Groups to 'out' those who sign petition against same-sex unions

Why, when you can make sterotypical comments at their expense and have more fun.

Tel you what, now that you're going to be on gay speed dial, you can direct them to the site to admonish my terrible words of hate.

Then you can go back to discriminating against them in your own PC way.

How does that sound?
Tel you what, now that you're going to be on gay speed dial, you can direct them to the site to admonish my terrible words of hate.

Then you can go back to discriminating against them in your own PC way.

How does that sound?

I don't discriminate and I don't particpate in the pretense of being on their side of issues while using their sexual orientation to mock them with. That's what hypocrites and finger pointers such as yourself do.

I spent nearly 2 years of my life helping a gay friend to die with dignity in the early 80's. His aids had led to a horrible form of brain cancer. So fuck idiots like you on message boards who try and come off as the noble ones. My friend respected my position and loved me and I loved him despite his.
I don't discriminate and I don't particpate in the pretense of being on their side of issues while using their sexual orientation to mock them with. That's what hypocrites and finger pointers such as yourself do.

I spent nearly 2 years of my life helping a gay friend to die with dignity in the early 80's. His aids had led to a horrible form of brain cancer. So fuck idiots like you on message boards who try and come off as the noble ones. My friend respected my position and loved me and I loved him despite his.

I treat all groups as valid targets for gentle mocking because i tend to think that they're all the same as me. An ardent campaigner to protect the gays from heinous suggestions that they are better dressed than the likes of me is most admirable though. I know how i'd feel if someone suggested such a thing.

I have to take my hat off to a woman of high principle, such as yourself, who will selflessly ignore the fact that you seek to treat the homosexual community as second class citizens, unworthy of the same rights as the rest of the population while waving the rainbow flag on message boards as a champion of gay rights.

And congratulations on finding a new angle for the "i'm not homophobic...some of my best friends are gay" line. You'll forgive me if i take anything you say with a pinch of salt having read your contributions to other threads.
In my area, if such a petition were "outed" and you didn't have your name on it, you'd be unelectable.
In my area, if such a petition were "outed" and you didn't have your name on it, you'd be unelectable.

I'd like to think you were joking :D

But i'm also painfully aware that you may not be :(

(it's getting rather cold up here on this fence and it's doing nothing for my piles)
I treat all groups as valid targets for gentle mocking because i tend to think that they're all the same as me. An ardent campaigner to protect the gays from heinous suggestions that they are better dressed than the likes of me is most admirable though. I know how i'd feel if someone suggested such a thing.

I have to take my hat off to a woman of high principle, such as yourself, who will selflessly ignore the fact that you seek to treat the homosexual community as second class citizens, unworthy of the same rights as the rest of the population while waving the rainbow flag on message boards as a champion of gay rights.

And congratulations on finding a new angle for the "i'm not homophobic...some of my best friends are gay" line. You'll forgive me if i take anything you say with a pinch of salt having read your contributions to other threads.

What you do is mock homosexuals and then claim it's just all in fun all the while hypocritically condemning me because I believe in traditional marriage as a sacrament of the church.

He was a good friend who chose me to help him die because he knew I loved him. Leave it to a hypocrite to not be able to get that.

As to you having a problem with what I have to say to two ideological bitches who stand on the same side of the ideological coin as you? BFD! I mean color me surprised that you'd feel that way.
In my area, if such a petition were "outed" and you didn't have your name on it, you'd be unelectable.

The problem is that this very kind of thing happened in CA with prop 8 and people were threatened and some even lost their jobs. It's voter intimidation, is what it is.

I think that a law should be passed that allows only the state to publish such lists and that it be names only. That it be formatted in a non searchable data base and make people have to scroll through the names. That they would have to contact the state in writing to receive address and contact info on each person thereby leaving a trail back to them should retaliation happen. It would serve to make it not so much fun. That if any kind of retalliation happens that any organization attached will face a lawsuit. An attorney in S Ca. is suing such an org over his being harassed.
What you do is mock homosexuals and then claim it's just all in fun all the while hypocritically condemning me because I believe in traditional marriage as a sacrament of the church.

He was a good friend who chose me to help him die because he knew I loved him. Leave it to a hypocrite to not be able to get that.

As to you having a problem with what I have to say to two ideological bitches who stand on the same side of the ideological coin as you? BFD! I mean color me surprised that you'd feel that way.

