Firing into Civilians - Israel isn't going after Hamas

I never expressed that position. Never let it be said that you have any sense of logic.

That's exactly what you're saying. Israel is defending itself against a group of people who want to kill every Jew on the planet. Not combatants but EVERY Jew. Don't like it? I don't give a shit.
I never expressed that position.
That's exactly what you're saying.
Full stop. I'm the only one who speaks for me. You do not get to assign to me bogus positions that I do not hold.

Israel is defending itself against a group of people ...
Nope. We've been over this. Israel is not doing anything to defend itself against Iran. Not a single thing. It's as though they don't care whatsoever about having been attacked. Israel is simply not responding to the latest attack by the Ayatollah.

The Israeli military, however, perhaps to keep from being bored, is slaughtering civilians and committing war crime atrocites against people who never attacked Israel. Of course, whenever this is pointed out, you are lightning-fast to scream "Stop your whining! They're just animals."

Don't like it? I don't give a shit.
I realize this. You have no morals. You have no conscience. You are fine with the Fourth Reich committing genocide against civilians you HATE because you are a racist shit.
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No difference between Hitler's and my rants?

My problem is with Hamas, not the Palestinian people.
Incorrect. The Israeli military is killing Palestinian civilians, and you applaud it. Israel is not attacking Iran (the State responsible for the attack on Israel) but is killing Palestinian civilians (close to 5,000 men, women and children who were alive and well a month ago), and you have made quite a number of lame rationalizations to justify and excuse Israeli war crimes. I didn't read anything from you saying so much as "Israel shouldn't be launching air strikes into civilian populations." If Hamas launches air strikes into civilian populations, you quite correctly decry that as terrorism. If Israel exhibits the same terrorist behavior against civilians, you cheer them on.

That is shitty.

Your accusation of me being Hitler is lunacy.
You support genocide. I would ask you to stop your support for that. Be a leader and demand that Israel be held responsible for any and all war crimes committed.

Where have I said this about the Palestinians in general?
The Israeli military is currently slaughtering Palestinian civilians. You insist that this needs to happen. I claim that the Israeli military can hunt down Hamas terrorists without sending air strikes into civilian populations on the off chance they might kill some of the bad guys. I claim that Israel could actually protect the Palestinian civilians instead of eradicating them.

My position hasn't changed either. Firing rockets into a crowd of music festival participants isn't killing innocent human beings who have committed no crime?
You correctly identify the striking of the music festival as terrorism, only because it was Hamas who fired the rockets. However, when Israel does the same thing and fires rockets into a church housing sheltering Palestinian civilians, you get that answer wrong on the exam. You don't identify it as the equivalent atrocity that it is; instead, you try to justify it because it was done by Israel.

So, I am a shitty Nazi?
Yes, for the reasons stated.

So I would ask you to abandon your double standard and to demand that all people be held accountable for the people they kill.
Full stop. I'm the only one who speaks for me. You do not get to assign to me bogus positions that I do not hold.

Nope. We've been over this. Israel is not doing anything to defend itself against Iran. Not a single thing. It's as though they don't care whatsoever about having been attacked. Israel is simply not responding to the latest attack by the Ayatollah.

The Israeli military, however, perhaps to keep from being bored, is slaughtering civilians and committing war crime atrocites against people who never attacked Israel. Of course, whenever this is pointed out, you are lightning-fast to scream "Stop your whining! They're just animals."

I realize this. You have no morals. You have no conscience. You are fine with the Fourth Reich committing genocide against civilians you HATE because you are a racist shit.

Stop whining. As long as Hamas seeks the annihilation of all Jews then Jews are completely justified in doing what they believe is necessary to survive. I know people like you would just prefer that Jews shut their mouths and walk quietly to the ovens.
Stop whining. As long as Hamas seeks the annihilation of all Jews then Jews are completely justified in doing what they believe is necessary to survive. I know people like you would just prefer that Jews shut their mouths and walk quietly to the ovens.

THis is a very inaccurate portrayal, I must say.

Can any Israel sympathizer explain why the Palestinians should not view Israel as their enemy?

