
Prove what? I'm simply stating facts.

Okay, I see what's going on. Your faith says it's true and, therefore, you believe it's fact. Got it. Thanks.

BTW, I don't do text walls. lf you want to play a game of text diarrhea, I'm happy to let you win.
Ah. So I have to sit down and shut up while Christians shout from the rooftops 24/7.

No, but if you are under 35, I understand why you are so emotional and ignorant. If you are over 35, I feel sorry for your lack of education, intelligence and maturity.

Sooo...how old are you, pup? I'm 67.
Saudi Arabia Wants Tourists. It Didn’t Expect Christians.

Yet Christians of many stripes — including Baptists, Mennonites and others who call themselves “children of God” — were among the first people to use the new Saudi tourist visas. Since then, they have grown steadily in numbers, drawn by word of mouth and viral YouTube videos arguing that Saudi Arabia, not Egypt, is the site of Mount Sinai, the peak where Jewish and Christian Scriptures describe God revealing the Ten Commandments.

Ah. So I have to sit down and shut up while Christians shout from the rooftops 24/7.

what is the difference between a Christian shouting his beliefs from a rooftop and you shouting your beliefs from a rooftop, besides him being much smarter than you are?........
BTW, I don't do text walls. lf you want to play a game of text diarrhea, I'm happy to let you win.
This is a bit disingenuous, Terry. You never win anyway. You have only a brain stem firing erratic synapses. You should just admit that your competing in any competition of ideas is necessarily letting your opponent win.
This is a bit disingenuous, Terry. You never win anyway. You have only a brain stem firing erratic synapses. You should just admit that your competing in any competition of ideas is necessarily letting your opponent win.

Disagreed, Sybil. Why do you think your posts are so important that it takes three accounts to pass them?

Are you a messenger from God, Sybil? Do you have the Divine Sight?
what is the difference between a Christian shouting his beliefs from a rooftop and you shouting your beliefs from a rooftop, besides him being much smarter than you are?........

Nothing. Both are examples of citizens exercising their rights of free speech, freedom of association and freedom of religion. The bad news is that some assholes, like the self-named America, seek to demand their rights while seeking to deny others the same rights. Extremists, Left or Right, quickly reveal themselves to be overly emotional and highly hypocritical.
Disagreed, Sybil.
Of course ... and you are wrong every time.

Why do you think your posts are so important that it takes three accounts to pass them?
I have only one account. You are simply too stupid, Terry, to distinguish between different people. That's what makes toying with you so irresistible.

Please continue.

Are you a messenger from God, Sybil?
I'm an atheist, Terry, and you suck at logic. This is probably why you get everything wrong. Do you think your cognitive breakdown is a result of perhaps one too many drug-induced truth-quests (or whatever you called them)?

Do you have the Divine Sight?
If I see farther than others here on JPP, it's because most are mental midgets like you who need a large serving of help, sort of a mental "boost," to see over even short mental barriers. You shouldn't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff, except when you fear learning the correct answer, of course.

Anyway, I have your back, Terry, at least until your male nurse returns.

Pro Tip: before you try to claim that an image represents me and not you, you should edit it to remove your avatar and replace it with mine. Too funny.

Nothing. Both are examples of citizens exercising their rights of free speech, freedom of association and freedom of religion. The bad news is that some assholes, like the self-named America, seek to demand their rights while seeking to deny others the same rights. Extremists, Left or Right, quickly reveal themselves to be overly emotional and highly hypocritical.
What about the right of every living human to remain alive, Terry, presuming no crime has been committed and no expression of any desire to die? What about assholes who demand to be able to remain alive while seeking to deny others the same right?
What about the right of every living human to remain alive, Terry, presuming no crime has been committed and no expression of any desire to die? What about assholes who demand to be able to remain alive while seeking to deny others the same right?

So like Russia's Orthodox Church extermination of Ukraine by rootin' tootin' Putin the Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" destruction of the USA where if thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists can't be identified due to baptize thine eyes by urinations Federal Lynching Klues Klucks duh Klans churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom despicable in D.C. national religion.....
Nobody has a right to life

Rights are something that are granted by others

If Islam medical pseudoscience preying with Christiananality pedophilia communism of Russia's Orthodox Church extermination of Ukraine by rootin' tootin' Putin in that Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" extermination of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" granted standing by SCOTUS national religion of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists is a rite.....
If Islam medical pseudoscience preying with Christiananality pedophilia communism of Russia's Orthodox Church extermination of Ukraine by rootin' tootin' Putin in that Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" extermination of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" granted standing by SCOTUS national religion of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists is a rite.....

There is no such thing as inherent rights
There is no such thing as inherent rights

With such a cabal of preyers as McHeil's Navy thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists "serve the Pope or die" protected & served by SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam despicable & vile in D.C. diatribe the national religion Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inqusition crusade - jihad prays on as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" as Russia's Orthodox Church extermination of Ukraine by rootin' tootin' Putin.....
Last edited:
With such a cabal of preyers as McHeil's Navy thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists "serve the Pope or die" protected & served by SCOTUS Fourth Reich July 9/11 Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam despicable & vile in D.C. diatribe the national religion Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inqusition crusade - jihad prays on as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" as Russia's Orthodox Church extermination of Ukraine by rootin' tootin' Putin.....

Glad you agree