Gas prices...

you really are about as under read as one could be on the topic joe.
Democrats are keeping oil companies from drilling for BILLIONS, AND BILLIONS of barrells right here in the U.S. Blaming Bush is a ignorant simpletons way out.
No, I have no birthright to cheap gas. With my military retirement and continued employment, financially I can afford the gas as it gets more expensive. I can still drive my big dodge truck.

The economic situations of many Americans are more dire than my own. If lower income Americans get up in the morning and do an honest days work, they deserve more than just survival. The increases in fuel costs truly has an impact on their lives. When price increase exceed income increases, it affects some more than others. For many, we are close to the breaking point.

so you think you have a birthright to cheap gas cause you whine about it???
Topspin, I actually enjoyed this discussion. Your logic for your point of view had plenty of merit. Unfortunately, once you lower the discussion to name calling (i.e. ignorant simpletons), there really isn't any reason to continue the discussion. It is pretty normal for this discussion on this forum, but I will leave it for others.

you really are about as under read as one could be on the topic joe.
Democrats are keeping oil companies from drilling for BILLIONS, AND BILLIONS of barrells right here in the U.S. Blaming Bush is a ignorant simpletons way out.
Umm Bravo, the one I am speaking of was long before 2005.

Do you mean Bush/Cheny had no energy policy before 2005 ?

Actually I can believe that they had no policy before 2005 and it shows.
Umm Bravo, the one I am speaking of was long before 2005.

Do you mean Bush/Cheny had no energy policy before 2005 ?

Actually I can believe that they had no policy before 2005 and it shows.

Well you can read about this 'now ancient history' here if you want ... not a bad article if you can manage to read and understand it with an open mind....remembering that 9/11 had yet to take place....

Sadly....9/11 really "did change everything"......
911 did not change everything. that is one of the biggest misconceptions and political misdirections of our times.
If thats what you're quite most Dims....
If you can't see that the events of 9/11 have dominated politics and led us to where we are need to open an eye, better yet, your mind...

US energy policy needed to be addressed more than 30 years ago, it wasn't.... ergo the problem of the present......and ALL of the problem is our failure to find, develop, and maintain our own sources of energy....oil and nuclear being the prime sources....not freekin' windmills and imaginary cars that run on seawater or get 100 mpg.....liberal fantasies...
joe, cause one is of humbler mean than you give him no right to cheap gas either.

You are very unread one economics and it's obvious. Supply and demand babby, we have the supply and demand you pay more. LOFL
If you can't see that the events of 9/11 have dominated politics and led us to where we are need to open an eye, better yet, your mind...

You said it, dominated politics :clink:

you agreed with me you are just too stupit to see it.
If you can't see that the events of 9/11 have dominated politics and led us to where we are need to open an eye, better yet, your mind...

You said it, dominated politics :clink:

you agreed with me you are just too stupit to see it.

Hey...if it gives you a hard on to spin it that way, its ok....

As long as you NOW AGREE WITH ME.....

So saying...
that(9/11 is )one of the biggest misconceptions and (9/11 is)political misdirections of our times.
Is just so much bullshit on your part.....I get it....:pke:
the following is just posted because of it's relationship to this thread. This poster takes no stance currently on the following article:

OPEC chief: Oil prices would go higher regardless of supply

Sunday April 20, 3:17 PM EDT

ROME (AP) — OPEC Secretary-General Abdullah el al-Badri said Sunday oil prices would likely go higher and that the group was ready to raise production if the price pressure was due to a shortage of supply — something he doubted.

"Oil prices, there is a common understanding that has nothing to do with supply and demand," al-Badri said on the sidelines of an energy conference in Rome.
the following is just posted because of it's relationship to this thread. This poster takes no stance currently on the following article:

OPEC chief: Oil prices would go higher regardless of supply

Sunday April 20, 3:17 PM EDT

ROME (AP) — OPEC Secretary-General Abdullah el al-Badri said Sunday oil prices would likely go higher and that the group was ready to raise production if the price pressure was due to a shortage of supply — something he doubted.

"Oil prices, there is a common understanding that has nothing to do with supply and demand," al-Badri said on the sidelines of an energy conference in Rome.

No doubt this is true....there is no shortage of oil in the world and I don't recall anyone making that claim....
The problem for the users of oil is ...

who has it and who doesn't
who sells it and who must buy it
who can afford it and who can not

Our problem is WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH and we M U S T buy it at almost any cost.....
Why do we have this problem.....?

Because our energy needs have been ignored...

Because some politicians have caved in to the eco nuts to get their votes ...
"Because some politicians have caved in to the eco nuts to get their votes ..."

Uh-huh. Because "eco nuts" were such a huge voting block for the GOP when they controlled both the White House & Congress for most of the millenium so far.

In surveys, the vast majority of the public prioritizes protecting the planet & maintaining a clean environment; it's not "eco nuts." It's millions of regular folks, who simply care about the only place we really have to live right now. When polled, clear majorities have opposed drilling in ANWR.
Anwar would have no appreciable impact on our situation anyway.
And the republicans in CA, FL and the east coast love the eco nuts for taking the heat for preventing drilling off their shores. if not for the eco nuts the republicans would have to come out of the closet and oppose it.
Jeb bush the eco nut opposed it.
join the group of retards that say anwar wouldn't make a difference. The same group spew the same UNFACTUAL moveon.moron cards before the Alaska pipeline which sends us millions of barrells a day.
We live in a free market, and we have been paying less then the rest of the world for decades. The real problem is we no longer have any real production in this country because of the environmental movement here, and our dependence on forign production. Its a reality we have to get used to. Green energy is a long ways off, US production too. I don't think we will ever see $1.25 gallons of gasoline again