How many times has Israel invaded their country and destroyed their homes, and in the process, killed many thousands of women and children Palestinians, and displaced millions of Palestinians in the last 70 years?

People should take a closer look!


Every time the Israelis over-react to some terrorist act, that the Palestinian general population did not even have anything to do with, and kills thousands of innocent people, destroying their homes, families, and means of survival- It ONLY CREATES MORE HATRED TOWARDS THEM BY THE PALESTINIANS.

I can certainly see the Palestinians point of view here.

I am neither Anti-Semitic or Anti-Palestine, but I will never justify the way that Israel justifies their SCORCHED EARTH Genocidal Retaliatory actions, that is just as much TERRORISM as anything the HAMAS has ever done to them.

I do not justify Terrorism or Genocide by anyone! ISRAEL INCLUDED!

Here is the deal, if you harm me or my family, I will do you harm back, BUT I WILL NOT KILL YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY and all of your countrymen, or Destroy YOUR ENTIRE COUNTRY OVER IT!

All that would do is set me up for more retaliation by you!

And that is all the Israelis are doing right now, and what they have always done.

Give the Israelis an inch- AND THEY WILL TAKE A MILE!
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Israel refusing to pursue peace with the Palestinians, and actually with their promotion of Hamas and steadily taking over the West Bank sabotaging peace , might just lead to the Jews leaving Israel. I am seeing such reports, taking a lot of casualties in Gaza would only promote this.
The Israeli military ... is slaughtering civilians and committing war crime atrocities against people who never attacked Israel. Of course, whenever this is pointed out, you are lightning-fast to scream "Stop your whining! They're just animals."
Stop whining. As long as [other people and not Palestinian civilians] seek the annihilation of all Jews, then Jews are completely justified in [committing any atrocities their racist hearts desire].
Your position is crystal clear. People like you would just prefer that Palestinian civilians shut their mouths and walk quietly to the ovens. I do not subscribe to your Nazi mindset.

Incorrect. The Israeli military is killing Palestinian civilians, and you applaud it. Israel is not attacking Iran (the State responsible for the attack on Israel) but is killing Palestinian civilians (close to 5,000 men, women and children who were alive and well a month ago), and you have made quite a number of lame rationalizations to justify and excuse Israeli war crimes. I didn't read anything from you saying so much as "Israel shouldn't be launching air strikes into civilian populations." If Hamas launches air strikes into civilian populations, you quite correctly decry that as terrorism. If Israel exhibits the same terrorist behavior against civilians, you cheer them on.

That is shitty.

You support genocide. I would ask you to stop your support for that. Be a leader and demand that Israel be held responsible for any and all war crimes committed.

The Israeli military is currently slaughtering Palestinian civilians. You insist that this needs to happen. I claim that the Israeli military can hunt down Hamas terrorists without sending air strikes into civilian populations on the off chance they might kill some of the bad guys. I claim that Israel could actually protect the Palestinian civilians instead of eradicating them.

You correctly identify the striking of the music festival as terrorism, only because it was Hamas who fired the rockets. However, when Israel does the same thing and fires rockets into a church housing sheltering Palestinian civilians, you get that answer wrong on the exam. You don't identify it as the equivalent atrocity that it is; instead, you try to justify it because it was done by Israel.

Yes, for the reasons stated.

So I would ask you to abandon your double standard and to demand that all people be held accountable for the people they kill.

Your pathetic accusations of me being Hitler fall on deaf ears. I have no interest in baking millions of people.

When you start a war, expect casualties. Hamas started this war and took hostages. Kill them all.
Can any Israel sympathizer explain why the Palestinians should not view Israel as their enemy?

How many times has Israel invaded their country and destroyed their homes, and in the process, killed many thousands of women and children Palestinians, and displaced millions of Palestinians in the last 70 years?

People should take a closer look!


Every time the Israelis over-react to some terrorist act, that the Palestinian general population did not even have anything to do with, and kills thousands of innocent people, destroying their homes, families, and means of survival- It ONLY CREATES MORE HATRED TOWARDS THEM BY THE PALESTINIANS.

