
I did not say that. I do not know, but we can only judge "Giving a shit" on human terms.

Suffering has all kinds of effects and people's perspective on suffering can be very different... and that's simply from a human perspective. We do not know God's perspective and never will as long as we are being humans.

You are human. How can you know anything about God?
I remember when I was about 6 YO, and our lesson in Sunday School that Sunday was the Tower of Babel story.

To start the story out, our Sunday School Teacher asked us if we, "knew why people spoke so many different languages throughout the world"?

One little girl raised her hand and said, "Well, when my daddy gets mad at my mommy, he says words that don't make any sense, and then my mommy gets really mad".:palm:

I think I was so confused by what all I heard that morning in Sunday School class, I had to have had an expression on my face similar to this....

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Then why talk about God?

I find it interesting, and the glempses might help to understand our place in the universe.

Also I think peoples claim to know God can be very harmful to people who fall for what others tell them, so discussing might help.
I find it interesting, and the glempses might help to understand our place in the universe.

Also I think peoples claim to know God can be very harmful to people who fall for what others tell them, so discussing might help.

"We do not know God's perspective and never will as long as we are being humans."

So a human cannot know God, but can say what the nature of God is. That seems odd, no?
Agreed a lack of adversity would leave life as a blob that simply exists.

That goes back to the basic question of why God would create the Universe in the first place, with intelligent lifeforms as an inevitable consequence.

Why would a truly all-powerful, all-knowing being need anything? Certainly not needing to have "pets" sitting around singing hosannas or making sacrifices in its name.

I think they are great questions.

But I am cognizant that our souped-up chimpanzee brains might not even have the ability to frame the question in the right way, or understand the answer if it was provided to us - anymore than a border collie has the ability to grasp the Fibonacci sequence.

We talk about an act of creation being the big bang, but that's not exactly right. As far as we know, physics basically ends somewhere between time =zero and 10[SUP]-12[/SUP] and 10[SUP]-35[/SUP] after the origin event. A barrier behind which we can't peek. Our perceptions of time, energy, physics simply don't penetrate before that. If there was an organizing principle beneath and behind that, it might be meaningless to speak of intentions or goals in that context.
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Please tell me...

I learned about God in Sunday School. They showed me the Bible and said everything there is true.
I wondered why Hindus do not have the same concept of God. I wondered why ancient Greeks did not have the same concept of God.
So it was constructed by people. Does not make it true or false. But it means if you assert something about the nature of God, take responsibility for it. Don't pretend it is mysterious.
I think they are great questions.

But I am cognizant that our souped-up chimpanzee brains might not even have the ability to frame the question in the right way, or understand the answer if it was provided to us - anymore than a border collie has the ability to grasp the Fibonacci sequence.

We talk about an act of creation being the big bang, but that's not exactly right. As far as we know, physics basically ends somewhere between time =zero and 10[SUP]-12[/SUP] and 10[SUP]-35[/SUP] after the origin event. A barrier behind which we can't peek. Our perceptions of time, energy, physics simply don't penetrate before that. If there was an organizing principle beneath and behind that, it might be meaningless to speak of intentions or goals in that context.

Agreed, even as the smartest simians on the planet, that we might not be able to comprehend the answer, I tend to think that "entertainment" might be one of them. Eternity might be awfully boring. LOL
Where the fuck did you get the assumption this is a
"Christian nation"!?

About as close to SCOTUS force feeding "one nation under God with equal justice under law" diatribe in all accounts of thieving US Constitution arsonists & thieving Eisenhower thieving old glory arsonists with Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Christiananality pedophilia Islamidiotocracy "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union "death to the infidels" in Mengele "Angel of Death" traditions.....
I learned about God in Sunday School. They showed me the Bible and said everything there is true.
I wondered why Hindus do not have the same concept of God. I wondered why ancient Greeks did not have the same concept of God.
So it was constructed by people. Does not make it true or false. But it means if you assert something about the nature of God, take responsibility for it. Don't pretend it is mysterious.

God used people to write it
Where the fuck did you get the assumption this is a
"Christian nation"!?

It doesn't take rocket science nor an assumption to realize being designated as Islam by SCOTUS Rehnquist "this is a Christian Nation" "one nation under God with equal justice under law" for this Christian Nation's thieving National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists & for this Christian Nation's thieving Eisenhower presented old glory to Holocaust survivors for business excellence arsonists granted standing as what those crooks on Capital Hill Islamidiotocracy is.....
It doesn't take rocket science nor an assumption to realize being designated as Islam by SCOTUS Rehnquist "this is a Christian Nation" "one nation under God with equal justice under law" for this Christian Nation's thieving National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists & for this Christian Nation's thieving Eisenhower presented old glory to Holocaust survivors for business excellence arsonists granted standing as what those crooks on Capital Hill Islamidiotocracy is.....

No where in the Constitution does it say this is a Christian Nation! Quite the opposite! This country has freedom of religion and from religion tyranny of the majority under the First Amendment!
No where in the Constitution does it say this is a Christian Nation! Quite the opposite! This country has freedom of religion and from religion tyranny of the majority under the First Amendment!

So after all these years of cross conditioning in this Christian Nation the statistical probability that SCOTUS national religion of Christiananality pedophilia incorporated from WW II Nazis concentration camp tactics business economics of "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" is going to be despicable & vile in D.C. to Americans .....