FBI refuses to release documents in probe into possible nationwide voter registration

Not from what I see you post

Well....I can't help that posts here are mostly lies originating from the right. Get some leftists posting lies and if I see the lies, I'll be happy to call them out.
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We all know there has never been that many vote before. So how many were fake ballots

We have never had such an asshole as president before. Wait until this election if that dipshit happens to be the nominee. People who never bothered to vote before will be out in force, they don't want a dictator.
He didnf lose 60 times in court dumbass.

No he lost 62 cases and the only one that he won was later overturned so he did lose every fucking one of them.

President Donald Trump and others filed and lost 62 lawsuits contesting election processes, vote counting, and the vote certification process in 9 states (including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) and the District of Columbia. Only one ruling was initially in Trump's favor: the timing within which first-time Pennsylvania voters must provide proper identification if they wanted to “cure” their ballots. This ruling affected very few votes, and it was later overturned by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

It is amazing that there is no evidence whatsoever that Trump won the election, countless republicans admit the claim is bullshit, his own AG said the claim was bullshit yet his entire cult somehow still seems to believe it. There is no difference here between these assholes and the Nazis who swallowed Hitlers propaganda.
Bill Barr sent the FBI to investigate every single stupid fucking conspiracy theory about the election, wasting taxpayer money, and ACTUALLY weaponizing the FBI for political purposes. They found NOTHING. Because there is nothing. Trumps DOJ said there was no voter fraud. Bill Barr said there was no voter fraud. The group hired by Trump to find voter fraud said there was no voter fraud. Secretarys of State said there was no voter fraud. State Legislatures said there was no voter fraud. Trumps White House Lawyer, his daughter, his closest advisors.... ALL OF THEM SAID THERE WAS NO VOTER FRAUD.

Let's believe the lying sack of shit Trump.

This thread is yet another thread started by a trump cult fucking moron.

You look back on history and wonder just how the hell could someone like Hitler have such a following? How could he have possibly convinced so many of his lies? You now look at Trump and the exact same thing is happening. Time after time Trump has been a proven liar and guilty of numerous crimes but that following will just never give up making excuses and worshipping the guy. I think most of them know damn well what a criminal he is they simply cannot admit they were wrong.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, dude. You are just mindlessly chanting what your oligarchy leaders have told you to chant.

You cannot just claim there was evidence where none exists. why would his own AG claim there was no evidence and the election was clean if it weren't. How could you have this "evidence" yet he does not? You are a fucking liar and everyone here knows it.
Blatant lies. You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Nordbutt. Recounting the same fake ballots means nothing. Trump didn't file 60 court cases. Seven States never even chose their electors!

There was no evidence of election fraud. It wasn't 60 court cases it was 62 and he lost every fucking one of them. How come they didn't see your "evidence"?
Blatant lie.

Arizona never determined their electors in 2020. The election faulted there.
It faulted AGAIN in the 2022 governor election. Both were due to election fraud by Democrats.

You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear.

The only election fraud in the 2020 election was perpetrated by trump and he is currently facing numerous felonies for doing so.
There was no evidence of election fraud. It wasn't 60 court cases it was 62 and he lost every fucking one of them. How come they didn't see your "evidence"?

Technically, none of the court cases were about fraud. The court cases were attempts by Trump & Co to nullify legally cast votes so he could steal the election from Biden.
Nullifying legally cast votes is fraudulent.

If the courts had ruled in his favor on any of the cases, I wouldn't consider that to be fraudulent. Several states ended up ruling that the changes made during COVID actually were illegal, so he was right. He just raised the issue too late.
You look back on history and wonder just how the hell could someone like Hitler have such a following? How could he have possibly convinced so many of his lies? You now look at Trump and the exact same thing is happening. Time after time Trump has been a proven liar and guilty of numerous crimes but that following will just never give up making excuses and worshipping the guy. I think most of them know damn well what a criminal he is they simply cannot admit they were wrong.

Last time, sane people convinced Trump not to declare martial law and seize voting machines. Those sane people will no longer be there. Mike Flynn, Steven Miller, Steve Bannon and Roger Stone are going to be calling the shots. And apparently, more than half the country is completely oblivious to this threat.. Maybe some people need to pick up a history book. Good grief.

Yes, they know he is a criminal, but he's THEIR criminal. He will attack and destroy their opponents. He will demagogue the minorities they hate. So they don't care. It's frightening. I don't see us getting through this without bloodshed.
If the courts has ruled in his favor on any of the cases, I wouldn't consider that to be fraudulent. Several states ended up ruling that the changes made during COVID actually were illegal, so he was right. He just raised the issue too late.

And if he had won, he would never have raised the issue. But you can't change the rules AFTER the game has been played.
And if he had won, he would never have raised the issue. But you can't change the rules AFTER the game has been played.

Right. Total sour grapes. It's highly doubtful, even if they had ruled in his favor, that legally cast votes would be nullified any way. THAT would be a real reason to riot.
Right. Total sour grapes. It's highly doubtful, even if they had ruled in his favor, that legally cast votes would be nullified any way. THAT would be a real reason to riot.

You can't tell people to vote by mail and then invalidate the votes after the fact. But Trump and his cult would have been more than happy to do that. In fact, they are still whining about the failure of THEIR people in those states to disenfranchise millions.
You cannot just claim there was evidence where none exists. why would his own AG claim there was no evidence and the election was clean if it weren't. How could you have this "evidence" yet he does not? You are a fucking liar and everyone here knows it.

Argument of the Stone fallacy. I have already shown you some of the evidence, ya dumb dog.