
Deflection. EVASION. Answer the question.

Wait, never mind, I'll save us all time and jump to the correct answer because you are apparently a little too slow on the uptake for my liking.

Jesus didn't write any of the New Testament. Everything was written by others who were professing Jesus' words. Ergo, Paul's words of Jesus' words were Jesus' words. Your question is answered thoroughly and gfm7175 was correct.

Paul explained to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 6:9 that Jesus stated "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, ..."

Now you can move on to the next point.

Are you familiar with Father,Son,Holy Spirit!
All the Bible was dictated by the Holy Spirit
Paul is the penman, not the author. I already explained this to you in part (3) of my post #507 in this thread. You know this full well.

To review, I have already quoted you:

(1) Specific words from Jesus, from when he was on Earth in human flesh, regarding what marriage is.
(2) The fact that the Bible is not an all inclusive collection of Jesus' thoughts/words/actions.
(3) The fact that the entirety of the Bible is "God-breathed", meaning that the author of the entire Bible is ultimately God himself (via various penman who wrote down the divinely inspired words).

You can, at any time, stop pretending that you haven't been provided a valid answer to your request for information.

Jesus didn't address homosexuality
No, it was a valid question asked of you.

You claimed that the book of 1st Corinthians was written by Paul, ergo it was "Paul's words, not Jesus' words". So, like the intelligent person that IBDaMann is, who comes from the perspective of an atheist rather than the perspective of a Christian, he decided to simply appeal to logic and asked you what book Jesus wrote.

Since you can't provide a single reference to a single book that Jesus wrote, how can you expect someone else to find "Jesus' words", instead of the words of Paul or someone else? BAM. Done. Finished.

Makes me feel dumb for not thinking of that sort of response right away. But in any event, you have now been provided with both a valid "non-believer perspective" answer AND a valid "believer perspective" answer to your request.

Jesus didn't address homosexuality! And you can't spin it that he did!
I have often written the words, "Jesus NEVER even mentioned the words homosexual or abortion...let alone condemn those two things." I mention that because today's Christians seem to dwell on those two items.

But...at Matthew 5: 17ff...Jesus says:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you: UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, NOT THE SMALLEST LETTER OF THE LAW, NOT THE SMALLEST PART OF A LETTER, SHALL BE DONE AWAY WITH UNTIL IT ALL COME TRUE."

Here is one of those laws:

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them shall be
put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their
lives." Leviticus 20:13

So...at Matthew 5...Jesus did specifically talk about homosexuality...even without mentioning the word. He also talked about every other prohibition mentioned in the Old Testament.

Any Christians here think the penalty for homosexual deeds between two men should be punished by death...the forfeiture of their lives?

The law of Judaism states that once the Messiah arrives the old laws will be abolished. That is what Jesus is referring to. Followers of Judaism don’t believe Jesus is the Messia and that is the conflict
Thank you. That's exactly what I meant when I wrote "Of course there would be the one cosmetic difference in that Jews don't realize that Jesus accomplished the prophecies".
But if you read the entire Sermon on the Mount in Mathew, Jesus is very clearly reinterpreting and reimagining the Jewish law. Even radically so. You are not supposed to just love your neighbors, you are supposed to practice universal love, including love for enemies. Jesus rejects the law of retribution (an eye for an eye) and says you are supposed to turn the other cheek.

That is a pretty radical reinterpretation of the Law of Torah and the prophets.

"Before Abraham I AM!
War of Northern Aggression.


The North was obliged to fight Southern treason
Are you familiar with Father,Son,Holy Spirit! All the Bible was dictated by the Holy Spirit
How many deities are in the Christian pantheon? Three, right? Maybe we should call in gfm7175 and ask him for the correct answer. I'm thinking that if he says that there is only one God then obviously it was God who authored the Bible. If he says two or three or five or some other prime number, then we'll go with the Holy Ghost having authored the Bible.

@ gfm7175, how many deities are there in Christianity? Please round up to the nearest whole number.
The law of Judaism states that once the Messiah arrives the old laws will be abolished. That is what Jesus is referring to.

Followers of Judaism don’t believe Jesus is the Messia and that is the conflict

Exactly ,but Judaism has always been waiting for the Messiah of the second coming,that's when they will realize Jesus came as Passover Lamb!
And they better get their mind right with the Passover Angel if they want to be Passover when the
Passover Angel comes at the Judgement! R.jpgR (7).jpg