Florida is a MOE race? Wow.

False. Science is not a monolithic entity. Science does not make legal judgements. Science publishes results. A recently fertilized egg is known by the scientific term 'zygote'. To suggest otherwise is idiotic. Well, it is you after all. Do you know anything at all, Earl?
Wrong, pendejo.

Science, proven science, is used as evidentiary content in trials every day in America,

Science is used to prove from which gun that a bullet was fired.

You are failing again, just as you failed miserably yesterday.

You did prove that you are a braggart yesterday.
A baby is a human being at any stage... You have children... When did
you first recognize them as your children? Did you wait until they were born?
All babies are human. Not all humans are babies. Now you want to talk about the word "children" instead of babies?
My children were babies the moment they were born, before that they were fetuses.
So you did not recognize them until they were born... You had fetus showers... Because they weren't born yet... To have a baby shower you Would have to wait until they were born.. they were born... If a woman miscarries Are you going to console her for the loss of her fetus?