Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

I am thinking you purposely troll this forum. I will not engage with you unless you debate in good faith.

Speaking of good faith you should look back over your posts. All you ever do is post obfuscatory drivel. I assume in your mind there's some deeper meaning but it mostly reads like word salad. I will be graceful and suggest perhaps you aren't smart enough to know how to communicate your position as opposed to the alternative that you don't post in good faith but seek to dodge and weave from simple questions.
I haven't read all 200+ posts on this thread.

Have we determined how a non-existent self could actually have an illusion?

The Buddhists have a pretty good argument based on impermanence. Everything, including you, is in a constant state of flux. You aren't the same person you were physically or psychologically 10, 20, or 30 years ago. There is no permanent, static, lasting self, me, myself, or I piloting your existential physical essence though space and time. Your conciousness might just be pure thought in a constant state of flux and change.
Go ahead, tell me you're a dick. Ooops! You just did!

Isn't it funny that neither you nor Cypress could respond meaningfully to the point I made about thoughts earlier? Remember when Cypress was talking about how to control your thinking? I even provided a reference. Cypress couldn't respond to it because it wasn't an agreement with his bullshit post so he had to make it an attack. Et viola you show up to continue the attacks.....

Awesome rant, "doc". LOL

Those who have actually earned a Masters or Doctorate know that one leads with their strongest point first. You made yours and then shit a bunch of diarrhea to make yourself look rational.

The point you can't fix is the first point concept. It's interesting. Emotionally stable, rational people can move on. The irrational cannot. They get caught in a loop, often not within their realm of control without help.
Awesome rant, "doc". LOL

Those who have actually earned a Masters or Doctorate know that one leads with their strongest point first. You made yours and then shit a bunch of diarrhea to make yourself look rational.

The point you can't fix is the first point concept. It's interesting.

LOVE IT! You didn't even attempt to address the point.

Always gotta be insulting. Is that your mantra? "Doc Dutch: ETERNAL DICK"
The Buddhists have a pretty good argument based on impermanence. Everything, including you, is in a constant state of flux. You aren't the same person you were physically or psychologically 10, 20, or 30 years ago. There is no permanent, static, lasting self, me, myself, or I piloting your existential physical essence though space and time. Your conciousness might just be pure thought in a constant state of flux and change.

Nothing is forever. Now, even astrophysics agree that our end is complete entropy. Nothingness except widely spread atoms moving further and further apart.
LOVE IT! You didn't even attempt to address the point.

Always gotta be insulting. Is that your mantra? "Doc Dutch: ETERNAL DICK"
I did address your point, Perry. I pointed out how you are wrapped around the axle about the education of others compared to your self-asserted claims. I find your behavior peculiar and, therefore, for me, interesting.

The fact you are mercurial in both your usernames and accounts is also very interesting. Abbie Normal. There a few different reasons for such behavior. In others it's because they are stupid, poorly educated and want to make their "mark" on the world. They often make the common mistake of overestimating their own abilities while often severely underestimating others, especially those with whom they disagree. Both the mentally ill and the fucking morons think they know best for themselves and everyone else. The stupid are barely educatable. The ignorant can be taught. The mentally ill vary in terms of functionality. This is one reason they interest me since sane people, stupid or genius, are predictable across a broad range.
LOVE IT! You didn't even attempt to address the point.

Always gotta be insulting. Is that your mantra? "Doc Dutch: ETERNAL DICK"


What's the point, Perry? That you claim to have a PhD then constantly prove you don't? You certainly don't want to have a civil conversation proved on Free Will by your lead in statements.

It's usually the nutjobs and the idiots who don't believe they have free will; the first because they are nuts and the second because they are stupid.
Nothing is forever. Now, even astrophysics agree that our end is complete entropy. Nothingness except widely spread atoms moving further and further apart.
You can never step in the same river twice - Heraclitus

That's the appeal to some people of the Eastern perspective - that our individual selfhood and ego is an illusion, we are in reality a projection of the greater universal spirit, Brahman or we are one with the Tao.
You can never step in the same river twice - Heraclitus

That's the appeal to some people of the Eastern perspective - that our individual selfhood and ego is an illusion, we are in reality a projection of the greater universal spirit, Brahman or we are one with the Tao.
Agreed with the concept. Another way of phrasing it is "little pieces of God".
For just as the popular mind
separates the lightning from its flash and takes the latter for an
action, for the operation of a subject called lightning, so popular
morality also separates strength from expressions of strength, as if
there were a neutral substratum behind the strong man, which was
free to express strength or not to do so. But there is no such substratum; there is no "being" behind doing, effecting, becoming;
"the doer" is merely a fiction added to the deed-the deed is everything.

I did address your point, Perry. I pointed out how you are wrapped around the axle about the education of others compared to your self-asserted claims. I find your behavior peculiar and, therefore, for me, interesting.

THat is an ad hominem, making it about me. You didn't substantively address the point. But that's probably because you aren't well educated.

Someone who is well educated knows that constant attacks on others is NOT the same as discussing a point.

You would know that if you didn't feel it necessary to lie about having an Associates degree.

What's the point, Perry? That you claim to have a PhD then constantly prove you don't? You certainly don't want to have a civil conversation proved on Free Will by your lead in statements.

It's usually the nutjobs and the idiots who don't believe they have free will; the first because they are nuts and the second because they are stupid.

More personal attacks.

Guess I'm pretty sharp if you can't even address the points I raise. At least I know I'm smarter than you.
You can never step in the same river twice - Heraclitus

That's the appeal to some people of the Eastern perspective - that our individual selfhood and ego is an illusion, we are in reality a projection of the greater universal spirit, Brahman or we are one with the Tao.

What on earth do you REALLY know about any of that Eastern stuff? You tell everyone you read this and that yet you seem to have little control over your monkey mind. All I had to do to get you to lose your shit was disagree with you on a point. You suddenly couldn't address the point and turned it all into personal attacks on me.


What's the point, Perry? That you claim to have a PhD then constantly prove you don't? You certainly don't want to have a civil conversation proved on Free Will by your lead in statements.

It's usually the nutjobs and the idiots who don't believe they have free will; the first because they are nuts and the second because they are stupid.

DO YOU think you can control your thoughts? Just curious what a failed psych major thinks.
THat is an ad hominem, making it about me. You didn't substantively address the point. But that's probably because you aren't well educated.

Someone who is well educated knows that constant attacks on others is NOT the same as discussing a point.

You would know that if you didn't feel it necessary to lie about having an Associates degree.

What is the ad hominem, Perry?

Thanks for proving me correct about your education issues. :)