
Council for Law Enforcement Education and Training. When I finish I’ll be certified to carry a firearm while I teach. It is a way for smaller schools whose budget won’t allow them to hire a “resource officer” to provide a level of protection against an attack. You know, it’s one of those things one trains for and hopes he never has to use.

To the potatoes...if the ground didn’t freeze down past their level they’ll likely come up and do fine. I sure wish we’d get some snow like we used to. Nothing better for returning nitrogen to the soil....or so I’m told. I just know the process of freezing and thawing is really good for the garden spot.

Thanks for the explanation. What a world we live in, that teachers have to carry firearms. When conservatives lament the "good old days," this is one of the few things from back then that I miss -- kids feeling safe (at least from intruders, bullies are a whole nuther thing) while at school.

One good thing about this place is the snow. The ground has usually got permanent snow by mid-November, way before the ground itself freezes to more than an inch or two. Right now there's 4-5 feet of "insulation" out there. Here's an illustration! First photo from last summer; second one I took yesterday. The hoop house is 7' high; the fence is 6'.

Thanks for the explanation. What a world we live in, that teachers have to carry firearms. When conservatives lament the "good old days," this is one of the few things from back then that I miss -- kids feeling safe (at least from intruders, bullies are a whole nuther thing) while at school.

One good thing about this place is the snow. The ground has usually got permanent snow by mid-November, way before the ground itself freezes to more than an inch or two. Right now there's 4-5 feet of "insulation" out there. Here's an illustration! First photo from last summer; second one I took yesterday. The hoop house is 7' high; the fence is 6'.


Holy cow! That's a lot of snow! Five feet would place that amount over my head.
Holy cow! That's a lot of snow! Five feet would place that amount over my head.

It's crazy! There were huge drifts on the steps going up to the deck/front door that I had to dig through in order to shovel out the entrance so we could get the door open.... they were at least six feet deep. Overall we got ~20" at last measure; a couple more fell overnight but because gale force winds were out and about, looks like most of it blew away. Maybe to Maine. lol The blizzard warnings are down for now, thankfully. Heading out now to find the mailbox. My husband said when he snow-blowed the driveway yesterday that it had disappeared.
It's crazy! There were huge drifts on the steps going up to the deck/front door that I had to dig through in order to shovel out the entrance so we could get the door open.... they were at least six feet deep. Overall we got ~20" at last measure; a couple more fell overnight but because gale force winds were out and about, looks like most of it blew away. Maybe to Maine. lol The blizzard warnings are down for now, thankfully. Heading out now to find the mailbox. My husband said when he snow-blowed the driveway yesterday that it had disappeared.

LOL! That is crazy! That's like the winters we used to get around here. I remember one storm that snowed in both entrances like that. Us kids got all bundled up in our snowsuits and my father sent us out through the windows :laugh: to go and find the shovel and at least get one door shoveled out. The car was completely buried.
LOL! That is crazy! That's like the winters we used to get around here. I remember one storm that snowed in both entrances like that. Us kids got all bundled up in our snowsuits and my father sent us out through the windows :laugh: to go and find the shovel and at least get one door shoveled out. The car was completely buried.

Good grief! That's incredible! Some ppl on the local town's FB page were saying they had to get out through the windows too!

Good news/bad news on the search for the mailbox. Bad news: Couldn't find it. Good news: No bills today! lol

I'm frozen. Made a huge pot of veggie soup yesterday, going to eat some of that to get warmed up again. It's up to 6F though so there's a good start.
Good grief! That's incredible! Some ppl on the local town's FB page were saying they had to get out through the windows too!

Good news/bad news on the search for the mailbox. Bad news: Couldn't find it. Good news: No bills today! lol

I'm frozen. Made a huge pot of veggie soup yesterday, going to eat some of that to get warmed up again. It's up to 6F though so there's a good start.

Yes, windows are the next step if you can't get out.

LOL! That's always a good thing! We've had that happen before, too. "Where the hell did the mailbox go?!" :laugh:

Woohoo! It's above 0°F! That's a step in the right direction!
Yes, windows are the next step if you can't get out.

LOL! That's always a good thing! We've had that happen before, too. "Where the hell did the mailbox go?!" :laugh:

Woohoo! It's above 0°F! That's a step in the right direction!

LOL! One time last year I found it in the woods behind the big snow berm. Its post was snapped in half... snow plow hit it. I waded back there, dug it out, and jammed it in the snow berm. The next day the county road guy came out and replaced the post.
LOL! One time last year I found it in the woods behind the big snow berm. Its post was snapped in half... snow plow hit it. I waded back there, dug it out, and jammed it in the snow berm. The next day the county road guy came out and replaced the post.

LOL! Hopefully, it's in the same place so that you can stick it into the snowbank again. Ours usually ended up in the snowbank down the road, frozen into the snow berm that they create. Here, if they knock over your mailbox, you're on your own. Nice, eh? :laugh:
LOL! Hopefully, it's in the same place so that you can stick it into the snowbank again. Ours usually ended up in the snowbank down the road, frozen into the snow berm that they create. Here, if they knock over your mailbox, you're on your own. Nice, eh? :laugh:

OH good grief! I wonder if we should start hanging them from trees or something. lol
Time for a non-snow post.... finally.

When we bought this house in 2016 it had a bit of landscaping, nothing remarkable. The former owners weren't outdoor/garden people. This year I'm looking to expand the few perennial beds and add some native flowers/herbs/shrubs/grasses. Herbs I got but I need some help with the flowers/shrubs/grasses. They need to be deer resistant, and hardy down to zones 4/5. All suggestions welcome! Thanks in advance.
Thought I'd share this pic I took this morning at dawn. The view is looking due East. The arrow marks where the sun rose only two weeks ago. In the North you can really get a feel of the Sun's progression from north to south and back again as the seasons change. It's a lot more discernible than it is further South. We are gaining ~3.5 mins. of daylight per day now.

Thought I'd share this pic I took this morning at dawn. The view is looking due East. The arrow marks where the sun rose only two weeks ago. In the North you can really get a feel of the Sun's progression from north to south and back again as the seasons change. It's a lot more discernible than it is further South. We are gaining ~3.5 mins. of daylight per day now.


Gorgeous! The sun has moved a lot here, too. It is now shining in the kitchen window in the mornings now. It's staying lighter later, too. Now, if we could just get some spring weather to go with it! LOL!
Gorgeous! The sun has moved a lot here, too. It is now shining in the kitchen window in the mornings now. It's staying lighter later, too. Now, if we could just get some spring weather to go with it! LOL!

I think it's on the way! Supposed to get up into the 40s for at least a few days here this week. We'll send it your way! Do you still have a lot of snow/ice on the ground? We've still got 3-4 feet on the ground here. It's gonna be an epic mud season.
I think it's on the way! Supposed to get up into the 40s for at least a few days here this week. We'll send it your way! Do you still have a lot of snow/ice on the ground? We've still got 3-4 feet on the ground here. It's gonna be an epic mud season.

It's coming, and quickly, too! We only have about a foot of snow on the ground. It's still going to be an epic mud season, though. Yuck!

Thank you! We need warmer weather! LOL! It was gorgeous yesterday. I got a lot of ice up from the driveway. It's supposed to get into the upper 30s today, so I will be able to finish it all up.