Florida is a MOE race? Wow.

I have told you TWICE. Protection of eggs or not is the States job. If enough choose either way they can pass a Constitutional Amendment.
No they cannot. Goddamn you are a dunce. Let me explain it to you very simply. If your position is that a fertilized egg is a full human being, then that egg is entitled to due process, and any state statute that allows the egg to be aborted without due process would be unconstitutional. So IVF is unconstitutional according to you. Exceptions for rape and incest or for the life of the mother are unconstitutional. That is a fact, unless you concede that a fertilized egg is not a human being. So you have boxed yourself into a corner from which you cannot escape. Checkmate.
Fortunately your belief has no impact on my life. I am still your superior in every way possible. I see you went full grammar nazi this morning. Keep up the good work.
Most of those pEarl hates and fears are superior to him in every way. That's why he hates and fears us.

That thread was a nice illustration of racism and exposure of our JPP racists, wasn't it? As Cypress pointed out, MAGAT constantly bleat about how they respect and like LEGAL immigrants. Until they don't -- because they came from a country they don't approve of, mostly for its poverty and the race of its people.
Explain how you know or why it matters.

Explain how you know or why it matters.
Because he posted a specific care plan for Covid. Which is unethical if he was actually a doctor, and illegal if he isn't. Which is the case. He also claimed to be treating his sister-in-law, which again is an ethical violation. And he didn't know how to spell HIPAA.

He won't answer for that, because I suspect he was reprimanded for doing so.
Because he posted a specific care plan for Covid. Which is unethical if he was actually a doctor, and illegal if he isn't.
Are you a doctor? Explain to me in detail how you are able to second-guess a doctor's specific care plan. Explain why you are the determinant of what is ethical. I don't recall recognizing you as any authority; why should I or any rational adult accept you as such?

Which is the case. He also claimed to be treating his sister-in-law, which again is an ethical violation.
You just blew it. There is no such problem treating a sister-in-law.

And he didn't know how to spell HIPAA.
Well of course that certainly proves your case without a doubt.

He won't answer for that, because I suspect he was reprimanded for doing so.
... which is your admission that you recognize him as a doctor, rendering your entire post moot.
So you are also then of the opinion that no exceptions can be made. Is that where you stand?
I'm so glad you asked that question. Let's you and I answer your question.

Should contract killings of living humans who are products of rape or incest be legal?