Feminists like Darla Get Their Way: Kennedy Annointed Choice, Like it or not

You don't think Obama's answers were canned? Have you watched a politician speak before?

Sure some of them were canned, clearly, but not all of them. The difference was that Obama achually knew enough to answer the question asked. Palin basically said, I dont know the answer to that question... Ill answer what I hoped you would ask.
You make little sense. You say you are a horrid speller, continue to display just that and now you want to pretend you have improved?

Sorry Alice, that just won't cut it.

I never said I have been successfull at improving it. Show me where I ever said that!
I don't know if I'll get back here between now and Christmas, I am so busy. So if not, Merry Holidays to all you guys, even you Cawacko, though you are still going to get the treatment if I ever finish my "why men are assholes or pigs, or both" book. Which is a lot funnier than it sounds. I am a well-known wit.

See you guys.

Merry Christmas to you as well Darla and if you are using me in your book you may quote the gal I had a date with two weeks ago who said (and I swear not making this up) that I was 'quite the gentleman'. Put that in the book!
Merry Christmas to you as well Darla and if you are using me in your book you may quote the gal I had a date with two weeks ago who said (and I swear not making this up) that I was 'quite the gentleman'. Put that in the book!

Your sarcasm detector must be busted.
Merry Christmas to you as well Darla and if you are using me in your book you may quote the gal I had a date with two weeks ago who said (and I swear not making this up) that I was 'quite the gentleman'. Put that in the book!

Ouch, so you dident get any?
Oh, he's appointed many sordid characters. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to do on your own to figure out the details.

Where's Waldo, Bitch?

You are the one who said he appointed neocons... Who, I am sure you have someone, you can do it... come on back up your claims. I am sure you would never just go off half cocked and make a claim that was not true! Just name a neocon he has appointed to any position... Just one, come on...!
You are the one who said he appointed neocons... Who, I am sure you have someone, you can do it... come on back up your claims. I am sure you would never just go off half cocked and make a claim that was not true! Just name a neocon he has appointed to any position... Just one, come on...!

They're all neocons, like obama himself. Haven';t you figured out his HOPE crap was a bunch of lies?
They're all neocons, like obama himself. Haven';t you figured out his HOPE crap was a bunch of lies?

Ohh, Now I see, I understand, you dont even know what a 'neocon' is. You just use it as a term to describe people you dont like.
Originally Posted by leaningright
So this is my point. How do you know that she is "unintelegent or uninformed" (I copied and pasted that verbatim) without a preconceived notion of how she would be?

I think people on both sides of the aisle tried to paint Mrs. Palin as some sort of "hick or hillbilly" because she:

1. Was devoutly religious
2. Took her husbands last name (How could any self respecting, professional woman do that?)
3. Was from Alaska
4. Stated clearly what McCain could not state while campaigning - I am pro-life, pro-Second ammendment, We need to drill, etc. (she didn't leave any gray areas)

It's not a new game. It is done all the time in politics. The right tried to paint Bill Clinton into being worse than he was the whole time he was running and in office. You take a statement or an account, blow it out of proportion and keep hammering. It works with those who are already on your side and Viola! The person is an idiot or whatever.

I personally did not belive she was "unintelegent or uninformed" untill I saw her interview with Charley Gibson. Even then, I said, well anyone can give a bad interview. Then however when I saw the katie Couric interview, I started to believe she really is "unintelegent or uninformed". When I watched her in the debate only giveing prepared canned answers... I felt pretty sure she was "unintelegent or uninformed"!

I knew she was all the things you mentioned, before I beleved she was "unintelegent or uninformed"!

Ohh, Now I see, I understand, you dont even know what a 'neocon' is. You just use it as a term to describe people you dont like.

No. It's means globalization (internationalist fascism) and war are your main priorities. Obama has shown no sign of veering from this fascist path.
No. It's means globalization (internationalist fascism) and war are your main priorities. Obama has shown no sign of veering from this fascist path.

I dont see it that way, and I dont belive fascism and war are Obama's main priorities.