have democrats or liberals ever reduced taxes for everyone?

Those are the facts, why then do the Republicans hold Obama to a higher standard than their own standard bearers?
Maybe because all the presidents from Washington till Bush 2 overspent revenues by a combined total of $11trillion in 230 years.....Obama, according to his own calculations, has increased the national debt by the sum of $9trillion in eight months.....
yes....during the Bush administration was the most recent.....the poorest taxpayers got a 100% cut, every child was worth a $1000 credit, there were cuts in every tax bracket.....and the budget included increases in every category.....

lol good response. That shut his ass up quick.
The budget was submitted by Clinton, changes negotiated in Congress with Speaker Gingrich, but that said, I don'r recall Clinton saying balancing the budget would result in economic collapse.
Re: Gingrich. The government did not just itself shut down, Gingrich threatened to do it and got his way, a few howls from the Public and he changed his mind quite quickly.
Again, I'll repeat, from Eisenhower until 1/20/09, not only did a GOP President never achieve budget balance, much less surplus, but in that period, not a single Republican President ever presented a balanced budget to Congress. Those are the facts, why then do the Republicans hold Obama to a higher standard than their own standard bearers?
Nor did any D President except by using gimmicks that allowed them to make the claim while still increasing the nation's debt.

When you are borrowing money to pay the bills it has not been a fiscally balanced year, from Kennedy on not even one President has done anything other than increase the debt, LBJ increased the debt every year, Clinton did, Reagan did, Bush (both of them) did, Carter and Ford, Nixon too....

All of them increased our debt in rich times, in poor times not one of them reduced our debt or even had one year where the debt did not increase.
Nor did any D President except by using gimmicks that allowed them to make the claim while still increasing the nation's debt.

When you are borrowing money to pay the bills it has not been a fiscally balanced year, from Kennedy on not even one President has done anything other than increase the debt, LBJ increased the debt every year, Clinton did, Reagan did, Bush (both of them) did, Carter and Ford, Nixon too....

All of them increased our debt in rich times, in poor times not one of them reduced our debt or even had one year where the debt did not increase.

And that is my point, the original post queried about the Democrats when the guilt lies equally with his party including the much revered, Godlike Reagan. In other words, your road is no higher than mine. However, when all are using the same "gimmicks", Democrats and Republicans, you then have a point of comparison. Thanks for making my case.
And that is my point, the original post queried about the Democrats when the guilt lies equally with his party including the much revered, Godlike Reagan. In other words, your road is no higher than mine. However, when all are using the same "gimmicks", Democrats and Republicans, you then have a point of comparison. Thanks for making my case.
I have no qualms stating that Rs increased the debt. I haven't ever made any other assertion. I have simply stated it is unwise to continue to raise debt even in the best of times.
Then you reduce spending. You are back to the beginning now. It's as if the past has no lasting effect on you.

Thus a President should push for and sign a tax reduction even if spending has not been cut or if he has begun a war which is not on budget with questionable costs.
It is you, like a broken record, who is back at the beginning, unable to find the truth and admit it.
Tax cuts along with spending reduction is a big 'DUH', it is not what took place under bush.
is, by definition, not a fiscal conservative.....now do you see why we say Bush is not really a conservative?......

No, I see who elected him in 2000 and 2004. He had an 'R' after his name and all so-labeled organizations and groups supported him. Flicking him now off is just a tad too easy, but understandable.
No, I see who elected him in 2000 and 2004. He had an 'R' after his name and all so-labeled organizations and groups supported him. Flicking him now off is just a tad too easy, but understandable.

he didn't really go off the deep end until the TARP bailout....and, given that the only alternatives were folks who complained he wasn't spending enough there wasn't much choice.....
he didn't really go off the deep end until the TARP bailout....and, given that the only alternatives were folks who complained he wasn't spending enough there wasn't much choice.....

Not until TARP? Your memory is quite selective. Which of his budgets was not a deficit budget, and which spending bills did he veto? How much did off budget requests add to the deficit?
(He still wore the 'R' and was the official candidate of the RNC, twice, we both have to live with that fact.)