Gas prices...

dung, like Nike shoes you will get charged what you will pay.
That said, if a retail guy has to pay 18cents less for it lots will lower their price and the cycle starts. Oil could go up and make it a dollar higher in a month, but it would be 18 cents less than it otherwise would be.

No... because you get charged what you will pay. If you will pay $.18 more then you get charged .18 more, regardless if it goes to the government or not!
dung, like Nike shoes you will get charged what you will pay.
That said, if a retail guy has to pay 18cents less for it lots will lower their price and the cycle starts. Oil could go up and make it a dollar higher in a month, but it would be 18 cents less than it otherwise would be.


If all the oil and gas industry got the tax break and there is NO OTHER SUBSTANTIAL competition, the oil and gas industry will NOT pass the tax break on to the consumer, there will be no reason to....period...

Our problems arise with having a handful of big merged oil/gas companies that each control a certain region of the country also...each a monopoly in their region....

THERE IS NO COMPETITION Topspin....this ain't a NIKE compeating with a Reebok....and a Converse and an Adidas and a New Balance and a Keds situation, there is no market pressure to bring the price down to compete...there is a "wink and a nod" between oil/gas companies....there is no true free market, when it comes to oil and gasoline in the USA in my evaluation of it....

Shoot, our demand has reduced GREATLY the past few months, but prices still go up.... yah, yah,'s a global market blah blah blah.... I know....

Since we are going in to a recession supposedly, this means that our purchases will be reduced greatly, this means China won't be making as many goods for us which will affect the amount of fuel that they use, do you all think that oil and gas prices will go down when this reverberates through the global economy?

we'll see.......

CARE your embarassing your self being ex marketing and all.
Retail sellers check their neighborhood daily and set prices. Where's there more competion than taking the price out to 5 decimals.
the law of demand and supply. big oil has the supply and can demand what they want to for it.

It is not quite the same with energy as optional items like TV's and such.
Care now I remember you didn't go to college right, that why you stick to left wing talking points like the closeminded usged does.
If there was just a wink and a nod, thousand of independent retailers would get up on ladders every day adjusting the price up or down by 1/10th of a penny to be under the guy down the street. Your embarrassing yourself.
CARE your embarassing your self being ex marketing and all.
Retail sellers check their neighborhood daily and set prices. Where's there more competion than taking the price out to 5 decimals.

top? WHO REALLY looks at the 5 decimal points, no is a joke, has nothing to do with the consumer's buying habbits or increase/decrease in demand..... one full cent is enough for the consumer to react...the 5 decimals out is some numbers game being played for no good reason that i can see... pricing is ''suppose'' to be customer driven?

Care now I remember you didn't go to college right, that why you stick to left wing talking points like the closeminded usged does.
If there was just a wink and a nod, thousand of independent retailers would get up on ladders every day adjusting the price up or down by 1/10th of a penny to be under the guy down the street. Your embarrassing yourself.
Went 3 years, got married the fourth and could not afford it after that....then...through hard work...and positive results in my area of responsibility's performance... got promoted, one promotion after another.... started making more than any college grad that I knew, so there was no need and truth be said....had no time once earning the big bucks as you would say:)... to go back to finish when we did have the money...but I got money and time now, so who knows, might just get that piece of paper after all...always LOVED going to school and studying and all... though I will never need the piece of paper, because I have retired early already and no intentions of reversing that!!! :D

Some of you seem to have absolutely no clue about why or how the price of gas is set....

Demand? Do you actually think that any OPEC country cares how much we drive in the US.....?
Are you naive enough to think that if we lower consumption OPEC will lower the cost per barrel.... ?
Do you think OPEC countrys care if the ppb of oil is $75 or $115?
Do you think profit is their main concern? How about control and power, they certainly don't need the money by any stretch of the imagination....
If the price of gas is set at what people will pay... Why would getting rid of the tax affect the price?

Dont just call me names... Try to answer the question.
if there was no tax, how would the government make any money off of it/regulate THAT won't happen
Some of you seem to have absolutely no clue about why or how the price of gas is set....

Demand? Do you actually think that any OPEC country cares how much we drive in the US.....?
Are you naive enough to think that if we lower consumption OPEC will lower the cost per barrel.... ?
Do you think OPEC countrys care if the ppb of oil is $75 or $115?
Do you think profit is their main concern? How about control and power, they certainly don't need the money by any stretch of the imagination....

sorry; but OPEC doesn't set the price per barrel. the buyers on the market do. OPEc can just control their supply.

The lower the demnad, the more non-opec competition ther is (non OPEC can sujpply a highr percentage of the lower demand).

when OPEC has competiont, then the supply demand balances b etter with lower prices.
for exsample, if the US was able to exploit all the knwon reserves and explore for more, we could product much more and compet with OPEC, driving prices lower.

but the government we have chosen has chosen not to do that.
since they have chosen NOT to find altenative supplies of oil, the only altnerative to lower gas prices is to move to alternative sources of energy, which will loer the demand and thus the price.

the only way to screw opec is to find energy sources to compet with them, be it conventional oil or alternatives.
Some of you seem to have absolutely no clue about why or how the price of gas is set....

Demand? Do you actually think that any OPEC country cares how much we drive in the US.....?
Are you naive enough to think that if we lower consumption OPEC will lower the cost per barrel.... ?
Do you think OPEC countrys care if the ppb of oil is $75 or $115?
Do you think profit is their main concern? How about control and power, they certainly don't need the money by any stretch of the imagination....

Iran needs the money, so does Iraq. Everyone who produces oil is not like the UAE and in Saudia Arabia the gap between the haves and have nots is great and will sooner or later cause a blow up.
But it will be blamed on different religious sects.
300,000 gas stations are playing a joke that cost them millions to put 5 decimal places on their price and change it every day. Care4 back to the kiddy pool.