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The Babylonian Talmudic Order of Nimrod-Solomon's Mystical Euphoric "Secret Rapture" Doctrine to lure the masses to Talmudism and Freemason Noachida

By Pastor G. Reckart

Copyright 1999 All Rights Reserved

Part of the heresy of Covenant Dispensationalism is segmentalism. They will take a part of a Scripture out from its text and the context and manipulate it to mean something that it does not mean.

This is a major violation of what we constitute Truth. Truth does not need lies to support it. And Covenant Dispensationalist do just that. Their entire doctrine needs segmentalism, lies, perversion of intent of a text, and a complete invention of a theory that was never believed or preached by Jesus or the Apostles. Dispensationalism is not found as a doctrine in the New Testament but must be fabricated using private interpretation of several passages. There is no evidence in the New Testament or in Church history that anyone fabricated these selected text into a dispensational system of belief or who used them collectively to teach a pre-tribulation rapture.

The fact is, that Covenant Dispensationism and its pre-tribulation rapture heresy was NEVER preached by Jesus, his Apostles, the Post-Apostolic Fathers, the Catholic patristic fathers, or any other group, Preacher, Rabbi, or Priest from 27AD to around 1775AD. The heresy first is presented by Rabbi Ben Ezra, a Jewish Jesuit, who allegedly converted (infiltrated) into the Catholic Church to impregnate it with Talmudic Pharisee theology on eschatology. He then took upon him the name of Emmanuel Lacunza. He introduce his heresy around 1775 in his book "The Coming Of Jesus In Glory And Splendor." This was translated into English by Edward Irving around 1830 and ironically Irving died within a year of completion of this dispensational foundation.

The book and the interpretations of Irving were instrumental in helping to form the Covenant Dispensationalism of John Darby, an English Freemason. Darby mixed Lacunza's Talmudic Pharisee Jewish eschatalogy, Irvings private interpretations, masonic teachings of a future restoration of Israel and rebuilding of the temple, and the prophecies of a thirteen year old girl name Margaret McDonald, to form his own eschatology of the endtimes.
He said proof, not hearsay from a lunatic who thinks Freemasons are out to get him because he mistakenly believes that they compete for the member's souls.
He said proof, not hearsay from a lunatic who thinks Freemasons are out to get him because he mistakenly believes that they compete for the member's souls.

Research Darby. Research dipensationalism and what it teaches. It teaches things based on concepts form the oral tradition of judaism. It's true.
Research Darby. Research dipensationalism and what it teaches. It teaches things based on concepts form the oral tradition of judaism. It's true.
I did research them, as well as deep research in freemasonry. What you propound does not exist in the fraternity. I believe at one point and in some ways it did in the past but not at this time and place.

There was a time where freemasons actually had some power, today... It's just a group of guys working on giving charity.
I did research them, as well as deep research in freemasonry. What you propound does not exist in the fraternity. I believe at one point and in some ways it did in the past but not at this time and place.

There was a time where freemasons actually had some power, today... It's just a group of guys working on giving charity.

But Dispensationalism is a theology which is based on the oral teachings of judaism and injected into christianity by freemasons. What I propound does exist in the fraternity. I have done much deep research.
But Dispensationalism is a theology which is based on the oral teachings of judaism and injected into christianity by freemasons. What I propound does exist in the fraternity. I have done much deep research.
It does not. Freemasonry does not teach any religion or specific belief set. Nobody has tried to convert me to anything. This is simply conspiracy rubbish built from misunderstanding and an urge to give allegory more weight than it has, even among the actual freemasons.
I did research them, as well as deep research in freemasonry. What you propound does not exist in the fraternity. I believe at one point and in some ways it did in the past but not at this time and place.

There was a time where freemasons actually had some power, today... It's just a group of guys working on giving charity.
Yeah right, masons have no political power at all do they ? ;)
It does not. Freemasonry does not teach any religion or specific belief set. Nobody has tried to convert me to anything. This is simply conspiracy rubbish built from misunderstanding and an urge to give allegory more weight than it has, even among the actual freemasons.

They believe in hierarchy for the sake of power, power for power's sake, which, as it turns out, is satanism.
They believe in hierarchy for the sake of power, power for power's sake, which, as it turns out, is satanism.
They don't believe in any of that. Your "research" is lacking. Freemasonry is built on a foundation of equality, masons meet "on the level"... (see how ambivalent the allegory and symbolism is, the "level" is a tool used to represent "equality", boy those insidious freemasons promoting equality).
I always find that people who think the founders are fantastic and that the idea of equality is good pass over the fact that most of those founders got the idea of "all men being created equal" from Freemasonry. It was not a normal teaching of the time as the "Divine Right" of rulers was promoted by the churches.
They don't believe in any of that. Your "research" is lacking. Freemasonry is built on a foundation of equality, masons meet "on the level"... (see how ambivalent the allegory and symbolism is, the "level" is a tool used to represent "equality", boy those insidious freemasons promoting equality).

They're for equality when it suits them.
They're all for slavery in china when it's corporations they own which stand to profit. :pke: ZOINK.
'peers to be the case. Yes.
In what way? You are being ridiculous.

It would be like somebody running a negative campaign against you, they start with websites convincing me that you are a terrible man. Now instead of learning what I can about you I just believe those websites. Then one of them tells me you cheer on slavery in China. You have no power over that, or anything at all, but instead of looking at it realistically I just repeat it on some message board somewhere.
In what way? You are being ridiculous.

It would be like somebody running a negative campaign against you, they start with websites convincing me that you are a terrible man. Now instead of learning what I can about you I just believe those websites. Then one of them tells me you cheer on slavery in China. You have no power over that, or anything at all, but instead of looking at it realistically I just repeat it on some message board somewhere.

How would you characterize the general masonic attitude toward globalization? Are generalities "wrong"?
On the local level Masons are very influential and have their little fingers in a lot of things.
The Lion's club has far more "fingers" in things at the local level than freemasons do. At least in our area it does. Shoot the central committees meet in the Lion's clubs.