Harris' camp 'nervous' about Trump ahead of the debate as campaign stalls: 'I'm hearing quite a lot of concern'


Key Takeaways​

  • Higher oil prices contribute to inflation directly and by increasing the cost of inputs.
  • There was a strong correlation between inflation and oil prices during the 1970s.
  • Oil's potential to stoke inflation has declined as the U.S. economy has become less dependent on it.
  • Oil prices exert a greater influence on producer prices because of oil's role as a key input.
  • Some argue that costly renewable energy could re-strengthen the correlation between energy costs and a higher inflation rate.
That pendejo does not even understand cumulative inflation...don't expect him to understand the intricacies of energy and its effects on the economy.
Or that we set a record for domestic oil production. Or that there are thousands of unused drilling leases that the oil companies see no gain in developing. Drill baby drill is a bumper sticker, and a stupid one at that. It is not policy.
No, it's not. But it's all the low-IQ, low-info moron MAGATs have. They are unable to comprehend that oil is a commodity whose price is set on the global marketplace. No matter how much we produce -- and export, which we do -- prices remain high because OPEC and other oil-producing countries simply cut their production to keep prices up.
Concart said:
So you don't consider under 3% to be acceptable? What figure would you accept? How specifically will Trump lower inflation? Be specific. I mean, surely, a brilliant doctor can out debate an Uber Eats driver? What you got?

Yahoo Finance
https://finance.yahoo.com › news › bidens-big-inflation-...
May 16, 2024 — Prices as measured by the seasonally adjusted Consumer Price Index (CPI) are now up over 19.4% in the three-plus years since https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bide...y-20-since-he-took-office-080049551.htmlBiden took office.

You really are stupid, pendejo.

Now go get ready for your Uber Eats breakfast run.

The doctor ate your lunch and stole your milk money, pendejo.
Your turn Earl. How does the price of oil impact inflation, and how specifically does Trumps 'drill baby drill' policy lower the price of oil. What ACTIONS will be taken to lower the price of oil such that it reduces its inflationary impact. A brilliant engineer can certainly best an Uber Eats driver in a nuanced and detailed debate. Begin.
No, it was Trumpsplained. You are incapable of an in depth debate on this topic, because you don't umderstamd the basics of the economy. it's not your fault. Maybe someday you will learn to read.
Tell us about cumulative inflation, Uber driver.
Your turn Earl. How does the price of oil impact inflation, and how specifically does Trumps 'drill baby drill' policy lower the price of oil. What ACTIONS will be taken to lower the price of oil such that it reduces its inflationary impact. A brilliant engineer can certainly best an Uber Eats driver in a nuanced and detailed debate. Begin.
My discipline was Electrical Engineering, pendeo and ExpressLane tutored you in the relationship of energy to inflation, in post no. 59.
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No, it's not. But it's all the low-IQ, low-info moron MAGATs have. They are unable to comprehend that oil is a commodity whose price is set on the global marketplace. No matter how much we produce -- and export, which we do -- prices remainn high because OPEC and other oil-producing countries simply cut their production to keep prices up.
Correct. I see that Earl has discovered the middle finger unlike. Given his juvenile posting style, that seems very appropriate.
Tell us about cumulative inflation, Uber driver.
That doesn't answer my question, Earl. Inflation that happened a year ago cannot be undone. You get that, right? Or was that another economic principle that was taught while you were sleeping in class? The question again, since you seem to have forgotten, is; what impact does 'drill baby drill' have on inflation. You seem to be unable to answer on even a basic, simple level. But I'l wait.
Correct. I see that Earl has discovered the middle finger unlike. Given his juvenile posting style, that seems very appropriate.
Yes, it suits his juvenile arrested development personality quite well. Sometimes he also uses the vomit emoji as well. No wonder he cannot best anyone in a debate. He's brought a banana to a gun fight, but thinks it's an AR-15. :laugh:
Yes, it suits his juvenile arrested development personality quite well. Sometimes he also uses the vomit emoji as well. No wonder he cannot best anyone in a debate. He's brought a banana to a gun fight, but thinks it's an AR-15. :laugh:
When you are a hammerhead, everything looks like a nail. Or an AR-15.
That doesn't answer my question, Earl. Inflation that happened a year ago cannot be undone. You get that, right? Or was that another economic principle that was taught while you were sleeping in class? The question again, since you seem to have forgotten, is; what impact does 'drill baby drill' have on inflation. You seem to be unable to answer on even a basic, simple level. But I'l wait.

"Inflation that happened a year ago cannot be undone."

That's brilliant, Uber driver.

ExpressLane, a real doctor, has already answered your dumb questions.
Wow, Earl learned a new phrase today!!!! Good for you little fella. Unfortunately, it has no relevance to the question. But it's cute.
So, pendejo, you admit that you are ignorant of the difference between yearly inflation and inflation over years.

Now, pay me my 90 dollars per hour tutorial fee (my fee in double "E."
"Inflation that happened a year ago cannot be undone."

That's brilliant, Uber driver.

ExpressLane, a real doctor, has already answered your dumb questions.
In other words, you don't have a clue. I knew that already, Earl. Read the article he posted. You might actually learn something. He might learn something as well.
So, pendejo, you admit that you are ignorant of the difference between yearly inflation and inflation over years.

Now, pay me my 90 dollars per hour tutorial fee (my fee in double "E."
ROTFLMFAO!!!! Yes Earl, I understand what the word 'cumulative' means. It has nothing to do with inflation in the future. Which is the topic. Try to stay focused Earl. We are discussing 'drill baby drill'.