planet make me the less honest person here. Your last part is just descriditing my thinking since it only comes from one person and no collective group wold ever side with it.

Gee psychological bullying. been through this treatment 38 years, 25 before I started using cyberspace. Last 13 I developed a way to give shape to psychological intimidation of we vs me from thinkig outside a box to 6 degrees of separation playing two ends against center balancing 7 ways over the last 5 genertions in a row.

here it is 16 great grandparents to 8 corners between 6 degrees of separating 5 generations as timed apart so far, each individual centered with potential to become 1 of 16 great great grandparents or 6.25% of their great great grandchildren. or 12.5% of their great grandchildren, 25% of their grandchildren, 50% of their children. Life after birth in reproduction is an inverted proportion to lifetimes alive befor conceptions are made now.

sure you don't want to change your social mind? My brain is aware of why humanity failed to organize doubt longer than 12 reproductive cycles in a row historically being the same ideology 1 generation developing and 12th maintaining.

and look I am still center of the talking point to this thread, God didn't do corona virus.

Ever think the idea of Judgement Day was words just aren't the authority of navigating space as timed apart so far?