have democrats or liberals ever reduced taxes for everyone?

When has a Republican President ever presented a balanced budget or a surplus? Should tax cuts come in times of increasing debt?
Almost every republican President presented a balanced budget before Nixon...

It was Kennedy who started the present run at constant increase of debt for over 40 years...

Has any Democrat ever presented an actual balanced budget not braced on the back of stolen SS funds?
Almost every republican President presented a balanced budget before Nixon...

It was Kennedy who started the present run at constant increase of debt for over 40 years...

Has any Democrat ever presented an actual balanced budget not braced on the back of stolen SS funds?

Should we have tax cuts in times of an increasing debt?

I'll use your question with a question tack. Has any Republican ever presented a balanced budget not braced on the back of stolen SS funds? Using your tack again, who controlled Congress in those days YOU SAY Republicans balanced the budget before Kennedy? TR may fit.
Should we have tax cuts in times of an increasing debt?

I'll use your question with a question tack. Has any Republican ever presented a balanced budget not braced on the back of stolen SS funds? Using your tack again, who controlled Congress in those days YOU SAY Republicans balanced the budget before Kennedy? TR may fit.
We should have tax cuts along with spending "cuts" (actually just a stop in set increase allowing a reset so that in times of need we do not have to break the future to "save" the present) in times of prosperity. It is only "Keynesian" if such is done, otherwise its all just pushing the accelerator as we head toward the cliff.
Almost every republican President presented a balanced budget before Nixon...

It was Kennedy who started the present run at constant increase of debt for over 40 years...

Has any Democrat ever presented an actual balanced budget not braced on the back of stolen SS funds?

Eisenhower reached a balanced budget in 3 out of eight years, only LBJ has done it since. Which leads one to the topic of the Reagan myth.....
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Eisenhower reached a balanced budget in 3 out of eight years, only LBJ has done it since. Which leads one to the topic of the Reagan myth.....
LBJ increased the debt every year he was in office. As did Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and now Obama. We have never had any surplus or an actual balance since before Kennedy.

LBJ was the first to use the budgeting trick that I mentioned earlier (off the backs of senior citizens)...

But, as economist Bruce Bartlett pointed out in 2001, it was a bookkeeping change instituted by LBJ that year that allowed him to show a federal budget surplus: "…it turned out that the Social Security surplus in fiscal year 1970 was just enough to push the unified budget into the black. The Social Security surplus was $3.9 billion that year and [President] Johnson proposed a budget that would be in surplus by just $3.4 billion. Thus, without the inclusion of Social Security, his final budget would have been in deficit, not surplus."

Eisenhower had 3 years of balanced budgets... without the gimmicks that were still increasing the debt.

And, unlike so many, refused to cut taxes until budgets were actually balanced... He kept the debt low and inflation near zero, and allowed recessions to hit to reset the war inflation.
LBJ increased the debt every year he was in office. As did Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and now Obama. We have never had any surplus or an actual balance since before Kennedy.

Eisenhower had 3 years of balanced budgets...

And, unlike so many, refused to cut taxes until budgets were actually balanced... He kept the debt low and inflation near zero, and allowed recessions to hit to reset the war inflation.

In 3 of eight years. I believe LBJ had one also in his 1 term.
That is why I added the subject of 'when' tax cuts are appropriate to the original topic. Recessions are intentional? That's the first time I can remember a GOP inclined Conservative admit it.
In 3 of eight years. I believe LBJ had one also in his 1 term.
That is why I added the subject of 'when' tax cuts are appropriate to the original topic. Recessions are intentional? That's the first time I can remember a GOP inclined Conservative admit it.
Again, LBJ was the first to balance the budget on the back of Social Security, while still increasing debt he showed a positive by presenting a "unified" budget. It was a simple accounting gimmick that didn't even last more than one year, didn't actually balance anything and still increased the debt.

The recessions are not "intentional" that's just silly, he simply allowed them to run their course rather than increasing spending to supposedly save the future. There were three recessions during his 8 years, all of them were shallow and short-lived, none of them created huge inflation.

Eisenhower is definitely one of my favorite republicans.
Again, LBJ was the first to balance the budget on the back of Social Security, while still increasing debt he showed a positive by presenting a "unified" budget. It was a simple accounting gimmick that didn't even last more than one year, didn't actually balance anything and still increased the debt.

The recessions are not "intentional" that's just silly, he simply allowed them to run their course rather than increasing spending to supposedly save the future. There were three recessions during his 8 years, all of them were shallow and short-lived, none of them created huge inflation.

Eisenhower is definitely one of my favorite republicans.

And none of them, or any other recession, has a positive effect on a Working Man's wages which is the reason I feel they are a part of economic planning for some.
Eisenhower is also one of my favorite Republicans, particlarly because of his stance on the military. He was certainly closer to a Truman than a Nixon or a bush.
Budgets are presented by the Executive, then negotiated and adjusted by the Legislative before passage. That is why budgets are usually associated with the President, it is he who is requesting funds to operate Executive Branch departments.
in practice, at least in the last thirty years, the majority party in Congress prepares the terms of the budget based on what will get passed and survive a veto
I love how a tax cut for those under $250K is "smoke & mirrors."

As though the vast majority of Americans are above that range; what an incredible disconnect.
I'm still waiting for mine....meanwhile, the threat of eliminating all the cuts I got under the Bush changes means my taxes will be going up, not down....
I'm still waiting for mine....meanwhile, the threat of eliminating all the cuts I got under the Bush changes means my taxes will be going up, not down....

Taxes will not go up for anyone under $250K, either actively or passively (by cuts lapsing).

If they do, Obama has broken a promise, and will rightfully be criticized for it.
Taxes will not go up for anyone under $250K, either actively or passively (by cuts lapsing).

If they do, Obama has broken a promise, and will rightfully be criticized for it.
They'll have to do something rather quickly or some Ds will have to do this while being lame ducks and it may be difficult to get them to vote the line and keep the promise...