

they are pack animals

shunning them from the Den ( your house ) is a punishment to them

its bad enough in warm places like so cal

its EVIL in cold places
then don't get one and TRAP it in your back yard

I have had several. Some prefer outside some prefer inside. If you actually paid attention to your dog beyond matching its outfit with your purse, you would know that different animals have different preferences.
I have had several. Some prefer outside some prefer inside. If you actually paid attention to your dog beyond matching its outfit with your purse, you would know that different animals have different preferences.

I don't carry a purse

my dogs don't wear outfits

my dogs are happy and comfortable

yours think you don't like them and are cold and miserable

Why outdoor dogs are less than happy
Dog Behavior
We’ve all experienced it, and in many neighborhoods you can hear more than one: the continuous, barking of a dog ignored and left in the backyard. Does he want out? Does he want food? It’s likely he just wants to be a part of his family. It’s unfortunate, but it happens. Some dog-owners think the best place for their dogs is outside, all the time.
Reasons vary, but in our opinion none of them are really all that good. Some dogs are left outside because they shed and their owners want to keep their houses clean. Other dogs are locked out because of destructive behavior or other bad behavior. And yet other dogs are left out in the cold because someone in the household is allergic to them.

Sadly, often dogs are left outside by dog-owners that aren’t putting enough effort into their pets. Whether they’re unwilling or unable to train and socialize their dogs, or whether they have unrealistic expectations of their dog’s behavior, some people find it easier to just keep their dogs outside.

But leaving a dog in the backyard can lead to a number of bad habits in dogs that might force the owner to want to give the dog away. Endless barking, destructive digging, chewing offurniture, hoses, sprinklers, and shrubs are some possibilities. Some dogs left outside extensively become aggressive or hostile.

Our take?
Dogs are pack animals, and once they are welcomed into a family, humans become their pack.
We urge all pet-owners and would-be pet-owners to choose a dog that’s right for their lifestyle and can fit into their “pack.” If you want your house to be spick and span, for example, it’s not a good idea to get a German Shepherd or other dog that sheds heavily. If you don’t have time to train and exercise a big, energetic dog, look for a smaller, mellower breed. Most of all, if you’re not willing to welcome a dog into your family with open arms and open doors, it’s probably best to consider another pet. It’s not fair to the dog, and it’s not fair for you.

After all, we love dogs most of all for their companionship. You’re not going to get much joy out of a dog that spends all its time away from you.

If you currently have a dog that you’ve been keeping outside because of behavior problems, talk to your veterinarian or a behavioralist. If you’re keeping a dog outside because a member of your household is allergic, talk with an allergist. The best and happiest dogs are dogs that are a part of family.
I don't carry a purse

my dogs don't wear outfits

my dogs are happy and comfortable

yours think you don't like them and are cold and miserable

My dogs are asleep on the sofa. If they preferred to live outside, they would. It is up to them. I have had dogs that absolutely hated being inside, so they didn't live there.
I LOVE my dogs

I got them to share love with

they can go outside any damned time they want to


they can come inside any damned time they want to
My dogs are asleep on the sofa. If they preferred to live outside, they would. It is up to them. I have had dogs that absolutely hated being inside, so they didn't live there.

if they have a dog door they get to decide huh

telling people its OK to lock a dog in the back yard is not teaching people how to have a dog
I always have a dog door when I have dogs

I have never had a dog that stayed out all the time by choice

if they have a dog door they get to decide huh

telling people its OK to lock a dog in the back yard is not teaching people how to have a dog

Dog doors are for urban idiots. If I had one, my house would be filled with raccoons and opossums. My dogs tell me when they want in or out because I listen to them. Apparently you do not listen to yours.
If they are allowed in they will come in

Most people with a back yard dog DONT let them in


they spend their entire lives believing they are being punished by the pack

Not to mention they are exposed to the weather
Dog doors are for urban idiots. If I had one, my house would be filled with raccoons and opossums. My dogs tell me when they want in or out because I listen to them. Apparently you do not listen to yours.