I can certainly see the Palestinians point of view here.

I am neither Anti-Semitic or Anti-Palestine, but I will never justify the way that Israel justifies their SCORCHED EARTH Genocidal Retaliatory actions, that is just as much TERRORISM as anything the HAMAS has ever done to them.

I do not justify Terrorism or Genocide by anyone! ISRAEL INCLUDED!

Here is the deal, if you harm me or my family, I will do you harm back, BUT I WILL NOT KILL YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY and all of your countrymen, or Destroy YOUR ENTIRE COUNTRY OVER IT!

All that would do is set me up for more retaliation by you!

And that is all the Israelis are doing right now, and what they have always done.

Give the Israelis an inch- AND THEY WILL TAKE A MILE!

What is your view of taking hostages?
What is your view of taking hostages?

I can't speak for Geeko, but I view it as the act of desperate people. However, let's not forget that Israel has 10,000 Palestinian prisoners, and there's certainly evidence that they are treated poorly:

Israel Has 10,000 Palestinian Prisoners and Faces Allegations of Rampant Abuse |

Let's read a little from the article, shall we?

While Israel has long been accused of abusing and torturing Palestinian prisoners while targeting activists and peaceful members of civil society for arrest, the number of Palestinians caged in Israel’s sprawling network of prisons and detention camps has nearly doubled since Israel began its bloody bombing campaign of Gaza in retaliation for the October 7 cross-border attack by Hamas and other militants.

Qaddoura Fares, director of the Palestine Prisoners’ Authority, says prisoners’ rights groups were initially hesitant to report abuses in Israeli prisons to the media for fear of further retaliation against those inside, but the “crimes committed against prisoners” must be revealed to the international community as Israel conducts a campaign of mass arrest and incarceration in the occupied territories.

“Prisoners are subjected to starvation and thirst, and they are prevented from accessing and obtaining medicine, specifically medicines for male and female prisoners suffering from chronic diseases that require and need regular medication,” Fares said in a press conference this week. “Secondly, the matter developed further when the prison administration cut off water and electricity to the prisoners.”


So, what do you say about these terrible actions by the Israelies?
Israel has not hidden what they are doing. They said they are going after Hamas with the military and they know they are in tunnels with the hostages. So they spent 3 weeks blowing up Palestinian men, women and children. They are blowing up their homes and destroying the infrastructure. Expecting the people to accept that without complaint is ridiculous. They are creating a new generation of Palestinians who will never forgive Israel. Israel is not trying to achieve peace.
Israel has ruthlessly dominated Palestinians for decades. If they want real peace, they will make them an offer of better conditions, more freedoms and self-governance. All they are offering is death and destruction.
Norway: Israel is now breaking the rules of war

Top Norwegian politicians on both the right and left sharpened their tone towards Israel on Saturday, deploring its ongoing attacks on Gaza and its civilian population. As demonstrations against the attacks took place around Norway, Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide said Israel is “going too far,” while the Conservatives’ leader of the foreign affairs and defense committee in Parliament, Ine Eriksen Søreide, thinks Israel is now breaking the rules of war.
“These rules are being broken now,” Søreide said, “and (Israel’s) massive blockade of Gaza, which is hindering humanitarian aid, is a violation of the rule of law.” Eide fully agrees, stressing that there’s “a clear line between the military and civilians in a war.”

“The situation (in Gaza) is catastrophic,” Eide told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) Saturday afternoon, “and that applies for everyone, unfortunately also the Norwegian citizens who are there.”

“I’m deepy worried that the conflict will spread to the West Bank and then possibly to Lebanon and farther in the region,” Eide told news bureau NTB. “This is extremely serious, and there’s all reason for us, the EU, Arab countries, the US and everyone else interested in building solid international support for a lasting solution. We need to discuss what’s needed to revive and restart a real peace process.”

Thousands of Norwegians, meanwhile, demonstrated all over the country for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
What is your view of taking hostages?

