Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

DO YOU think you can control your thoughts?

Just curious what a failed psych major thinks.
It depends upon the level of thought. Subconscious thoughts? No. Conscious thoughts? Yes.

I love the irony of someone who complains of personal attacks and ad hominens making personal attacks and throwing around ad hominems. :)

THat is an ad hominem, making it about me.
All of Terry's posts are personal attacks. Terry is an uneducated self-loather who is only able to lash out in egocentric agony.

You didn't substantively address the point.
What are you, new? You say that as though it's some sort of surprise. Terry hasn't addressed any point, ever. The purely nonsensical gibberish of Terry's posts should have been your clue that there isn't any conversation to be had. Try to pick up on that next time. Try doing what I do and use Terry as a fidget toy, you know, just play with Terry while you are doing some other boring task and take the edge off the monotony.

But that's probably because you aren't well educated.
You have a gift for understatement. Terry doesn't know anything. Terry is too stupid to be able to distinguish between different people. Right now, this very moment, Terry thinks you are four different socks for other posters who also used words in their posts that you used in yours. I'm not a big fan of this site's search function, but if you are able to look up all the times Terry becomes so insecure as to scream "SOCK!" ... and then look at who is being called a sock, you'll begin to feel sorry for Terry because there is something seriously wrong going on there. Also, notice the self-delusion of being a psychiatric professional who renders "diagnoses of mental illness" at those who engender confusion in Terry. Anyway, there is plenty of reading material on all that for you to peruse here on JPP.

Someone who is well educated knows that constant attacks on others is NOT the same as discussing a point.
I think Terry is calling you "well educated" for having recognized that his attacks, his whole attacks and nothing but attacks on others do not suffice as substantively addressing any point.

You would know that if you didn't feel it necessary to lie about having an Associates degree.
Terry dropped out of school at one point upon realizing that learning wasn't possible in any traditional sense. Terry made a last ditch effort to pursue "truth" through illicit drugs. Unfortunately, months of maintaining a constant flow of heavy narcotics did not result in brilliance, but rather killed off every brain cell save the brain stem which still manages to twitch out an occasional post.

I hope this helps you understand what you are dealing with.

What on earth do you REALLY know about any of that Eastern stuff? You tell everyone you read this and that yet you seem to have little control over your monkey mind. All I had to do to get you to lose your shit was disagree with you on a point. You suddenly couldn't address the point and turned it all into personal attacks on me.


That's his Modus Operandi
What on earth do you REALLY know about any of that Eastern stuff? You tell everyone you read this and that yet you seem to have little control over your monkey mind. All I had to do to get you to lose your shit was disagree with you on a point. You suddenly couldn't address the point and turned it all into personal attacks on me. Funny.
He did that to me as well. I but asked him to support a contention he made, and when I explained his error, he fled with his tail between his legs, and then he started peppering subsequent responses to me with mocking comments about how I somehow fled from our previous discussion.

Cypress is a moron. In fact, Terry is the only one who agrees with Cypress because Terry has Cypress bent over some furniture and is performing a colon-pummel.

The Buddhists have a pretty good argument based on impermanence. Everything, including you, is in a constant state of flux. You aren't the same person you were physically or psychologically 10, 20, or 30 years ago. There is no permanent, static, lasting self, me, myself, or I piloting your existential physical essence though space and time. Your conciousness might just be pure thought in a constant state of flux and change.

I semi-understand that, but it doesn't quite work for me.
I never considered the self to be static.

I just don't personally understand the spiritual.
I see myself as an organic / material entity
and I regard my thoughts to be electrical activity within that organic entity.

When my material components stop operating as they do in a living person,
I cease to further exist.

I'm not claiming any of this to be fact or to be regarded as if it were carved onto stone tablets from Mt. Sinai.
It's what works for me and my very limited curiosity on the subject.
Nevertheless, I regard alternate concepts as worthy of consideration if one is for the moment fixed on the subject.
I semi-understand that, but it doesn't quite work for me.
I never considered the self to be static.

I just don't personally understand the spiritual.
I see myself as an organic / material entity
and I regard my thoughts to be electrical activity within that organic entity.

When my material components stop operating as they do in a living person,
I cease to further exist.

I'm not claiming any of this to be fact or to be regarded as if it were carved onto stone tablets from Mt. Sinai.
It's what works for me and my very limited curiosity on the subject.
Nevertheless, I regard alternate concepts as worthy of consideration if one is for the moment fixed on the subject.

I don't think we know enough about conciousness, what causes it, how it is manifested to have a definitive answer on this.

Maybe the answer is not something our chimpanzee brains can really understand. Dogs can't understand or comprehend the quadratic equation. It's hubris to believe our chimpanzee brains are capable of complete omniscience.

A lot of people think there is a lasting, permanent I, me, or myself piloting our physical existence and conciousness.

That not unreasonable, because intuitively it feels like that. It really takes stretching the brain to consider the other options, that there is no self.

Since we are in a constant state of flux physically and psychologically, maybe the self is really just defined by memory. But that's problematic itself, because memory is imperfect and it's sometimes completely contrived.
It depends upon the level of thought. Subconscious thoughts? No. Conscious thoughts? Yes.

