Feminists like Darla Get Their Way: Kennedy Annointed Choice, Like it or not

No, I knew she could not name a single supreme court case. I knew she made very incoherent statements in numerous interviews. I knew she never made a speech about anything without merely using folksey sayings that basically ment nuthing.

I heard her try to discuss things that were clearly above her head.

I heard her say she had no idea what the VP did. I heard her discuss her forign policy credentals by explaining that Putin flew over Alaskan Air Space. I saw all of this on the news, not SNL.

And Obama was so information packed with abstract promises of hope?

You didn't know hope meant putting neocons in charge like usual. You should be more curious.

Intellectual laziness is the sign of extreme stupidity.
And Obama was so information packed with abstract promises of hope?

You didn't know hope meant putting neocons in charge like usual. You should be more curious.

Intellectual laziness is the sign of extreme stupidity.

I heard President Obama give many detailed explinations of how to fix several of the crisises we are facing, I was often impressed with his knoledge on many many subjects during the campaign.

I know of no neocons he has put in charge of anything.
Depends on what you mean by that. If I know someone to be very intelegent an they say something stupid, I would usually think, oh, they just mispoke.

If I know someone to be unintelegent or uninformed about a subject, then they say something stupid, I would likely be more likely to belive they truely belived or thought what they said.

So this is my point. How do you know that she is "unintelegent or uninformed" (I copied and pasted that verbatim) without a preconceived notion of how she would be?

I think people on both sides of the aisle tried to paint Mrs. Palin as some sort of "hick or hillbilly" because she:

1. Was devoutly religious
2. Took her husbands last name (How could any self respecting, professional woman do that?)
3. Was from Alaska
4. Stated clearly what McCain could not state while campaigning - I am pro-life, pro-Second ammendment, We need to drill, etc. (she didn't leave any gray areas)

It's not a new game. It is done all the time in politics. The right tried to paint Bill Clinton into being worse than he was the whole time he was running and in office. You take a statement or an account, blow it out of proportion and keep hammering. It works with those who are already on your side and Viola! The person is an idiot or whatever.
I don't know if I'll get back here between now and Christmas, I am so busy. So if not, Merry Holidays to all you guys, even you Cawacko, though you are still going to get the treatment if I ever finish my "why men are assholes or pigs, or both" book. Which is a lot funnier than it sounds. I am a well-known wit.

See you guys.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
You're brain-dead, and I don't think you can correct that, but it doesn't matter because you're a moron anyway.

aww... what does lil Oncelor have his panties in a bunch about now?

The earth still cooling?

That science does indeed dictate when life begins?

That your sister turned out to also be your mom?
I heard President Obama give many detailed explinations of how to fix several of the crisises we are facing, I was often impressed with his knoledge on many many subjects during the campaign.

I know of no neocons he has put in charge of anything.

That's because you're an ignorant dumbass.
I would say Kennedy is more qualified to be a Senator than Palin was to be a VP.

Palin did not even understand that Africa was not a single nation.
Only a person who believes she said that she could see Russia from her house would believe this.... (BTW sidenoted trivia - She didn't say it, but who did?)
So this is my point. How do you know that she is "unintelegent or uninformed" (I copied and pasted that verbatim) without a preconceived notion of how she would be?

I think people on both sides of the aisle tried to paint Mrs. Palin as some sort of "hick or hillbilly" because she:

1. Was devoutly religious
2. Took her husbands last name (How could any self respecting, professional woman do that?)
3. Was from Alaska
4. Stated clearly what McCain could not state while campaigning - I am pro-life, pro-Second ammendment, We need to drill, etc. (she didn't leave any gray areas)

It's not a new game. It is done all the time in politics. The right tried to paint Bill Clinton into being worse than he was the whole time he was running and in office. You take a statement or an account, blow it out of proportion and keep hammering. It works with those who are already on your side and Viola! The person is an idiot or whatever.

I personally did not belive she was "unintelegent or uninformed" untill I saw her interview with Charley Gibson. Even then, I said, well anyone can give a bad interview. Then however when I saw the katie Couric interview, I started to believe she really is "unintelegent or uninformed". When I watched her in the debate only giveing prepared canned answers... I felt pretty sure she was "unintelegent or uninformed"!

I knew she was all the things you mentioned, before I beleved she was "unintelegent or uninformed"!
I personally did not belive she was "unintelegent or uninformed" untill I saw her interview with Charley Gibson. Even then, I said, well anyone can give a bad interview. Then however when I saw the katie Couric interview, I started to believe she really is "unintelegent or uninformed". When I watched her in the debate only giveing prepared canned answers... I felt pretty sure she was "unintelegent or uninformed"!

I knew she was all the things you mentioned, before I beleved she was "unintelegent or uninformed"!

You don't think Obama's answers were canned? Have you watched a politician speak before?
You don't think Obama's answers were canned? Have you watched a politician speak before?

No no no... they were all eloquent works of art.... describing in vast detail all the things people wanted to hear... I mean all the things he would do when in office... I mean all the things he would say to get elected and then ignore once in office.

Well something like that anyway