Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

While it's possible to pick up bad habits like pathological lying due to propinquity*, only the weak-minded and/or mentally ill would pick it up from JPP.
IMO, you're safe from contagion. :)

That's the interesting part for me; the personalities that feel a need to create socks to push their POV. Agreed, normal, rational people have no need to create alter-ego personalities.

*Zelda on Dobie Gillis reference. LOL

How long you two have been a item?
Why would I need YOUR forgiveness?

You are the scum of this board.

I needn't get anything from you, you diseased fuck.
Perry, you just proved you don't know what forgiveness is all about.

Disagreed, but I can see why you claim so.

Doubtful otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back with the same irrational comments over and over and over again.
How long you two have been a item?

Me and Zelda? She's a little outside my age range, as if my wife would let me, and a lesbian to boot.

I do like Zelda's intelligence and spunk.

Perry, you just proved you don't know what forgiveness is all about.

YOU are not one to be passing out forgiveness. You are an aggressive bully. You are, as such, a lie.

Doubtful otherwise you wouldn't keep coming back with the same irrational comments over and over and over again.

My comments were not irrational. I even supported them with a reference citation.

Why do you insist on lying about people? Is it because of your mental issues you claimed you have? (Remember: you said you have mental deficiencies from your poor lifestyle choices)

Something you almost never do because,
I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body. Do I get a discount for that? Special points for a job?

You're a homophobic bigot. You and Cypress FREAKED THE FUCK OUT when someone mentioned a gay artist.

As for your "lesbian trapped in a man's body"...that is easily the most juvenile shit you've spewed out and given your advanced age you spew a lot of shit.

You are intellectually (and probably physically) incontinent.
Lying is almost like a disease and I don't want to be around it or exposed to it.

So why did you lie earlier about not googling freezing point depression?

Why did you lie about not having feelings of anger or other negative feelings?

I feel like other posters on this thread, Niftyniblick, you, evince, even BidenPres can be trusted to not create sock puppets and to be forthright and genuine, even if I don't agree


You are hardly one to trust. You claim all this great intellect but then someone actually makes a valid point supported with a citation and you run away and turn it into a festival of personal attacks.

You are among the biggest pieces of shit on this board.

All you do is "name drop" (Because mommy and daddy buy you books on Amazon which you pretend to read by passing your eyes over the stuff) and then bitch about other people doing stuff you do yourself. You are a hypocrite and a liar.

You can lie to Doc all day long and your other "friends" on here (you've been on here since 2006, like a proper loser who thinks their "membership" on a discussion forum on line means they are somehow "achieving something") but you can't lie to me. I'm smarter than you and I can see through your bullshit.

I'm genuinely curious why you never engage with any of the legitimate points I make and always turn it into personal attacks on me? Then when I turn it back on you you either run away or whine to Doc.
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So why did you lie earlier about not googling freezing point depression?

Why did you lie about not having feelings of anger or other negative feelings?


You are hardly one to trust. You claim all this great intellect but then someone actually makes a valid point supported with a citation and you run away and turn it into a festival of personal attacks.

You are among the biggest pieces of shit on this board.

All you do is "name drop" (Because mommy and daddy buy you books on Amazon which you pretend to read by passing your eyes over the stuff) and then bitch about other people doing stuff you do yourself. You are a hypocrite and a liar.

You can lie to Doc all day long and your other "friends" on here (you've been on here since 2006, like a proper loser who thinks their "membership" on a discussion forum on line means they are somehow "achieving something") but you can't lie to me. I'm smarter than you and I can see through your bullshit.

I'm genuinely curious why you never engage with any of the legitimate points I make and always turn it into personal attacks on me? Then when I turn it back on you you either run away or whine to Doc.

Hypocrisy is Cypress's Religion
You're a homophobic bigot. You and Cypress FREAKED THE FUCK OUT when someone mentioned a gay artist.

As for your "lesbian trapped in a man's body"...that is easily the most juvenile shit you've spewed out and given your advanced age you spew a lot of shit.

You are intellectually (and probably physically) incontinent.
Perry, I strongly doubt Cypress gives a shit about you being gay. I know I don't care who you are fucking, sucking or janking off. LOL

It's not unusual for gays like you to be misogynistic even if they are lesbians.

Disagreed, Perry, but you are welcome to quote any of my posts which you think prove your point. All you have are angry replies.
Perry, I strongly doubt Cypress gives a shit about you being gay.

WHO SAID I WAS GAY????? See? That's the kind of stuff I was talking about.

It's not unusual for gays like you to be misogynistic even if they are lesbians.

Sounds like homophobic blather from you.