I guess this means we're not going to be friends? :D
The problem is that this very kind of thing happened in CA with prop 8 and people were threatened and some even lost their jobs. It's voter intimidation, is what it is.

I think that a law should be passed that allows only the state to publish such lists and that it be names only. That it be formatted in a non searchable data base and make people have to scroll through the names. That they would have to contact the state in writing to receive address and contact info on each person thereby leaving a trail back to them should retaliation happen. It would serve to make it not so much fun. That if any kind of retalliation happens that any organization attached will face a lawsuit. An attorney in S Ca. is suing such an org over his being harassed.
I don't think you understand. If I didn't sign such a petition I'd be harassed in the opposite direction, the uber-christians would ensure that I was unelectable.
I don't think you understand. If I didn't sign such a petition I'd be harassed in the opposite direction, the uber-christians would ensure that I was unelectable.

Hyperbole to be sure. Since CO voted in a number of democrats in the last two elections cycles. I guess they must have put their names out their on pro traditional marriage...huh!
Hyperbole to be sure. Since CO voted in a number of democrats in the last two elections cycles. I guess they must have put their names out their on pro traditional marriage...huh!
Not in my area. In my county the Rs all won by 76% or more. This isn't hyperbole, it is 100% certain. If this were 'outed' in my area, and I had not signed the petition I would indeed be hassled in the other direction.
Not in my area. In my county the Rs all won by 76% or more. This isn't hyperbole, it is 100% certain. If this were 'outed' in my area, and I had not signed the petition I would indeed be hassled in the other direction.

Well, which ever way it happens it's wrong. So this has happend before? I have never heard of published lists being given to christian groups that have then been used to harass and intimidate anyone. Can you tell me more about it?
Why, when you can make sterotypical comments at their expense and have more fun.

I have found in my time on the internet and message boards that the majority of British men are homophobic in the extreme.

They are hyper sensitive when you question their own masculinity and get vile and vicious about the gays.

Burning them?

Oh my! :eek:
I have found in my time on the internet and message boards that the majority of British men are homophobic in the extreme.

They are hyper sensitive when you question their own masculinity and get vile and vicious about the gays.

Burning them?

Oh my! :eek:

And here's the other one along to help. :D
Well, which ever way it happens it's wrong. So this has happend before? I have never heard of published lists being given to christian groups that have then been used to harass and intimidate anyone. Can you tell me more about it?
Petitions have been outed in my area, it is never pleasant. This is what Franklin was talking about with the "Necessary Liberty vs. Security" thing. We'd need to find a way to deal with it without ending one of the freedoms that are necessary. I liked your idea of unsearchable database with a call necessary to find further information. This creates a line to follow if there is "retaliation", but doesn't limit either of the rights.
Petitions have been outed in my area, it is never pleasant. This is what Franklin was talking about with the "Necessary Liberty vs. Security" thing. We'd need to find a way to deal with it without ending one of the freedoms that are necessary. I liked your idea of unsearchable database with a call necessary to find further information. This creates a line to follow if there is "retaliation", but doesn't limit either of the rights.

Living in WA and having seen what happened in CA, this is a pretty big deal to locals. Most pro gay grps. are against what this guy is trying to do as well, as everyone knows his intended agenda. WA is a huge referendum state. Voters up here like public debate, but balk at intimidation. This whole thing has likely garnered MORE support for the referendum, not less.

I really would like to read about the petitions that have been outed in your area. Can you point to a specific incident?
Living in WA and having seen what happened in CA, this is a pretty big deal to locals. Most pro gay grps. are against what this guy is trying to do as well, as everyone knows his intended agenda. WA is a huge referendum state. Voters up here like public debate, but balk at intimidation. This whole thing has likely garnered MORE support for the referendum, not less.

I really would like to read about the petitions that have been outed in your area. Can you point to a specific incident?
There was a petition to recall the commissioners, any R who signed it was not only unelectable but definitely harassed by many in the party. What they did to "out" them was to send anonymous mail (unsigned, no return address, sent from Denver so that area postage marks wouldn't give an idea of where the letter came from) out to all the registered Rs in the county with a list of people who had signed it that were also Rs.

It got very ugly very quickly. I have very little doubt the same parties would do the same for this type of petition. Considering we have just over 18,000 registered voters in the entire county and everybody pretty much knows each other it got really ugly.