Ex-FBI honcho McCabe says intel community members scared of being jailed by Trump, may flee country

Your posts are total asinine but reckless, irresponsible, and foolish BULLSHIT!


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
I have had working papers in 32 different countries, but I am including all the EU countries in that, because the EU gave me the right to work there for 2 years. I could easily get working papers in many, many other countries.

Do you think countries are going to fall all over themselves to let you go to their country and get a job?

bull·shit (bo͝ol′shĭt′)

1. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.

2. Something worthless, deceptive, or insincere.
He claims he was in the Air Force, and lived in foreign countries due to that. There is a huge difference between being in the Air Force, and trying to be a refugee to their country. I doubt he has ever had working papers outside the USA, much less a permanent residency visa.

So hypothetically speaking, you have no reason any country would take you? You speak about me fleeing trump's totalitarianism, but have no idea how you would flee totalitarianism.

By they way, servicemen in a foreign country do not have residency. It would not generally be considered a path towards residency.

Trump says he will seek retribution. That includes rightys who were insufficiently Trumpian. he is a dangerous and disgusting person.


Trump says he will seek to restore equal justice under the law - removing the immunity that high ranking party members currently enjoy.

One law that applies to all scares the fuck out of democrats, as it well should.
That the trial where the crime was never presented was totally legitimate?

After the lynching in the banana republic of New York - I do believe America sees the danger very clearly.
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Yes, if you commit a crime you will pay for doing so just like everyone else who does so. This isn't a new concept. It's how the law works in this country.
It's Biden and the Democrats who are doing this shit-for-brains. God you're one dumb fuck. :palm:

TD projection translator:

It's Trump who is doing this, I have shit-for-brains. God I'm one dumb fuck. :palm:
Lie and lame. But it is amusing watching leftist hypocrites whine about the possibility that Trump might act like Joe Biden. You cannot make up the level of mental retardation Trump hating leftists suffering TDS bloviate about.

The Marxist democrats rightfully fear that the 14th Amendment will be restored. Equal protection under the law is their greatest fear. That they will be prosecuted for that which they persecute others?

Ex-FBI honcho McCabe says intel community members scared of being jailed by Trump, may flee country

Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

"It’s terrifying. It’s frightening," McCabe declared of how some officials view Trump’s possible return to power.

McCabe brought up Trump’s vow to his supporters that he "will be your retribution," and said that this will manifest in "really dismantling and greatly incapacitating the Department of Justice and the FBI."

Collins asked how people in the FBI feel about Trump’s potential retribution, to which McCabe noted that it strikes fear into people in the intelligence community.

He said he was told by former colleagues, including some from the Obama administration, that they've had "torturous discussions with their family members about whether or not they have to leave the country to avoid being unconstitutionally and illegally detained."

"I mean, people are actually worried about being thrown in jail or grabbed in some sort of extrajudicial detention," he said.

The former FBI man acknowledged that though that sounds "crazy," it should be considered a possibility.

McCabe served under former FBI director James Comey during the sprawling federal investigation into alleged Trump-Russia collusion and briefly took over as acting director after Trump fired Comey in 2017. McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in 2018. He later sued, claiming his dismissal was politically motivated, and eventually had his pension restored.

Former FBI special agent and Fox News contributor Nicole Parker weighed in on McCabe's comments, telling Fox News Digital that McCabe seems to be sharing the views of a certain group of FBI agents "who have used and abused their law enforcement authority to push their political or social agendas and have not fairly or equally enforced the law."

She said the rest of the people in the bureau are "hardworking, typically rank-and-file employees who joined the Bureau to protect Americans, uphold the Constitution and equally enforce the law. They have stayed true to their sworn oath. And want nothing to do with cases that seem to be targeting and aggressively investigating only those on one side of the political spectrum."....


McCabe is only afraid because he knows he abused his position. If he had just done his job he would be terrified. He tried to manipulate the electric and he got caught and got fired. Now he is playing political again. This guy isn't very smart.:laugh:

He probably means the 51 asshats said there was nothing on Hunter's laptop and promoted "Russian collusion"?

Yes, if you commit a crime you will pay for doing so just like everyone else who does so.

Only if that "crime" is posing a credible threat to the absolute power of the Stalinist democrat party - in which case the corrupt DOJ will dispatch it's #3 man to lead a lynching to thwart free and fair elections.

This isn't a new concept. It's how the law works in this country.

McCabe fears that Trump will make law once again work like that - so he's fleeing. Equal protection under the law puts all the democrat rulers in peril. democrats have not been subject to laws since before the Clinton years.