god/religion and candidates

Ah, I should have said of Peter:

1 Peter 2:13-17

13Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, 14or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 15For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. 16Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. 17Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.


i have never accepted that people should fear god since we and all that exists comprise god

i do agree that it is better to do good rather than evil and love is what we need to achieve
Peter's words were twisted into fascism later on. Basically all organized religion should be rejected as the work of power hungry fanatics.

I believe christians made the church more palatable to worldly authorities by adding these things later. But I can't prove it.


religion (like all organizations and living entities) either adapt to current needs of people or die

as an authoritarian device to center power, it works rather well as long as it satisfies the needs of people

i have never accepted that people should fear god since we and all that exists comprise god

i do agree that it is better to do good rather than evil and love is what we need to achieve
I believe that all things that live are a portion of God.

I simply gave the verse that tells people to not violate the laws... "for the Lord's sake."

The idea is that those who have been placed above you were there for a reason.

Of course, my original comment was facetious, not meant to be taken as seriously as AHZ did, or you apparently are as well.
Check it out.

the only religious requirement that was required of me when i became a free mason was a belief in god but no particular religion

if there is a conspiracy among freemasons, it is well hidden as i have attended lodges in the us of a and canada and found no such thing

please remember that a person alleging themselves or another to be a member of a group and then claiming said person represents the group is fallacious
the only religious requirement that was required of me when i became a free mason was a belief in god but no particular religion

if there is a conspiracy among freemasons, it is well hidden as i have attended lodges in the us of a and canada and found no such thing

please remember that a person alleging themselves or another to be a member of a group and then claiming said person represents the group is fallacious
I've told him this as well.

It is nice to meet a brother on my own site.

I was the Master of my lodge just two short years ago and now serve as Treasurer.
I did research them, as well as deep research in freemasonry. What you propound does not exist in the fraternity. I believe at one point and in some ways it did in the past but not at this time and place.

There was a time where freemasons actually had some power, today... It's just a group of guys working on giving charity.

they also strongly support education holding it necessary to maintenance of a free society
they also strongly support education holding it necessary to maintenance of a free society
Yes, Freemasons believe strongly in public education. However he will say that it is because they want to brainwash kids in Talmudic something or others and post links with much copying and pasting.

I have had many of these conversations with him before about this.

I have even given him the challenge of actually meeting freemasons, speaking to them, they aren't hidden.

Of course, seeking information from negative sources seems to be his only urge.

He'll also tell you that the really super-secret freemasons are there and you just don't know it.
But Dispensationalism is a theology which is based on the oral teachings of judaism and injected into christianity by freemasons. What I propound does exist in the fraternity. I have done much deep research.

the principal references to anything regarding judiasm are regarding the construction of king soloman's temple

various other things Judaic are various symbols from biblical times

christianity and islam all make use of the torah (usually referred to as the old testament)

oh well, you will believe what you will
I always find that people who think the founders are fantastic and that the idea of equality is good pass over the fact that most of those founders got the idea of "all men being created equal" from Freemasonry. It was not a normal teaching of the time as the "Divine Right" of rulers was promoted by the churches.

said churches, especially the catholics have persecuted freemasons for their ideas regarding freedom and equality

several of our nations founders were freemasons, including old g. washington
said churches, especially the catholics have persecuted freemasons for their ideas regarding freedom and equality

several of our nations founders were freemasons, including old g. washington
LOL. I'll wait for you to read the rest of the thread and catch up... We are unsynchronized.
On the local level Masons are very influential and have their little fingers in a lot of things.

if so, why are their numbers dwindling

my home lodge went permanently 'dark' (dissolved) and its members transferred to another lodge in the area

my home lodge is now 40 miles away

maybe you should startup about the shriners and their hospitals that treat children for no charge

my step-father was a freemason and went through the york and scottish rites to become a shriner

yes, we expend most of our power trying to improve our schools and provide for the poor
if so, why are their numbers dwindling

my home lodge went permanently 'dark' (dissolved) and its members transferred to another lodge in the area

my home lodge is now 40 miles away

maybe you should startup about the shriners and their hospitals that treat children for no charge

my step-father was a freemason and went through the york and scottish rites to become a shriner

yes, we expend most of our power trying to improve our schools and provide for the poor

Numbers can dwindle in a still powerful organization. In fact, as they dwindle each mason left becomes that much more powerful. It's like Highlander.
I believe that all things that live are a portion of God.

I simply gave the verse that tells people to not violate the laws... "for the Lord's sake."

The idea is that those who have been placed above you were there for a reason.

Of course, my original comment was facetious, not meant to be taken as seriously as AHZ did, or you apparently are as well.


half or more of the time i cannot tell if i am serious these days - i take 15 medications a day now - it seems that you and i agree more than disagree
I've told him this as well.

It is nice to meet a brother on my own site.

I was the Master of my lodge just two short years ago and now serve as Treasurer.


it is indeed a pleasure to meet a brother

i wonder how many would oppose freemasonry if they realized what the symbols 'square, level and compass' or the 'g' in our primary symbol mean

i hope to be active again, but it will require that i get past my current set of ailments which among other things prevents me from driving very far
Trusting masons about masonry is like trusting the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) about Islam.

"We just like to give... We're givers. yep. That's us..."
Trusting masons about masonry is like trusting the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) about Islam.

"We just like to give... We're givers. yep. That's us..."
Trusting people who were clearly never masons about masonry is like trusting a third grader on the art of sex.
So the only authority on masonry are masons, and masons never lie. It's all so simple.
Who said this? I said meet people. You will find people you can trust and who are clearly believable within the fraternity. From them you can learn without the misrepresentation of those who were not members stressing things that are not part of it. It is so far from the truth it becomes laughable.