Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

Says the man who ONLY ever insults me. NEVER engages on a point or topic.

I love your lies. They are refreshing to see how grotesque they are.


One day I hope you are honest enough to admit your previous usernames and your mental issues, Perry. For the moment, I think you are bipolar and are probably not a college graduate.
You are obviously mentally ill.
He displays a lot of displaced aggression.

Life must be difficult for him and he likes to play an intellectual online. True intellectuals, meaning anyone who is well read and has an IQ over 100, quickly spot the fraud and he becomes angry.
Nah, but you are scared and unable to address points I raise due to your limited mental capacity. It's not an insult to tell someone with an IQ of 50 that they aren't very smart. It's just the facts.
QED on Perry's displaced aggression. He never discusses, never really ignores but always attacks with insults against any disagreement.
I'm not quite following. The Eastern concept, IMO, is pointing out that we are all part of a greater whole and doesn't negate that fact we are each individual living beings. As individual human beings, we have a level of choice, of Free Will. This thread is proof that some people have less free will than others due to, IMO, mental or genetic issues.

I think that's basically right. The Buddhist concept of impermanence denies that there is a static, lasting psychological or physical self that persists though space and time.

But it doesn't hold that individual humans are slaves without free choice. The Hindu-Buddhist concepts of karma and samsara just don't work without the underlying assumption people have freedom to make moral choices.
I think that's basically right. The Buddhist concept of impermanence denies that there is a static, lasting psychological or physical self that persists though space and time.

But it doesn't hold that individual humans are slaves without free choice. The Hindu-Buddhist concepts of karma and samsara just don't work without the underlying assumption people have freedom to make moral choices.
Agreed normal people are not slaves solely to genetics and experience. That, as we've discussed for several weeks now, normal people have the ability to choose. How much choice we each have is a matter of debate, but still choice, nontheless.
I can't confess that, because that would be presuming to know about it, but I'm also pretty sure that science doesn't know that as of now.

In terms of belief, however, I believe that it is a scientific [or natural] phenomenon that we don't yet or may never understand.

Without having any way to know for sure, I don't believe that it's a supernatural thing with no direct cause and effect paradigm.

Many people do, however, and their guess is as good as mine.

^ A perfectly reasonable position.

Conciousness is a weird thing. There is nothing in a neural cell we can point to and say it's the seed of conciousness. Some people call conciousness an emergent property, but that's just a fancy way of saying we don't know what causes conciousness.

I'm agnostic about it, and do not presume it requires supernatural explanations.

On the other hand, some people think the very reason there are natural and chemical laws is evidence of underlying higher organizing principle of the cosmos. Isaac Newton thought the physical laws were a divine expression of order.
Mental illness, anger management issues, drugs and alcohol are probably the top reasons for lack of self-control on message boards.

BE HONEST fuckwit. I actually came on the other thread with a reasonable point and even a citation. You and Doc turned it into a series of personal attacks.

It was 100% you. Just check the record.

No, I just know you for what you are.

You forgot to tell me you've been on this forum since 2006.

Hey, fuckwit, I already said I do! I said it months and months ago. I don't think YOU are worth much but you do tend to stumble onto topics I find interesting.

I've said this directly to you before. I just wish you were able to discuss things without making it about me all the time.

But I DO find it hilarious that when I turn the tables on you you lose your shit and whine.

But all you EVER do is whine when people don't agree with your surficial understanding of any topic.

That doesn't make any sense.

Not only are more then half the posts you and your sock puppets compose found on threads that I author....you seem to be making it a point to read most of what I write.

You wouldn't be doing that if you thought I was a dimwit, boring, stupid, subpar.

But your predisposition to lie is very consistent with your proclivity to create sock puppets, name changes, alternate accounts.
One day I hope you are honest enough to admit your previous usernames and your mental issues, Perry. For the moment, I think you are bipolar and are probably not a college graduate.

YOU attacked me on the other thread. I came on with a set of perfectly rational points and even a citation to support my position. Once you figured out who I was you just IMMEDIATELY began attacking me rather than addressing the point.
Because Doc and Cypress like it that way.
More proof Perry/Steven/Jack/whomever can't stay on topic even when challenged to do so.

Perry, as Cypress and I have repeatedly discussed, people have free will even if it's limited. You, OTOH, not only disagree, but seem to prove you don't have free will, that you are not in control of yourself. I understand.

Perry, you are free to argue that your life's problems are not your fault, but I disagree for that's the norm. Only the mentally ill and low IQ have that problem.

Good news! I believe, like Sybil, that you have above average intelligence! :thup:
That doesn't make any sense.

Why not?

Not only are more then half the posts you and your sock puppets compose found on threads that I author....you seem to be making it a point to read most of what I write.

If you were honest (I know you can't be) but you will note that on several threads you start I actually DO bring technical content. Take a look back at the "consciousness and free will thread". I made a point but YOU and DOC never responded to it other than to ATTACK ME PERSONALLY.

I know you like to forget how that happened but it happens a LOT. I TRY to engage you on a point. YOU take umbrage that someone is disagreeing with you so you attack. YOU make it personal.

You wouldn't be doing that if you thought I was a dimwit, boring, stupid, subpar.

You confuse the issue. I'm not liking YOU...I'm liking the TOPIC. YOU ARE NOT THE TOPIC.

But your predisposition to lie is very consistent with your proclivity to create sock puppets, name changes, alternate accounts.

Does it matter? YOU didn't engage with my point you just started attacking. Who cares what my "name" is?