Disagreed, Perry, but you are welcome to quote any of my posts which you think prove your point. All you have are angry replies.

Wrong. You know you are lying. But you keep lying.
WHO SAID I WAS GAY????? See? That's the kind of stuff I was talking about.

Sounds like homophobic blather from you.

Wrong. You know you are lying. But you keep lying.

Aren't you? You keep bringing it up.

Nah. I consider gays to be helpful in eliminating the competition for women. :thup:

It's okay if you can't actually back up your claims with quotes, Perry. Sadly, I didn't expect you could. IMO, it's better having a person prove they are "off" than for me to simply claim they are so.
So why did you lie earlier about not googling freezing point depression?

Why did you lie about not having feelings of anger or other negative feelings?


You are hardly one to trust. You claim all this great intellect but then someone actually makes a valid point supported with a citation and you run away and turn it into a festival of personal attacks.

You are among the biggest pieces of shit on this board.

All you do is "name drop" (Because mommy and daddy buy you books on Amazon which you pretend to read by passing your eyes over the stuff) and then bitch about other people doing stuff you do yourself. You are a hypocrite and a liar.

You can lie to Doc all day long and your other "friends" on here (you've been on here since 2006, like a proper loser who thinks their "membership" on a discussion forum on line means they are somehow "achieving something") but you can't lie to me. I'm smarter than you and I can see through your bullshit.

I'm genuinely curious why you never engage with any of the legitimate points I make and always turn it into personal attacks on me? Then when I turn it back on you you either run away or whine to Doc.

I think you should talk to your shrink about this Perry PhD, aka Jank.
You are among the biggest pieces of shit on this board!
This explosion of rage and resentment explains why you were incredulous that people like me can control our thoughts and feelings.

This thread has basically been split between posters who believe they have no control over their thoughts and psychological framework
and those who do have access to self control and psychological discipline.
This explosion of rage and resentment explains why you were incredulous that people like me can control our thoughts and feelings.

This thread has basically been split between posters who believe they have no control over their thoughts and psychological framework
and those who do have access to self control and psychological discipline.

Agreed. Furthermore, I believe those who believe they have no control are correct because they are mentally ill.
Agreed. Furthermore, I believe those who believe they have no control are correct because they are mentally ill.

Makes sense. Lacking self control and psychological discipline seems like a form of mental disability to me.

Exploding in rage on an obscure message board over complete strangers seems like a harbinger of deeper problems.
Makes sense. Lacking self control and psychological discipline seems like a form of mental disability to me.

Exploding in rage on an obscure message board over complete strangers seems like a harbinger of deeper problems.

Agreed 100%. Being able to exercise free will is what separates mankind from the rest of the animal kingdom. Human beings who can't are deficient in some way. Notice the similiarities between Mode and Perry for an example.

Also agreed on rage and deeper problems. It's classic displaced aggression: https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-displaced-aggression-5270585
What Is Displaced Aggression?
Aggression is commonly defined as behavior intended to harm another person.

Displaced aggression occurs when we direct our anger toward someone completely innocent and uninvolved in the situation that made us angry.

Similarly, triggered displaced aggression occurs when someone does something to cause a minor annoyance and receives a disproportionately aggressive response. For example, your boss may have done something that makes you slightly angry or frustrated, but instead of resolving it directly with them, you go home and yell at your kids for not picking up their toys.

As the link points out, it's not uncommon for normal people to display such behavior on occasion. It's when they do it frequently that indicates there is a deeper problem.
Agreed 100%. Being able to exercise free will is what separates mankind from the rest of the animal kingdom.

Since all of the physical world is subject to cause and effect natural science,
where everything occurs as a result of what preceded it,
free will would be IMPOSSIBLE to confirm scientifically.

It would absolutely require a belief in the supernatural.
I admittedly cannot prove that the supernatural doesn't exist,
but in as much as I've never had a supernatural experience of any kind to my knowledge,
I certainly can't be inclined to believe that it does.

Consequently, free will is a matter of belief, not science,
and even if we all proceed in our lives as if free will does indeed exist,
there's no proof that we're even doing that of our own free will.

You allude to humanity's separation from the remainder of the animal kingdom.
I don't see any evidence of that, either.

We're a dominant species because of our intelligence,
but in terms of our physical prowess,
we can't even count the species that would kick our asses in unarmed conflict.

I was a professional boxer and an adolescent tiger would show me how much that proves
if it were inclined to do so.

Again, I'm not claiming that you're wrong, Oom.
Understand that.

You should, however, be less dismissive of alternate beliefs on these matters,
and also less inclined to stipulate your own as if they were fact.

Free will is a belief and very far from a proven fact.