your dogs would not allow the creatures in dude
my dogs don't even allow them in my yard

along with the neighbor cats

My big boy came in one night while I was cooking dinner and slapped a chicken down on the dinning room floor

I guess some neighbor tried to have some chickens

it was hilarious

the look on his face was full on

your dogs would not allow the creatures in dude

Yes they would. My dogs are not aggressive. Our old pitbull would just lay there while rabbits grazed right around him. My current dogs are all bark and no bite. I have raccoons on my back deck just about every day. Even my cats are so used to them, they don't phase them.
mine know their job is to police the area

they love that job

they don't have to bite anything

they just chase them over the fence
Living here in the High Desert country of Oregon has presented its own challenges. The first is the lack of soil since what we have here is pumice from all of the volcanic activity of past eons. It took me 10 years just to get some satisfactory to plant in with tons of manure, straw, etc. I now have 3 greenhouses (15'x7'x7'), 1 greenhouse (24'x12'x10'), 4 raised beds (4'x12'), and a fenced in 30'x70' area for my orchard, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, currents, rhubarb, asparagus, wild flowers, and an area for carrots, spinach, broccoli, whatever the deer will eat, and needs protection aside from the greenhouses. Last night it snowed even though this is a mild winter (we sometimes get 3'-4', and 20-30 degrees below zero about every 4 years), and temperatures in the low 30's for the next couple of weeks. I am starting tomatoes, etc., in the house.

Anyway, it is getting boring here in the out country, and warmer weather cannot get here soon enough.

The challenge is half the fun, eh? We have extremely sandy soil here. Looking at our well report when they made it, the first 85 feet down consists of sand! So in our raised beds I've been dumping the dirt from our jillions of potted flowers, every fall, and mixing it in. (The flowers have to live in pots on the deck or they will become deer salad bar.) We have also added compost and manure as well. Hey, do you think that deer droppings would work too? We have lots of that around.

I bet your property and gardens are beautiful. Got an pics of them in the green times?
yes they like to be outside when it warm or when they have t take a piss or shit

They want to be inside where its safe and their people are.

they are your pack

being kept from the pack is a social punishment for them

dogs don't belong being shunned jfrom their people

my dogs beds are INSIDE with me their pack leader

they have a dog door to decide when they want to be outside or inside

When my kids were little one of our neighbors moved away and gave us his golden retriever. He had always kept Chief outside, so that's what he preferred. He would get terrified and nervous when inside, esp. with the kids making noise and milling around. Right after we got him, we found out that he had heart worms. The vet said that he could only go outside to potty, and had to be kept quiet and still so that during treatment the worms didn't move out of his heart and cause a stroke or heart attack. The poor guy absolutely hated being inside and would stand by the patio door and whine for hours. I'm sure if he had been raised as a puppy to be an inside dog he would have not been so verklempt about it.
When my kids were little one of our neighbors moved away and gave us his golden retriever. He had always kept Chief outside, so that's what he preferred. He would get terrified and nervous when inside, esp. with the kids making noise and milling around. Right after we got him, we found out that he had heart worms. The vet said that he could only go outside to potty, and had to be kept quiet and still so that during treatment the worms didn't move out of his heart and cause a stroke or heart attack. The poor guy absolutely hated being inside and would stand by the patio door and whine for hours. I'm sure if he had been raised as a puppy to be an inside dog he would have not been so verklempt about it.

because he was punished for coming inside.

my dogs potty only outside

I cant imagine trying to give them a place inside to do it


I can understand in the case you gave

but again it was the dogs choice because of some human forcing him into it .

I would have gone nuts
because he was punished for coming inside.

my dogs potty only outside

I cant imagine trying to give them a place inside to do it


I can understand in the case you gave

but again it was the dogs choice because of some human forcing him into it .

I would have gone nuts

Your lack of imagination is noted. Our dogs use the litterbox when nobody is here to let them out. Nobody forced them to. They started doing it on their own.