
I wouldn’t imagine God would not hold them accountable since they are not capable of making informed decisions

Seems kind of pointless to punish them for such they have no control over
Agreed. God is all-merciful and all-knowing.

Agreed. Back to one of my questions: How would you know if you have free will or are mentally ill?
Agreed. God is all-merciful and all-knowing.

Agreed. Back to one of my questions: How would you know if you have free will or are mentally ill?

Tough one to answer

God will know however but as a human I don’t think we would always know that

Someone who suffers from depression may make bad decisions but are they still capable of making a better choice or is the depression forcing them into things they wouldn’t normally do
Who hates God? You said God wants free will so they can be punished.

That is the choice they are making

God isn’t hiding the outcomes here

And if you reject God that is essentially hating Him, at least that is how He treats it

He doesn’t separate it into levels of dislike, it’s all or nothing
Why would God want to associate with people who hate Him?

God is all-loving.

FWIW, people who are hateful are usually brain-damaged or sick in some way. God would know this to be true.

We cannot be a strong and healthy nation if we consider hate an acceptable aspect of our daily life. Hatred has the destructive power to permanently damage the nation’s emotional psyche and core values.

History tells us how hate can be exploited to lead an entire nation to commit unspeakable crimes against a particular racial, religious, political, or ideological group....

...If hate is left unchecked, it intensifies from intolerance to a wish to annihilate the other. Hate strips us of our humanity. Hate eliminates the ability to show empathic concern for the injustice done to others. Hate numbs the guilt and shame that we should feel for our prejudiced behavior. Most importantly, it eliminates our ability to understand why we feel this hatred and how to eliminate it by addressing the real issues that gave rise to it.

It strikes at the core of our humanity.

People who hate tend to think, feel and behave from an “in-group” versus an “out-group” mentality. They have no hesitation to stereotype an entire “out-group” (Steward, T. L. et al., 2003). The “ins” use the “outs” as scapegoats for the social, economic, and political woes of the community (Brewer, M., 1999). The “ins” use this as a way to justify the treatment of the “outs” in a degrading manner and to ostracize the “outs” from the lives and the community of the “ins”.
That is the choice they are making

God isn’t hiding the outcomes here

And if you reject God that is essentially hating Him, at least that is how He treats it

He doesn’t separate it into levels of dislike, it’s all or nothing

I see. So anyone who disagrees with your conception of God must hate God.
Tough one to answer

God will know however but as a human I don’t think we would always know that

Someone who suffers from depression may make bad decisions but are they still capable of making a better choice or is the depression forcing them into things they wouldn’t normally do

Agreed God knows.

IMO, there's a major difference between people who want to hurt themselves, such as the chronically depressed, and people who spread hate, lies and/or seek violence against others.

The Ten Commandments covers lying about others and harming others.
Why would God want to associate with people who hate Him?

Agreed. God is a petty, insecure, petulant child who whines and complains about everything but appears completely unable to control his creations.

Yep, a man in the sky is watching everything you do, all day long, every day. And he has specific rules for you to follow and beliefs you must hold. If you don't, he will send you to a place where you will burn in torment forever.

But he loves you.
Agreed. God is a petty, insecure, petulant child who whines and complains about everything but appears completely unable to control his creations.

Yep, a man in the sky is watching everything you do, all day long, every day. And he has specific rules for you to follow and beliefs you must hold. If you don't, he will send you to a place where you will burn in torment forever.

But he loves you.

What's the point of joining a religion if you cannot condemn everyone?!
Doesn’t matter if you hate Him or just slightly dislike Him, the result is the same

Yeah, ask the Egyptians about that one. Most of them probably didn't do a thing to his buddy Moses, but that didn't spare them from God's wrath.

Passover is my favorite bible story, because nothing says 'let's party' like the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent children. Seems like maybe God could have come up with a better plan, but maybe he isn't a think outside the box kind of guy.
Yeah, ask the Egyptians about that one. Most of them probably didn't do a thing to his buddy Moses, but that didn't spare them from God's wrath.

Passover is my favorite bible story, because nothing says 'let's party' like the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent children. Seems like maybe God could have come up with a better plan, but maybe he isn't a think outside the box kind of guy.

If the story is to be believed. Pat Robertson said the devastation of Haiti was because they made a pact with the Devil. He, along with Falwell, also blamed 9/11 on gay, feminists and abortion. Who's to say that Moses wasn't the 1300 BCE version of Robertson or Falwell who blamed Egyptian calamities on the wrath of God?

God doesn't change, but mankind's perception of God does change with civilization. Trappist Monk Thomas Merton once wrote "Our idea of God tells us more about ourselves than about Him."

Pat Robertson's Haiti Comments Spark Controversy, Discussion of Country's Religion
When American televangelist Pat Robertson on Wednesday attributed the earthquake to the Haitian people's "pact to the devil," it shined a light on the hostility some foreign Christians have aimed at the country's religious traditions.

Just two days after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, Robertson welcomed the Rev. Jerry Falwell onto his show to discuss the cause of the tragedy. Falwell's list of guilty parties included "the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle," not to mention the ACLU and People for the American Way for good measure. Robertson's response to Falwell's venom? "I totally concur."
Agreed. God is a petty, insecure, petulant child who whines and complains about everything but appears completely unable to control his creations.

Yep, a man in the sky is watching everything you do, all day long, every day. And he has specific rules for you to follow and beliefs you must hold. If you don't, he will send you to a place where you will burn in torment forever.

But he loves you.

That's mankind's perception of God. People throughout history have written all kinds of weird things about Creation and the force behind existence.
Yeah, ask the Egyptians about that one. Most of them probably didn't do a thing to his buddy Moses, but that didn't spare them from God's wrath.

Passover is my favorite bible story, because nothing says 'let's party' like the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent children. Seems like maybe God could have come up with a better plan, but maybe he isn't a think outside the box kind of guy.

First of all the pharaoh issued a command that every male born to Israelites were to be killed

Secondly, God warned the pharaoh what would happen if he didn’t let them go

Thirdly, although God did not take pleasure in this it was really the only option to deal with the harshness the Egyptians were inflicting on the Israelites
First of all the pharaoh issued a command that every male born to Israelites were to be killed

Secondly, God warned the pharaoh what would happen if he didn’t let them go

Thirdly, although God did not take pleasure in this it was really the only option to deal with the harshness the Egyptians were inflicting on the Israelites

So, God is jewish.