Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

The people in the majority of the Bell Curve.

Normality is a behavior that can be normal for an individual (intrapersonal normality) when it is consistent with the most common behavior for that person. Normal is also used to describe individual behavior that conforms to the most common behavior in society (known as conformity). However, normal behavior is often only recognized in contrast to abnormality. In many cases normality is used to make moral judgements, such that normality is seen as good while abnormality is seen as bad,[1] or conversely normality can seen as boring and uninteresting. Someone being seen as normal or not normal can have social ramifications, such as being included, excluded or stigmatized by wider society.

Might want to use the term "modal". That way it doesn't have to be gaussian in distribution.
I would imagine the philosophy of self started with the first human that developed the ability to think logically.

This would have had to form the basis of all rules within a tribe, self preservation, do unto others.

You don't murder me and I don't murder you type of thing because self is important.
People evolved, therefore it was more of a growth thing, not a single person. Chimp troops exhibit cooperative behavior for self-serving reasons since they gain protection from a group. Being born into a troop allows them go grow up with the troop as allies.

Many such skills and traits in the wilderness are survival related.
People evolved, therefore it was more of a growth thing, not a single person. Chimp troops exhibit cooperative behavior for self-serving reasons since they gain protection from a group. Being born into a troop allows them go grow up with the troop as allies.

Many such skills and traits in the wilderness are survival related.

Isn't that what I said?
Do you agree Free Will is part of evolution and appears to be special to humans apart from all over lifeforms on Earth?

IMO, any others that also developed Free Will* were killed off by mankind eons ago. The last ones, AFAIK, were the Neanderthals.


* the reasoning ability to assess and choose options instead of simply reacting, often emotionally, to life's situations.
Do you agree Free Will is part of evolution and appears to be special to humans apart from all over lifeforms on Earth?

IMO, any others that also developed Free Will* were killed off by mankind eons ago. The last ones, AFAIK, were the Neanderthals.

* the reasoning ability to assess and choose options instead of simply reacting, often emotionally, to life's situations.

No I don't.

A loyal dog will put his life at risk to save his master, that is free will.

But we can also look, to the Bible where is says this:

Ecclesiastes 3:19-20
For what happens to the children of man and what happens to the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same spirit, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity. All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return.
No I don't.

A loyal dog will put his life at risk to save his master, that is free will.

But we can also look, to the Bible where is says this:

Ecclesiastes 3:19-20
For what happens to the children of man and what happens to the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same spirit, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity. All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return.
Genetics and training. Not all dog breeds are so loyal or aggressive. Do you really think Fido pauses to think "Should I run or fight? Will he give me a treat if I stay?"? No. The dog just reacts. Kinda like most Alabamans in a bar on Friday night. They don't think. They don't choose among their options. They just react.

Nice quote. Kinda conflicts with the whole "dominion" thing in Genesis. I doubt most Republican industrialists would agree. LOL

Native Americans and other cultures have similar ideas about "oneness" of everything. That doesn't mean dogs or any other critters we know have "free will".
Genetics and training. Not all dog breeds are so loyal or aggressive. Do you really think Fido pauses to think "Should I run or fight? Will he give me a treat if I stay?"? No. The dog just reacts. Kinda like most Alabamans in a bar on Friday night. They don't think. They don't choose among their options. They just react.

Nice quote. Kinda conflicts with the whole "dominion" thing in Genesis. I doubt most Republican industrialists would agree. LOL

Native Americans and other cultures have similar ideas about "oneness" of everything. That doesn't mean dogs or any other critters we know have "free will".

Not all humans have free will either you know.
I don't think that is representative of the 75 million people that voted for him.

Do you?

It's not. It's just the nutjobs and traitors.

The same way a few violent assholes at BLM protests isn't representative of all BLM protesters or Lefties.
Perry loves to be an expert in everything. LOL

^^^^^Doc hates it when anyone so much as even mildly disagrees with something he's said. Because he's deeply insecure.

(Also, Doc, I've already proven time and again I know more about stats than you do, and this is a stats topic...I am sorry if you didn't understand that. You know a REAL psychology major would have had a stats class)
^^^^^Doc hates it when anyone so much as even mildly disagrees with something he's said. Because he's deeply insecure.

(Also, Doc, I've already proven time and again I know more about stats than you do, and this is a stats topic...I am sorry if you didn't understand that. You know a REAL psychology major would have had a stats class)
Disagreed, Perry, but thanks for the analysis. Interesting to see you play Internet Psychologist without a license after all of your bitching and whining about me.

Good for you, Perry! Here's your Gold Star for Internet Stats Champion of the Universe.

It's a forever award so the only way for anyone else to get it is if you are dead or give it up freely. I doubt you are able to do much freely, Perry. Sad.
Disagreed, Perry, but thanks for the analysis.

If you don't see that then you lack personal insight. That's not a good sign. If you were actually trained in psychology you'd see that as a problem.

Interesting to see you play Internet Psychologist without a license after all of your bitching and whining about me.

Because I know more psychology than you do. For instance I know that not all mental illness is severe psychosis. But that's LITERALLY all you ever diagnose people with. I know what the DSM is (and you apparently had to google it and yet didn't even know what it was for).

Meanwhile all you ever provide is assurance you went to junior college to learn psychology.

Good for you, Perry! Here's your Gold Star for Internet Stats Champion of the Universe.

Poor jealous Doc. SHown up YET AGAIN. In a field he should know but doesn't.