Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

Need to move onto a different meme generator. This one is getting boring.

I'm kind of curious how a 68 year old loser with decaying mental faculties is able to find meme and graphics generators like this. Usually senior citizens like yourself aren't that savvy.

Then put me on ignore and live in blissful ignorance, Perry. :thup:

It's absolutely relevant. If there isn't a "you" then what is creating/ filtering thoughts that is the basis of free will? What is it that is able to stand outside your stream of thought and make decisions?

Your brain is making choices and weighing options.

It doesn't require you to have an individual Christian soul, essence, or spirit

But that's just a philosophical opinion.

I'm probably the only one here who has confessed that science doesn't know what creates conciousness from neural cells.
Exactly right.

We are a projection of Brahman or the universal Tao.

I don't think Sidartha Gautama or Confucious were ever saying that we were not self aware beings, or that we were not capable of freely making moral choices

Agreed. Like Jesus preaching about becoming "one with God", I think the Eastern philosophers were pointing out that we are individuals here but also part of something greater than ourselves.

1 Corinthians 12:13
For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.

John 17:21
that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
Why would I put you on ignore? I kind of like seeing a 69 year old loser play on a forum like a kid. Hmmmm...you know most adults don't just go straight to non-stop meme generators, but kids do.

Because you whine about my posts. Do you just like whining, Perry? It seems to be a common trait of your.

I like that you are confused on my age. First I'm 68 and, within minutes, I'm 69. :rofl2:
Need to move onto a different meme generator. This one is getting boring.

I'm kind of curious how a 68 year old loser with decaying mental faculties is able to find meme and graphics generators like this. Usually senior citizens like yourself aren't that savvy.
Your brain is making choices and weighing options.

It doesn't require you to have an individual Christian soul, essence, or spirit

But that's just a philosophical opinion.

I'm probably the only one here who has confessed that science doesn't know what creates conciousness from neural cells.

Going on three weeks of discussion. TBH, I strongly doubt Mode is capable of understanding the point.
Cypress just needed to let everyone know that he's heard of the Mind/Body problem. His post didn't have any actual meaning beyond that. Cypress needs everyone to think he's the smartest, most well-read person on the board.

^^ seething with resentment and grievance.

I would wager that all least half of all the posts you and all your sock puppets and accounts have ever composed are on threads I have authored.

Obviously you find my threads extremely interesting and compelling.
I'm probably the only one here who has confessed that science doesn't know what creates consciousness from neural cells.

I can't confess that, because that would be presuming to know about it, but I'm also pretty sure that science doesn't know that as of now.

In terms of belief, however, I believe that it is a scientific [or natural] phenomenon that we don't yet or may never understand.

Without having any way to know for sure, I don't believe that it's a supernatural thing with no direct cause and effect paradigm.

Many people do, however, and their guess is as good as mine.
Agreed. Like Jesus preaching about becoming "one with God", I think the Eastern philosophers were pointing out that we are individuals here but also part of something greater than ourselves.

1 Corinthians 12:13
For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.

John 17:21
that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

I cannot see the point of Karma or Samsara unless the Hindus and Buddhists believed individual beings were capable of freely making moral choices.
^^ seething with resentment and grievance.

I would wager that all least half of all the posts you and all your sock puppets and accounts have ever composed are on threads I have authored.

Obviously you find my threads extremely interesting and compelling.

Good word. Perry seethes a lot. LOL I suspect personal issues and his seething is a demonstration of displaced aggression.
I cannot see the point of Karma or Samsara unless the Hindus and Buddhists believed individual beings were capable of freely making moral choices.

An excellent point. If we have no choice, how could there be Karma or Samsara? The belief in reincarnation, either advancing or digressing, requires choice.
An excellent point. If we have no choice, how could there be Karma or Samsara? The belief in reincarnation, either advancing or digressing, requires choice.

There was a misguided attempt on this thread to extrapolate the Eastern concept of no-self, to the concept of individual choice. That extrapolation cannot be made.
^^ seething with resentment and grievance.

No, I just know you for what you are.

I would wager that all least half of all the posts you and all your sock puppets and accounts have ever composed are on threads I have authored.

You forgot to tell me you've been on this forum since 2006.

Obviously you find my threads extremely interesting and compelling.

Hey, fuckwit, I already said I do! I said it months and months ago. I don't think YOU are worth much but you do tend to stumble onto topics I find interesting.

I've said this directly to you before. I just wish you were able to discuss things without making it about me all the time.

But I DO find it hilarious that when I turn the tables on you you lose your shit and whine.

But all you EVER do is whine when people don't agree with your surficial understanding of any topic.
There was a misguided attempt on this thread to extrapolate the Eastern concept of no-self, to the concept of individual choice. That extrapolation cannot be made.

I'm not quite following. The Eastern concept, IMO, is pointing out that we are all part of a greater whole and doesn't negate that fact we are each individual living beings. As individual human beings, we have a level of choice, of Free Will. This thread is proof that some people have less free will than others due to, IMO, mental or genetic issues.
No, I just know you for what you are.

You forgot to tell me you've been on this forum since 2006.

Hey, fuckwit, I already said I do! I said it months and months ago. I don't think YOU are worth much but you do tend to stumble onto topics I find interesting.

I've said this directly to you before. I just wish you were able to discuss things without making it about me all the time.

But I DO find it hilarious that when I turn the tables on you you lose your shit and whine.

But all you EVER do is whine when people don't agree with your surficial understanding of any topic.

You are a troll. 99% of your posts are nothing but insults.
Your brain is making choices and weighing options.

It doesn't require you to have an individual Christian soul, essence, or spirit

But that's just a philosophical opinion.

I'm probably the only one here who has confessed that science doesn't know what creates conciousness from neural cells.

You are so smart. Someone like Doc should gin up a fake star meme showing you how much he appreciates your insights.

"Oh God, Cypress, you make me so hot with your intellectualism! We are so alike in that we are both very smart men of letters."

You don't have a choice but to be a douche 24/7
Anyone remember how often Perry whines that others won't stay on topic or have intellectual conversations? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh: