
That's mankind's perception of God. People throughout history have written all kinds of weird things about Creation and the force behind existence.

I have noticed in America, there is an extraordinary bias towards seeing Christianity through a Protestant lens.

Protestantism is a religion of the word. Since it sees scripture as the sole authority on Christianity, and in some cases see scripture as literally true.

On top of it, virtually all of the complaints are expressed about the Jewish scripture in the old testament.

Protestants are a minority of world Christianity. The bible is not held out as the sole authority in other traditions of world Christianity. Church tradition, church teachings, and eccumenical and eccelsiatical authority are at least as authoritative about the nature of God and the nature of Christianity as the written scripture.
Because he's circumsized? LOL

He's the Jewish God...who was adopted by the Jews turning Christian and, later, by the Muslims.

No, God chose the jews to act as a representative of his covenant with humanity

He needed a group of people to be an example of what a covenant with God should look like

He could have chosen any group of people but ultimately had to pick some group

There was no special reason he chose them
First of all the pharaoh issued a command that every male born to Israelites were to be killed

Secondly, God warned the pharaoh what would happen if he didn’t let them go

Thirdly, although God did not take pleasure in this it was really the only option to deal with the harshness the Egyptians were inflicting on the Israelites

So God was negotiating? ROTFLMFAO!!! The story is absolutely laughable. God got into a pissing contest with one of his creations, so he decided the way to deal with that was, you know, send an angel to kill a bunch of innocent kids. But hey!!! Slaughter a lamb and put the blood on your door, and you're all good. Otherwise, we kill your kid. Nice guy, your God. I guess he got a kick out infanticide and decided he'd toss his own kid to the wolves. Thanks Dad!!!! Best parent ever!!!!

And you believe this horseshit? No wonder you joined a cult. Too fucking stupid.
So God was negotiating? ROTFLMFAO!!! The story is absolutely laughable. God got into a pissing contest with one of his creations, so he decided the way to deal with that was, you know, send an angel to kill a bunch of innocent kids. But hey!!! Slaughter a lamb and put the blood on your door, and you're all good. Otherwise, we kill your kid. Nice guy, your God. I guess he got a kick out infanticide and decided he'd toss his own kid to the wolves. Thanks Dad!!!! Best parent ever!!!!

And you believe this horseshit? No wonder you joined a cult. Too fucking stupid.

I’m not trying to convince you of anything unlike you

Why are you even participating in this thread at all?
I’m not trying to convince you of anything unlike you

Why are you even participating in this thread at all?

Because you are constantly trying to shove your stupidity down our throats. If you want to believe it, fine. Keep it to your fucking self.
No, God chose the jews to act as a representative of his covenant with humanity

He needed a group of people to be an example of what a covenant with God should look like

He could have chosen any group of people but ultimately had to pick some group

There was no special reason he chose them

Wow. This is why I could never be a Christian.
Because you are constantly trying to shove your stupidity down our throats. If you want to believe it, fine. Keep it to your fucking self.

You don’t have to read the thread so I am not shoving anything down your throat

You are choosing to expose yourself to it

That’s all on you
No, God chose the jews to act as a representative of his covenant with humanity

He needed a group of people to be an example of what a covenant with God should look like

He could have chosen any group of people but ultimately had to pick some group

There was no special reason he chose them

God could have picked all. IMO, it's because mankind did the choosing, not God. The whole "free will" thing. :)
Not true.

One thousand percent true. That is so fundamental to Protestantism,, I have to question if you have even a rudimentary understanding of religion

Sola Scriptura was fundamental to the theology of Martin Luther and the Protestant reformation.
I have noticed in America, there is an extraordinary bias towards seeing Christianity through a Protestant lens.
Protestantism is a religion of the word. Since it sees scripture as the sole authority on Christianity, and in some cases see scripture as literally true.

On top of it, virtually all of the complaints are expressed about the Jewish scripture in the old testament.

Protestants are a minority of world Christianity. The bible is not held out as the sole authority in other traditions of world Christianity. Church tradition, church teachings, and eccumenical and eccelsiatical authority are at least as authoritative about the nature of God and the nature of Christianity as the written scripture.
That bias is blowback from when most Protestants fled Catholic Europe. Notice that we also got some of the most radical nutjobs too. LOL

Odd since most Evangelistas use the Old Testament to persecute others.

Agreed about Protestants. It's mainly a North American thing. Protestants and the world's most powerful nation. Coincidence? :)
Because you are constantly trying to shove your stupidity down our throats. If you want to believe it, fine. Keep it to your fucking self.

Isn't that exactly what the Trumpers and other fucking morons are whining about over gays, trannies and anything that isn't two straight white people only having sex in the missionary position?
God could have picked all. IMO, it's because mankind did the choosing, not God. The whole "free will" thing. :)

He couldn’t have used everyone because He had examples to set and only a single group could be effective for that

For instance how could God show us his power by leading the Israelites out of Egypt if he was encompassing everyone?

The entire world we’re not slaves in Egypt

Using a small group of people is easier to show us examples

However even the Torah stresses that Jews are not superior to anyone, they were only chosen to relate Gods story to the rest of the world

Jews are the same as everyone else
Isn't that exactly what the Trumpers and other fucking morons are whining about over gays, trannies and anything that isn't two straight white people only having sex in the missionary position?

I am not trying to change the school system to get kids to believe my religion

That is one of the difference’s

Nobody is forcing you guys to read this thread