Groups to 'out' those who sign petition against same-sex unions

I am quite hygenic, and I tell the truth.... YOU, on the other hand, are indeed a whiner!:pke:
LOL you house is a filthy pigsty, your landscaping is overgrown, your pets have urinated all over the carpets and chewed the furniture, and you are a proven liar.
LOL you house is a filthy pigsty, your landscaping is overgrown, your pets have urinated all over the carpets and chewed the furniture, and you are a proven liar.

all untrue...but the fact that you would think you knew so much about me is clear evidence of your twisted perverse obsession.

you need to seek help soon....
Southern man pretty much said just that Damo.
One more time.

1. "Almost" or "pretty much" isn't saying that. If "almost" or "pretty much" saying something was the standard there would be many people here who "almost" said something pretty awful, even one that suggested that a baby raped was less of a victim than somebody who would better remember the crime. "Pretty much" saying something like "Raping babies isn't much of a crime." yet, that WASN'T what they said. Using "Pretty much" as the standard by that one person in particular is hypocrisy to the extreme and they deserve to hear it, have it pointed out, and told how stupid stereotyping and using the standard of "pretty much" got them hacked off, correctly, in the past.

I learned not to use the "pretty much" standard even in jest, and apologized, but apparently being the victim of "pretty much" wasn't enough for that person to learn anything.

2. Southern Man is not "Conservatives", in fact I am pretty sure that the vast majority of Conservatives have never once shot at a person, let alone targeted gay people, even ones that knocked on their door. And if I went and polled them, most wouldn't harm a single person who called them about their stance on this issue, unless they were threatened first. It would be like suggesting people who would call and threaten them means that liberals were violent terrorists working to scare people by violence into doing as they wanted.
One more time.
2. Southern Man is not "Conservatives", in fact I am pretty sure that the vast majority of Conservatives have never once shot at a person, let alone targeted gay people, even ones that knocked on their door.

You mean you've never shot anyone, Damo?

I think a little bit of me has just died inside. :(
One more time.

1. "Almost" or "pretty much" isn't saying that. If "almost" or "pretty much" saying something was the standard there would be many people here who "almost" said something pretty awful, even one that suggested that a baby raped was less of a victim than somebody who would better remember the crime. "Pretty much" saying something like "Raping babies isn't much of a crime." yet, that WASN'T what they said. Using "Pretty much" as the standard by that one person in particular is hypocrisy to the extreme and they deserve to hear it, have it pointed out, and told how stupid stereotyping and using the standard of "pretty much" got them hacked off, correctly, in the past.

I learned not to use the "pretty much" standard even in jest, and apologized, but apparently being the victim of "pretty much" wasn't enough for that person to learn anything.

2. Southern Man is not "Conservatives", in fact I am pretty sure that the vast majority of Conservatives have never once shot at a person, let alone targeted gay people, even ones that knocked on their door. And if I went and polled them, most wouldn't harm a single person who called them about their stance on this issue, unless they were threatened first. It would be like suggesting people who would call and threaten them means that liberals were violent terrorists working to scare people by violence into doing as they wanted.

You been taking dixie lessons?
Petitions are not secret and I see no porblem with making them more public.

Making them accessible to groups who practice intimidation and hate is. Just for donating money to and or signing petitions over prop 8 in CA, led to people being fired and receiving hate mail and threats. No one has any need to know who signed what.
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I am quite hygenic, and I tell the truth.... YOU, on the other hand, are indeed a whiner!:pke:

oh noze i'm accused of being a least i am not YOU who is a foul mouthed and foul minded, lying minister...

i call bullshit that any of your parishoners are members here, if they saw your posts you would be canned, just like you nearly did when someone revealed your vile posts to your church last year
Making them accessible to groups who practice intimidation and hate is. Just for donating money to and or signing petitions over prop 8 in CA, led to people being fired and receiving hate mail and threats. No one has any need to know who signed what.

Look on the bright side.

When they give you a call, maybe you can get some fashion tips.