have democrats or liberals ever reduced taxes for everyone?

Thus a President should push for and sign a tax reduction even if spending has not been cut or if he has begun a war which is not on budget with questionable costs.
It is you, like a broken record, who is back at the beginning, unable to find the truth and admit it.
Tax cuts along with spending reduction is a big 'DUH', it is not what took place under bush.
Should I just link to the beginning of the thread? Seriously, we've been through this before. As I said, it is as if the past has no lasting effect on you.
Iraq cost even more, also bushesque?
Not really, it is still a bit less spent in Iraq, and that was over 5 years. In one shot, plus the year before the TARP supported by Bush and about 3 (exaggerating) other republicans... Over 1 Trillion in just a few months spent largely by Ds in Congress...
No, I see who elected him in 2000 and 2004. He had an 'R' after his name and all so-labeled organizations and groups supported him. Flicking him now off is just a tad too easy, but understandable.
It wasn't me. I voted Libertarian, because this dude was an oxymoron, a "big government republican"... Those people (Nixon was one) spend us into the poor house.
that is what i thought....so i'm giving libs/dems the chance to say it isn't so
It is not that we like taxes, it is just a necessary evil! One who dances to the music must pay the piper!
so the lib answer is...............BUSH..................

The libs answer is that Republicans cut taxes without cutting the budget, not a prudent thing to do! We need cuts along with cuts! Not cuts along with spending.
The libs answer is that Republicans cut taxes without cutting the budget, not a prudent thing to do! We need cuts along with cuts! Not cuts along with spending.

you must mean LIBertarian then rather than LIBeral.....liberals would never "cut" the budget....
It wasn't me. I voted Libertarian, because this dude was an oxymoron, a "big government republican"... Those people (Nixon was one) spend us into the poor house.

Who was the last small government republican? I can think of none, rhetoric excluded.
We've been over this. Geebus, seriously. Do you indeed have a memory?


Are you talking about a balanced budget or smaller government? Eisenhower balanced the budget in 3 of 8 years, was the government smaller when he left? I have my doubts.
"Geebus", your memory apparently doesn't extend to the line above your replies.
Hoekstra has balanced which budget and made which government smaller? Beliefs are one thing, acccomplishments another. What part of Michigan is that?

if you don't believe something, you certainly aren't going to accomplish it....he's got a consistent voting record on reducing spending....he was a freshman in the Gingrich congress so he voted for the only balanced budget we've had in my recollection......
Are you talking about a balanced budget or smaller government? Eisenhower balanced the budget in 3 of 8 years, was the government smaller when he left? I have my doubts.
"Geebus", your memory apparently doesn't extend to the line above your replies.

Eisenhower had to work within the congress like any other President, pretending that Presidents are somehow capable of doing everything they want to do just because they believe a certain way is childish and silly and beneath anybody who pays attention enough to post on a site like this.

Just as Reagan wanted to cut back on programs in the government but had a D Congress so he needed to use give and take. He was able to get them to approve increasing military expenditures that crippled the USSR and helped bring an end to the cold war, he had to give up on other portions of what he wanted to do. It's this thing called compromise that happens with our system.

I don't call him a "small government" Republican, because of the compromises he made that actually grew the government, although I do support what he was able to do with those compromises.

Eisenhower was the last President, and most knowledgeable about it, to speak about the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex and the fact that if we didn't watch we'd be in debt to our eyebrows. He was right. He was the last of the small government leaders we've had. And it is a shame.

Eisenhower had to work within the congress like any other President, pretending that Presidents are somehow capable of doing everything they want to do just because they believe a certain way is childish and silly and beneath anybody who pays attention enough to post on a site like this.

Just as Reagan wanted to cut back on programs in the government but had a D Congress so he needed to use give and take. He was able to get them to approve increasing military expenditures that crippled the USSR and helped bring an end to the cold war, he had to give up on other portions of what he wanted to do. It's this thing called compromise that happens with our system.

I don't call him a "small government" Republican, because of the compromises he made that actually grew the government, although I do support what he was able to do with those compromises.

Eisenhower was the last President, and most knowledgeable about it, to speak about the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex and the fact that if we didn't watch we'd be in debt to our eyebrows. He was right. He was the last of the small government leaders we've had. And it is a shame.
He was right, where is the general when we need him...
if you don't believe something, you certainly aren't going to accomplish it....he's got a consistent voting record on reducing spending....he was a freshman in the Gingrich congress so he voted for the only balanced budget we've had in my recollection......

You are correct, I phrased my question too broadly, however with all the Presidents since Eisenhower? and all the members of Congress since???, finding only Hoekstra is pretty slim pickings isn't it? Somewhat like finding OSHA as the only pro-worker legislation signed by a GOP prez, even though it was created by Johnson and passed by a Dem Congress (and given short-shrift by every GOP Executive since).
What is Hoekstra's executive status in the GOP? I will admit Hoekstra has been consistent and less shrill than some on his side of the aisle.
He was right, where is the general when we need him...

You said it for me. His own party certainly hasn't given one iota of thought to the Eisenhower admonition and when a Democrat discusses or implements it, he is automatically labeled a traitor by the Chickenhawks in Eisenhower's own
party. Thus we have inherited the consequences we deserve.