I love the irony of someone who complains of personal attacks and ad hominens making personal attacks and throwing around ad hominems. :)

Hey, dishonest fuck, if you look on this thread I started off talking quite nicely. It wasn't until you and Cypress started your usual bullshit.

If you can't handle someone insulting you I suggest you not insult them first.

Why are you such a vile douche bucket?
Hey, dishonest fuck, if you look on this thread I started off talking quite nicely. It wasn't until you and Cypress started your usual bullshit.

If you can't handle someone insulting you I suggest you not insult them first.

Why are you such a vile douche bucket?
No, you didn't Perry. You're up to your usual trolling BS, son.

FWIW, I forgive you because I forgive all wackadoodles as being sick, not rational.

Maybe one day you will become well enough to be honest about your educational experiences. That would be a good day, Perry. :thup:
No, you didn't Perry. You're up to your usual trolling BS, son.

FWIW, I forgive you because I forgive all wackadoodles as being sick, not rational.

Maybe one day you will become well enough to be honest about your educational experiences. That would be a good day, Perry. :thup:

My rule of thumb is that posters who are known to lie, known to post under different names and accounts, known to create sock Puppets, known to create fictional and shifting biographies, can't be trusted to post in good faith. You never know whether they are lying, or whether or not they are being genuine and forthright.

What's the point of reading posts you don't trust?
My rule of thumb is that posters who are known to lie, known to post under different names and accounts, known to create sock Puppets, known to create fictional and shifting biographies, can't be trusted to post in good faith. You never know whether they are lying, or whether or not they are being genuine and forthright.

What's the point of reading posts you don't trust?

Agreed on all points.

To explore the nature of his illness. https://www.newportinstitute.com/resources/co-occurring-disorders/pathological-liar-signs/
10 Pathological Liar Signs and How to Cope with a Habitual Liar
10 Pathological Liar Signs
How do you recognize a pathological liar? Consistent lying and making up stories are the primary signs of pathological lying. Typical pathological liar signs in young adults include:

  • Embellishing lies with extensive details
  • Telling dramatic and highly unlikely stories
  • Appearing anxious while talking
  • Getting defensive when confronted about a lie
  • Constantly changing their story or being vague when questioned
  • Lying about something even when there’s no reason to
  • Seeming unconcerned with being caught in a lie
  • Feeling a “high” when they get away with lying
  • Passing off a story someone else told as their own
  • Acting in ways that don’t match their words

Pathological liars may lie for a specific reason, or their lying may be more random. And pathological lying is not defined just by the frequency of lies. The distress and danger that lying causes is also significant. For example, a pathological liar may lie about their suicidal tendencies in a therapy session, putting themselves in danger.
Agreed on all points.

To explore the nature of his illness. https://www.newportinstitute.com/resources/co-occurring-disorders/pathological-liar-signs/
10 Pathological Liar Signs and How to Cope with a Habitual Liar

Lying is almost like a disease and I don't want to be around it or exposed to it.

I feel like other posters on this thread, Niftyniblick, you, evince, even BidenPres can be trusted to not create sock puppets and to be forthright and genuine, even if I don't agree
Lying is almost like a disease and I don't want to be around it or exposed to it.

I feel like other posters on this thread, Niftyniblick, you, evince, even BidenPres can be trusted to not create sock puppets and to be forthright and genuine, even if I don't agree
While it's possible to pick up bad habits like pathological lying due to propinquity*, only the weak-minded and/or mentally ill would pick it up from JPP.
IMO, you're safe from contagion. :)

That's the interesting part for me; the personalities that feel a need to create socks to push their POV. Agreed, normal, rational people have no need to create alter-ego personalities.

*Zelda on Dobie Gillis reference. LOL
While it's possible to pick up bad habits like pathological lying due to propinquity*, only the weak-minded and/or mentally ill would pick it up from JPP.
IMO, you're safe from contagion. :)

That's the interesting part for me; the personalities that feel a need to create socks to push their POV. Agreed, normal, rational people have no need to create alter-ego personalities.

*Zelda on Dobie Gillis reference. LOL
I am drawing a blank on this Dobbie Gillis stuff!

I'm not afraid of being infected. I just feel an instinctual need to put distance between myself and pathological liars, in the same way lions and chimpanzees will banish defective individuals from the pack.
I am drawing a blank on this Dobbie Gillis stuff!

I'm not afraid of being infected. I just feel an instinctual need to put distance between myself and pathological liars, in the same way lions and chimpanzees will banish defective individuals from the pack.

It's on FreeVee. Comparing sitcom humor from 1959 with our society 60 years later is interesting. Some things are the same, some are not. One thing that's the same is the parental generation shitting on the teenage generation for being lazy. LOL
We're you even around circa 1959/1960?
It's no huge surprise for many folks around today to not know about Dobie Gillis, Maynard G. Krebs, and the adorable Thalia Menninger.

I was born in the 1960s, and outside of cartoons, my earliest TV memories were Gilligan, Get Smart, McHale's Navy.
No, you didn't Perry. You're up to your usual trolling BS, son.

FWIW, I forgive you because I forgive all wackadoodles as being sick, not rational.

Maybe one day you will become well enough to be honest about your educational experiences. That would be a good day, Perry. :thup:

Why would I need YOUR forgiveness? You are the scum of this board. I needn't get anything from you, you diseased fuck.