The Palestinian people took no hostages. It was Hamas who had slipped out long ago. Some are in the tunnels. Israel is just bombing civilians to satisfy the blood thirst of the Israeli military and right-wingers.
Your pathetic accusations of me being Hitler fall on deaf ears.
Of course they do. You have no morals. You have no conscience. You wouldn't listen to a Palestinian begging for mercy if you were paid to do so. It would all fall on deaf ears. I totally get it. Say no more, say no more.

I have no interest in baking millions of people.
Of course not. The Israelis are doing it for you, free of charge.

When you start a war, expect casualties.
That's exactly what Hitler said. "Hey, Jews, I started a major war and you have to be some of the casualties."

Hamas started this war and took hostages.
Nope. Hitler didn't pay attention either. The Israelis unilaterally initiated their war against Palestinian civilians, counting on support from people like you to chime in with a "kill them all."

Kill them all.
... and you don't disappoint.

The Ayatollah of Iran attacked Israel, not Palestinian civilians. Israelis are killing thousands of Palestinian civilians, not the Ayatollah of Iran. Your position is absurd on its face.
However, let's not forget that Israel has 10,000 Palestinian prisoners,
Let's be fair. Are those prisoners in prison for having committed crimes? Did they receive a trial in which evidence was presented?

While Israel has long been accused of abusing and torturing Palestinian prisoners while targeting activists and peaceful members of civil society for arrest, the number of Palestinians caged in Israel’s sprawling network of prisons and detention camps has nearly doubled since Israel began its bloody bombing campaign of Gaza in retaliation for the October 7 cross-border attack by Hamas and other militants.
I would focus on the reason for the detention. Regarding torture, sadly the left has rendered that word meaningless, so it is necessarily ignored when read in any articles or heard in political rhetoric.

“Prisoners are subjected to starvation and thirst, and they are prevented from accessing and obtaining medicine, specifically medicines for male and female prisoners suffering from chronic diseases that require and need regular medication,”
Sadly, nothing in the Israeli Constitution outlaws torture or any kind of cruel and unusual punishment. The Israeli Constitution provides for the Israeli military to commit any sort of atrocities they wish as long as there are Israelis who will declare them "necessary for the defense of the state and public security" (see below).

So, what do you say about these terrible actions by the Israelies?
So yes, Israel is clearly committing war crimes that Israelis view as perfectly moral decisions per their Constitution, and of course, that are legal as well.

Israeli Constitution - 40. Declaration of war
The state may only begin a war pursuant to a Government decision.
Nothing in the provisions of this section will prevent the adoption of military actions necessary for the defense of the state and public security.
Israel has not hidden what they are doing. They said they are going after Hamas with the military and they know they are in tunnels with the hostages. So they spent 3 weeks blowing up Palestinian men, women and children. They are blowing up their homes and destroying the infrastructure. Expecting the people to accept that without complaint is ridiculous. They are creating a new generation of Palestinians who will never forgive Israel. Israel is not trying to achieve peace.
Israel has ruthlessly dominated Palestinians for decades. If they want real peace, they will make them an offer of better conditions, more freedoms and self-governance. All they are offering is death and destruction.

Israel already tried that. The result was more rockets launched into Israel by Hamas, and an invasion by Hamas into Israel.
Israel already tried that. The result was more rockets launched into Israel by Hamas, and an invasion by Hamas into Israel.
That was not the result. The Ayatollah is attacking Israel, not Palestinians in Gaza. Israel existing is what caused the Ayatollah to fire more rockets into Israel. I don't see the Ayatollah having any deterrent to attacking Israel if every time he attacks Israel, Israel wages war in Gaza. Am I the only one who recognizes just how brain-dead stupid this is? Anyway, the Ayatollah attacked Israel and today there are many dead Palestinians in Gaza.

If you peruse this thread, you'll see extraordinary efforts to portray the Palestinians as the Ayatollah of Iran. One thing that is undeniable is that Israel is not attacking Iran, and that among the dead Palestinians (who never attacked Israel) are many who never voted for Hamas. Israel is indiscriminate in their killing because Palestinians all look alike to them.

I can't approve of warfare waged in this manner.