Does monotheism cause violence? New book says, yes.

I don't care what they pled to. It wasn't an insurrection. It wasn't a coup. Only brain-dead morons can claim it was.

Tell you what, when has a coup or insurrection ever occurred without weapons? Right, NONE. Now run along dipstick. :palm:
Why are you lying about it and calling it an insurrection or coup? The only person who died that day was an UNARMED protestor. Why are you defending Fascism from the Democrats? Why are you a dumbass?

No one could have stopped the vote counting. The protestors were unarmed. Trump didn't encourage the violence. The protestors did very little damage. Many of those within the capitol were ALLOWED in by the Capitol police.

The liars on the Democrat side of the aisle who defended violence, looting and killings by BLM rioters only want low IQ idiots like you to see the worst parts. They don't want idiots to see the whole picture because it doesn't support their lie filled narrative.

Comparing this to 9-11? Moronic. Claiming this was a threat to democracy? Moronic. Calling it in insurrection? Lunatic. Now run along. You're dumbing down the thread again.

I would agree with you if the things you said were true, but most are just wrong:

I never called it an "insurrection." I called it a riot. But it was a seditious conspiracy for those involved in the planning and coordination and were convicted on that charge. An insurrection does not require firearms, but several people were charged with firearm violations and there were many other weapons used that day. I never compared it to 9/11--you are delusional.

Neither does an insurrection require people to die but Babbit was not the only death that day. Another demonstrator died that day. Plus 140 police officers injured. Surely you saw the officers being assaulted, wedged in the door.

They did stop the vote counting that day and removed the members of Congress from the Capitol. The reconvened later that day and did not complete the counting until the next morning.

BLM riots? That has nothing to do with January 6. But, but, but....BLM. Twice as many were prosecuted for BLM than January 6.

The people who were "allowed" into the Capitol were not the problem. It was those using barriers, flag smash the windows and doors. It is silly and illogical of you to claim there was no real violence because a very few were allowed in the door compared to the hundreds who were violent.

I never defended anything the Democrats did other than defeating Trump's reelection.

Putting together a defense of the Capitol riots with fake facts makes you a victim of Trump's lies. Why are you so gullible to believe his lies when you can check most of those facts yourself. I am still waiting for the name of one county that had more votes than registered voters; so far, no answers because there are none.

I never said Trump encouraged the violence. But it would not have occurred if those people had not believed his incredible lies about voter fraud.
Right, monotheism.

Right. The majority of what is done, good or bad, in the world is done by minotheists. Let's be honest Hindus aren't doing much of any significance in the world. Atheists are doing much more of significance, but it seems like a gross over simplification to say that there's a connection between monotheism and violence. There's an argument that there's a connection between Islam, at least radical, fundamentalist Islam, and violence
Right. The majority of what is done, good or bad, in the world is done by minotheists. Let's be honest Hindus aren't doing much of any significance in the world. Atheists are doing much more of significance, but it seems like a gross over simplification to say that there's a connection between monotheism and violence. There's an argument that there's a connection between Islam, at least radical, fundamentalist Islam, and violence

Why do you keep saying Islam is not monotheistic?
Right. The majority of what is done, good or bad, in the world is done by minotheists. Let's be honest Hindus aren't doing much of any significance in the world. Atheists are doing much more of significance, but it seems like a gross over simplification to say that there's a connection between monotheism and violence. There's an argument that there's a connection between Islam, at least radical, fundamentalist Islam, and violence

Stalin and Mao are atheists. How many did they murder?
Why do you keep saying Islam is not monotheistic?

I'm not. Islam and Christianity are both monotheist. Christians, unlike Muslims and despite being monotheistic, are not violent as they have been in the past. That fact would seem to contradict the claim made in the book. My second point is that, by virtue of the fact that the majority of the religious world is monotheistic (Islam and Christian) it stands to reason that the majority of the good and bad (violence) would, mathematically speaking, be done by monotheists. That doesn't mean there's a correlation or causation. Maybe the book makes an argument that would convince me otherwise.
OMG!! They TRESSPASSED and caused MINOR damage!!! Meanwhile, assholes on the left, their media minions and Democrats all played down the violence, rioting damage and killings in the summer of 2020 as mostly peaceful.

