Eastern philosophy says the self is an illusion

It's not just me Perry PhD. Other posters have openly wondered why you show so much obsession and envy about me. You would be only the second poster in 17 years.

If you want to scream in fury about what you think my history background is, I can give you a list of the history books and streaming content I have completed in the last ten years. I keep track of it so I don't accidentally repeat anything. Just let me know.

Can I just say it's hilarious to see someone claim "streaming content" as education?
So it sounds like suddenly you don't want to see a list of my history books and audio courses, despite being so previously keen on obsessing and speculating what my background is.

You keep thinking your lists are = your intellect. They are not.


ONLY A MORON thinks buying books and stacking them up = learning. You are one dim bulb.
Did you tell him you were a PhD, Perry?
So it sounds like suddenly you don't want to see a list of my history books and audio courses, despite being so previously keen on obsessing and speculating what my background is.

I know what your "background" is. You are a middle manager somewhere at an auto parts facility. You went to college and thought you were something but you turned out to be a jive old loser like so many people.

But you had all these books...YOU MUST BE SMART. Someone will think you are. SOMEONE will think you are a great intellect if you just SHOW THEM YOUR EXCEL SPREADSHEET.


Yeah, I know you. I know the kind of person you are. You are a dime a dozen.
I know what your "background" is. You are a middle manager somewhere at an auto parts facility. You went to college and thought you were something but you turned out to be a jive old loser like so many people.

But you had all these books...YOU MUST BE SMART. Someone will think you are. SOMEONE will think you are a great intellect if you just SHOW THEM YOUR EXCEL SPREADSHEET.


Yeah, I know you. I know the kind of person you are. You are a dime a dozen.

But you were so very quick to scream in fury at what you assumed was my lack of background in Philosophy, but then became enraged when
you saw my philosophy collection.

Now you seem absolutely allergic to asking me to show my collections in any other academic subject.

Don't bring it up or ask me if you get enraged at seeing my collections.
But you were so very quick to scream in fury at what you assumed was my lack of background in Philosophy, but became you saw my philosophy collection.

BECAUSE YOU DEMONSTRABLY KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT IT. Sure you read a lot...you just don't understand.

Do you get it? That just buying a book does not make you smart.

Now you seem absolutely allergic to asking me to show my collections in any other academic subject.

Don't bring it up or ask me if you get enraged at seeing my collections.

Your collection is a joke, Cypress. In the hands of a smart person it would be admirable. In your hands it is sad. You just wasted SO MUCH MONEY buying stuff or xeroxing stuff you forgot to TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ.

That's why 99% of the threads you start are nothing more than quotes from SOMEONE ELSE. Without comment. Without insight. Without anything.

You are a POSEUR.
BECAUSE YOU DEMONSTRABLY KNOW VERY LITTLE ABOUT IT. Sure you read a lot...you just don't understand.

Do you get it? That just buying a book does not make you smart.

Your collection is a joke, Cypress. In the hands of a smart person it would be admirable. In your hands it is sad. You just wasted SO MUCH MONEY buying stuff or xeroxing stuff you forgot to TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU READ.

That's why 99% of the posts you start are nothing more than quotes from SOMEONE ELSE. Without comment. Without insight. Without anything.

You are a POSEUR.

Still no request to see my background in other academic subjects, as if you are suddenly afraid to ask now
Still no request to see my background in other academic subjects, as if you are suddenly afraid to ask now

I don't think you have a background in academic subjects, you moron. I think you are dumb as a box of hammers.

I've met TONS of people like you! You are a dime a dozen. Fake intellectuals who lard themselves up with books and lists but are dense as a box of neutronium.
I don't think you have a background in academic subjects, you moron. I think you are dumb as a box of hammers.

I've met TONS of people like you! You are a dime a dozen. Fake intellectuals who lard themselves up with books and lists but are dense as a box of neutronium.

If I were stupid uniformed, boring you wouldn't spend 70 percent of your time on this board reading my threads, reading my posts, writing to me, and using the search function to find threads I authored before you even joined here.
If I were stupid uniformed, boring you wouldn't spend 70 percent of your time on this board reading my threads, reading my posts, writing to me, and using the search function to find threads I authored before you even joined here.

For the record I TRIED to discuss topics with you. You decided that argumentum ad hominem was how you wanted to proceed.

I just wanted to see if there was anything even remotely decent about you. I learned quickly you are nothing but a thin-skinned intellectual poseur. You are a joke.

ALSO you fucking moron, just because someone talks about a subject YOU brought up does not mean I am impressed with YOU. I was pursuing the subject you dimbulb.

You really couldn't possibly have gone to college. You belie such stupidity.