Harris Sees Her First 538 National Polling Lead

Well i'm not much younger than you... And I say it's not totally true... I can get along great with people who don't want the same things.... And no one is Stopping anyone from getting what they want... But obviously our careers and lifestyles went in different directions and that makes a huge difference... I've been spent a lifetime working to get people to live together and I think it's worked pretty well... I'm not
quite done...
In out discussions, though, you talk about politicians that you don't like. You almost never talk about actual policies, and it's the actual policies that divide us.

Yes, I think that as a living creature, Trump is deplorable, but I don't vote on personalities or character.
I vote on ideology and policy positions.

And everybody knows what my positions are because I DO talk about them.

I believe in cradle to grave socialized medicine.
I believe in the abolition of right to work laws that impede the progress of labor unions.
I believe in a woman's right to have an abortion even if it's for no better reason that she feels like it in her ninth month.
I believe in tax funded K-16 education for all those who actually did the work to academically qualify for accredited college.
I believe in The Department of Education running education, and that it be funded by general revenues, not local property taxes.
I believe in 100% support of NATO.
I believe in the complete expulsion of religious influence on government, even to the point of taking "In God we trust" off our money.
I believe in much greater regulation on corporate activity,
I believe in government regulatory agencies like the EPA, OSHA, and the like having teeth.
I believe in humanely euthanizing convicted felons rather than torturing them with long prison sentences.
I believe in stripping corporate charters from companies that operate contrary to the public interest and nationalizing their assets.
I also believe that people who don't want these things be herded into Middle America where they can have a nation of their own.

These are actual, defined positions.
Trump having a punchable face is a very real issue, but it's not a political issue.

Are you upset that your TOPJPPTROLL tiara is at risk?

In out discussions, though, you talk about politicians that you don't like. You almost never talk about actual policies, and it's the actual policies that divide us.

Yes, I think that as a living creature, Trump is deplorable, but I don't vote on personalities or character.
I vote on ideology and policy positions.

And everybody knows what my positions are because I DO talk about them.

I believe in cradle to grave socialized medicine.
I believe in the abolition of right to work laws that impede the progress of labor unions.
I believe in a woman's right to have an abortion even if it's for no better reason that she feels like it in her ninth month.
I believe in tax funded K-16 education for all those who actually did the work to academically qualify for accredited college.
I believe in The Department of Education running education, and that it be funded by general revenues, not local property taxes.
I believe in 100% support of NATO.
I believe in the complete expulsion of religious influence on government, even to the point of taking "In God we trust" off our money.
I believe in much greater regulation on corporate activity,
I believe in government regulatory agencies like the EPA, OSHA, and the like having teeth.
I believe in humanely euthanizing convicted felons rather than torturing them with long prison sentences.
I believe in stripping corporate charters from companies that operate contrary to the public interest and nationalizing their assets.
I also believe that people who don't want these things be herded into Middle America where they can have a nation of their own.

These are actual, defined positions.
Trump having a punchable face is a very real issue, but it's not a political issue.

Thanks for sharing...I know those are "policies" you believe in...even if I don't agree with the majority...
I'm already in Middle America, and we do have a "nation of our own"...;) Or we do when Democrats aren't in charge... They make my life so much more difficult...they made my job so much more difficult...
I don't vote on personalities, either...but I can't find a sinlgle thing that Joe did (or Kam would continue to do) that fits into my plan...what policies have they implemented that are for the average American... ones that will allow them to prosper and flourish and be safe and secure?
That's how people are going to vote in November...for the person who offers the America that we all deserve...
Enough of this picking people who check some boxes...good grief, Charlie Brown...
Thanks for sharing...I know those are "policies" you believe in...even if I don't agree with the majority...
I'm already in Middle America, and we do have a "nation of our own"...;) Or we do when Democrats aren't in charge... They make my life so much more difficult...they made my job so much more difficult...
I don't vote on personalities, either...but I can't find a sinlgle thing that Joe did (or Kam would continue to do) that fits into my plan...what policies have they implemented that are for the average American... ones that will allow them to prosper and flourish and be safe and secure?
That's how people are going to vote in November...for the person who offers the America that we all deserve...
Enough of this picking people who check some boxes...good grief, Charlie Brown...
We will vote for the person who will fight for America to continue to exist. That is not Trump.
i shall return...one of our fosters is going to her forever home within the hour...We were just waiting for the storms to let up so we can load up her new mom and dad's car with supplies...
Times like these are simply some of the best ever...;) (I don't think there's anyone who won't agree with me when it comes to the joy of saving a doggos...;))
I believe in cradle to grave socialized medicine.
... that you believe comes without any cost.

I believe in the abolition of right to work laws that impede the progress of labor unions.
... because you abhor humanity and you relish the idea of someone being unable to provide for his/her family.

I believe in a woman's right to have an abortion even if it's for no better reason that she feels like it in her ninth month.
... because you abhor humanity and believe in the absolute right to kill living humans who have not committed any crime.

I believe in tax funded K-16 education for all those who actually did the work to academically qualify for accredited college.
... regardless of whether said work was value-added in any way.

I believe in The Department of Education running education, and that it be funded by general revenues, not local property taxes.
... because you believe the government should remove children from their parents and indoctrinate them without any "distractions."

I believe in 100% support of NATO.
... because you believe the United States should just give all the wealth of the people away to the rest of the world.

I believe in the complete expulsion of religious influence on government, even to the point of taking "In God we trust" off our money.
What do you mean "even to the point of ..."? Besides that one superficial point, what else would you do? Would you prohibit any religious person of any religion from government service?

I believe in much greater regulation on corporate activity,
... because you want to destroy all economies and quash any happiness there might be in the world.

I believe in government regulatory agencies like the EPA, OSHA, and the like having teeth.
... to the point that they violate Constitutional rights.

I believe in humanely euthanizing convicted felons rather than torturing them with long prison sentences.
... and you acknowledge that prison sentences of 18-months or longer is more than anyone wants to remain in prison. I suppose the euthanization can take the place of any appeals and can be performed right there upon completion of sentencing.

I believe in stripping corporate charters from companies that operate contrary to the public interest and nationalizing their assets.
Of course I will be the guy who determines which businesses are operating in the public interest.

I also believe that people who don't want these things be herded into Middle America where they can have a nation of their own.
Of course.
In out discussions, though, you talk about politicians that you don't like. You almost never talk about actual policies, and it's the actual policies that divide us.

Yes, I think that as a living creature, Trump is deplorable, but I don't vote on personalities or character.
I vote on ideology and policy positions.

And everybody knows what my positions are because I DO talk about them.

I believe in cradle to grave socialized medicine.
I believe in the abolition of right to work laws that impede the progress of labor unions.
I believe in a woman's right to have an abortion even if it's for no better reason that she feels like it in her ninth month.
I believe in tax funded K-16 education for all those who actually did the work to academically qualify for accredited college.
I believe in The Department of Education running education, and that it be funded by general revenues, not local property taxes.
I believe in 100% support of NATO.
I believe in the complete expulsion of religious influence on government, even to the point of taking "In God we trust" off our money.
I believe in much greater regulation on corporate activity,
I believe in government regulatory agencies like the EPA, OSHA, and the like having teeth.
I believe in humanely euthanizing convicted felons rather than torturing them with long prison sentences.
I believe in stripping corporate charters from companies that operate contrary to the public interest and nationalizing their assets.
I also believe that people who don't want these things be herded into Middle America where they can have a nation of their own.

These are actual, defined positions.
Trump having a punchable face is a very real issue, but it's not a political issue.

Yeah, that's more the way of Soviet Russia than The United States of America.