STFU already. We get it, you're an idiot on steroids. :laugh:

You ignore obvious facts. They could only trespass after they used bike racks, barriers, flag polls, etc. to break windows and doors. You did not see that on the videos? Or, did you ignore the facts?

The Democrats and 2020 riots are irrelevant to the January 6 attack--a attempt to divert from the issue because they lack the balls to take responsibility for their actions and stupidity.

“I would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. “Like all Americans, I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem... The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: You do not represent our country, and to those who broke the law: You will pay,”

--Donald Trump
A lot, but it seems unlikely that they committed violence in the name of no god.

Thousands of priests, bishops, and deacons were murdered, many thousands more sent to Gulags and thousands of churches and mosques were destroyed in the name of state atheism.
it was not an insurrection.
the only serious casualty was a dead trump supporter

It was a violent riot and a seditious conspiracy for the militia members who were convicted for that charge.

Your facts are wrong. There were two dead Trump supporters and 140 injured police officers.

Does the death count determine the seriousness of trying to stop the electoral vote?

“I would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. “Like all Americans, I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem... The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: You do not represent our country, and to those who broke the law: You will pay,”

--Donald Trump
It was a violent riot and a seditious conspiracy for the militia members who were convicted for that charge.

Your facts are wrong. There were two dead Trump supporters and 140 injured police officers.

Does the death count determine the seriousness of trying to stop the electoral vote?

“I would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. “Like all Americans, I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem... The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: You do not represent our country, and to those who broke the law: You will pay,”

--Donald Trump

injured minorly.

Are you denying they both tried to stamp out religion?

No, but atheists, unlike Muslims and Christians, aren't motivated by deity-inspired religious doctrine or a desire to win favor with a deity to ensure a happy eternity after death.
No, but atheists, unlike Muslims and Christians, aren't motivated by religious doctrine or a desire to win favor with a deity to ensure a happy eternity after death.
Stalin and Mao were motivated by commie doctrine, which is atheist, and attempted to stamp out the "Opiate of the people". Each murdered millions in the name of atheist ideology.
It was a violent riot and a seditious conspiracy for the militia members who were convicted for that charge.

Your facts are wrong. There were two dead Trump supporters and 140 injured police officers.

Does the death count determine the seriousness of trying to stop the electoral vote?

“I would like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. “Like all Americans, I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem... The demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: You do not represent our country, and to those who broke the law: You will pay,”

--Donald Trump

Fredo is wrong daily. He's also a lying hypocrite because he refuses to forego all medication.
No, but atheists, unlike Muslims and Christians, aren't motivated by deity-inspired religious doctrine or a desire to win favor with a deity to ensure a happy eternity after death.

I am limiting the survey to the 20th century for an apples to apples comparison. Applying 21st century values to to 15th century tends to be anachronistic.

Worst theocracies:

Islamic Republic of Iran: extrajudicial killings, torture, repression of political opposition, secular intellectuals, and free press.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Beheadings, political assassinations, repression of women, totalitarianism..

Taliban: beheadings, execution of homosexuals, adulterers, heretics. Intolerance for religious minorities, destruction of historic world heritage archeological sites.

State Atheism - worst atheist regimes:

Soviet Union: murder of hundreds of thousands of priests, deacons, Christian laypersons in the name of State atheism. Widespread oppression and arrests of Orthodox Christians, Muslims, Baptists.

Khmer Rouge: Murder of tens of thousands of Buddhist monks and laypersons.

Communist China: Destruction of Buddhist temples, Christian churches, widespread oppression of religious minorities.

Stalin and Mao were motivated by commie doctrine, which is atheist, and attempted to stamp out the "Opiate of the people". Each murdered millions in the name of atheist ideology.

The priest in my father's village was murdered by Bolsheviks and the church burned down. That was not an isolated incident.