Harris under fire for 'disrespectful' tweet

And it's long been rumored that Harris blew her way to the top... So? She also cackles.

Oh, rumors? there you go, proof to rightys. She never had to do the jobs, did she? She was City Atty in San Fran, She was California Dist, Atty, She was a US senator from California. She is highly qualified and experienced.
Those are facts, not right wong rumors.
DJT commented on the POLITICIAN, Lamm, ... not his service as a Marine Lawyer, or the military in general. The Democrats have a long history of hatred for U.S. soldiers in general. It is quite obvious that Pres. Trump loves the military, Weak Ass Fool.

Cadet Bone Spurs trashing anybody in the military is despicable.
Go fuck yourself. She didn't insult anyone. There are more than a thousand legit ways to criticize Harris. This is the limpest dick attempt I have ever seen. The OP and you are fucking pathetic.
she dissed the entire fallen veteran population from the Revolutionary war till today
dont bother me with your limp dick problems
Rightys do not know what insulting the troops is. Trump said " I don't know what was in it for them. they are losers when he was visiting a military graveyard.
Trump called Mccain a loser and said he did not like soldiers who were captured.
Trump called soldiers who were killed,losers and said they performed poorly.
That is insulting the military. You rightys gave him a pass. That removes you from criticizing Harris for doing nothing wrong.
Both trump and Pence blew off Veteran's Day ceremonies at Arlington and I don't recall RWs bitching about it.
Trump at least had a reason and was contrite about it, unlike the airhead Harris
I could have done that. As you know, I just left the day before the American Cemetery, and I probably think, and that was one where it was raining as hard as you can imagine, and I made a speech at the American Cemetery the day before and I probably, you know, in retrospect I should have and I did last year and I will virtually every year,” Trump said. “But we had come in very late at night and I had just left, literally, the American Cemetery in Paris, and I really probably assumed that was fine, and I was extremely busy because of affairs of state, and other things.”

Do you see the MS press saying anything critical of Harris? of course not
She "fixed" it....by doing this she admits the tweet was thoughtless and inappropriate for Memorial Day weekend....
Rightys do not know what insulting the troops is. Trump said " I don't know what was in it for them. they are losers when he was visiting a military graveyard.
that is an unsourced lie vehemently denied...what i find funny from Dems is NOBODY DEFENDS HARRIS
( although lots of excusin) ..just a lot of..but but Trump!
I am a veteran of a foreign war., would only that I could forget.
I have no problem with people enjoying a long weekend.

You have two middle fingers for a reason, Miss Kamala.
Don't let the idiots bother you one bit.
And no - I won't criticize this tweet. Everyone says "enjoy the long weekend." It's not disrespectful at all.

Enjoying a weekend and honoring those who gave their lives for the country are not mutually exclusive.

It's customary for the prez or VP to make an official speech on the day itself at Arlington. Saying "enjoy the weekend" in advance of the actual day is not a travesty.
She is highly qualified and experienced.



Former San Franshitsco Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past extramarital relationship with U.S. Sen. Kum-Allah Hairless in his weekly column, saying he "may have" influenced her career.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago," Brown wrote in the San Franshitsco Chronicle.

Brown appointed Hairless - who reportedly shaves her bush - to two well-paid state commission assignments on the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission. The former mayor also connected Hairless with campaign donors.

"Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Franshitsco."

Questions about Brown’s relationship with Hairless began anew after she announced her 2020 presidential bid on Martin Luther King Day.

During his two terms as mayor of San Franshitsco, Brown was known for his arrogance and ego, according to a 1996 profile in People magazine. Brown sometimes attended parties with his wife on one arm and a girlfriend on the other, according to a reporter quoted by the magazine.

Brown, 84, and Hairless broke up in 1995 but remained political allies. Brown said Hairless is "riding a buzz wave the likes of which we haven’t seen in years."

Brown pointed out that he also "helped the careers" of other prominent California FEMOCRATS, such as U.S. House Speaker nattering Nancy Pelosi and evil-looking nonagenarian Dianne Feinstein. Brown also fathered a child in 2001 with his former fundraiser, Carolyn Carpeneti.

Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco - Shamala Hairless slutted her way into power in San Franshitsco -



So we're supposed to believe that Shamala Hairless spread her legs for 60-year-old married man Willie Brown because he was just so very sexy?
Oh, rumors? there you go, proof to rightys. She never had to do the jobs, did she? She was City Atty in San Fran, She was California Dist, Atty, She was a US senator from California. She is highly qualified and experienced.
Those are facts, not right wong rumors.

I'd take exception that she was "highly qualified and experienced." More like she did those jobs and not particularly well.