god/religion and candidates

The Lion's club has far more "fingers" in things at the local level than freemasons do. At least in our area it does. Shoot the central committees meet in the Lion's clubs.

and the lions club has no Masons in it ?

Here the Masons are all over the place in local politics.
and the lions club has no Masons in it ?

Here the Masons are all over the place in local politics.
I don't know of anybody who is in the Lion's club and a freemason too. I am sure that some exist somewhere, but they do not in my area.
Nope. Wrong. They're all new age and globalistic.
You are simply incorrect. The average freemason belongs to a christian church that spends its time telling them to hate globalizatin and secularization. It is your overall misunderstanding of freemasonry that even lets you believe this. The average freemason is your average american.
You are simply incorrect. The average freemason belongs to a christian church that spends its time telling them to hate globalizatin and secularization. It is your overall misunderstanding of freemasonry that even lets you believe this. The average freemason is your average american.

Not quite your average American.
That is statistically impossible, not enough masons.
You are simply incorrect. The average freemason belongs to a christian church that spends its time telling them to hate globalizatin and secularization. It is your overall misunderstanding of freemasonry that even lets you believe this. The average freemason is your average american.

I simply am quite correct.

Most christians churches are Pro globalization and war, if it's framed as something to do with "standing with people of god against the enemies of jerusalem", or something "commies are against".
Yep asshat, Damo is doing the two step around that issue.

what he is trying to say is that it is not the Masons Fault It is the Christian churches fault.

We all know how masons believe in personal responsibility ;)
Yep asshat, Damo is doing the two step around that issue.

what he is trying to say is that it is not the Masons Fault It is the Christian churches fault.

We all know how masons believe in personal responsibility ;)
Around which issue? Which church says that the US should no longer exist at all and that we should all become part of a larger international world based on secularism like the one worlders do?

What you both ignore is that the vast majority of those who protest one world hegemony are those very christians.
That was interesting, not sure what it had to do with anything, but interesting.
If you are "not sure" what a comment about how christians are largely against globalization in a conversation about globalization where somebody claimed that they were for it has to "do with anything" then you need to stop talking and start reading.
The managing partner of our firm is a southern baptist, Born in the blood, evangelical, gonna go to china to preach the gospel to all that will listen, Christian Motorcycle Association belonging, one world government hating, original intent of the founders MASON. He does not believe in Slavery in China, he does support the shit outta the war but not necessarily George W Bush, thinks Islam is the enemy of the free world, doesn't want teachers leading prayer in school, hates Clinton, love Reagan, conservative Republican all around generous guy. AHZ you see ZOG boogeymen behind every corner in every shadow. And for the record I am not a Naugahyde supporter.
The managing partner of our firm is a southern baptist, Born in the blood, evangelical, gonna go to china to preach the gospel to all that will listen, Christian Motorcycle Association belonging, one world government hating, original intent of the founders MASON. He does not believe in Slavery in China, he does support the shit outta the war but not necessarily George W Bush, thinks Islam is the enemy of the free world, doesn't want teachers leading prayer in school, hates Clinton, love Reagan, conservative Republican all around generous guy. AHZ you see ZOG boogeymen behind every corner in every shadow. And for the record I am not a Naugahyde supporter.

So he's opposed to importing slave made goods from china or in otherwise putting americans out of work with slave labor? Is he? I'd be suprised.

And it's NOAHIDE. Look it up. these are the laws according to the Rabbinical Tradtition of Judaism which the whole world must be compelled to follow, by force if necesary. Please learn things.
All these dispensations are based on theories derived from the "oral law" of judaism. Or the talmud. Jesus was against these fascistic teachings.

i find your reference to anti-semite questionable as semites are a sub-race usually referring to people born in the middle east to near east - not just jews

you forget to mention two other principal jewish books, the torah and the zohar

as for a 'jewish conspiracy' i rather doubt it since they are a minority religion when compared to christianity and islam which dominate the world of religion