Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

Actually you're wrong. Atheism vehemently denies the possibility of there being a God
Not wrong. The very word 'atheism' means no theism. That means no belief at all. It doesn't care whether there is a god or gods at all. It is not vehement about anything.
and a creation
Atheism has no statement about the Theory of Creation, other than that it is a nonscientific theory. To an atheist, it may be True, it may be False. It simply doesn't go there.
and they will proseletyze you until the ends of the earth to
get you to change your ways to seeing it their way, or else you're stupid.
You are describing the Church of No God, which is NOT atheism. The Church of No God is a fundamentalist style religion.
Agnostics just say they don't know and are 1000% less annoying than Atheists and Jehovah's Witnesses.
Agnostics have no character or form of any god or gods, but they believe there is a god or gods.
Atheists don't even go that far. They simply don't make any religious statement at all. They don't bother to go there. A god or gods may or may not exist to them. They don't care.
Agnostics don't try to push anything on you or be always trying to prove their point and be judgemental, Atheists do.
Neither do. You are again describing the Church of No God, not atheism nor agnosticism.
A little story. I was in a group of about 100 people, worldwide. Now, the focus of the group was nothing about religion at all. However there was this one guy that had to
just always had to keep bringing the Atheism up. He just could not stop.
The Church of No God like to call themselves 'atheists', but they aren't. They are liars.
They kicked him out. I can still go back there to this day, but he's long gone. I believe in God, but I'm not trying to push it onto anybody.

By the same token, I don't need anybody ridiculing me for my beliefs or trying to push theirs onto me.
Atheists always do that, always. That may sound absolute, but I haven't seen a time where they didn't.
No. You are dealing with the Church of No God. This fundamentalist style religion likes to refer to themselves as 'atheists', which is the LAST thing they are.
Owl Woman does it, "Doris" does it. Yeah. Probably Cypress and Dutch too.
Church of No God again.
I was around 20 something Agnostic people, they were nice people, no talk of religion happened at all.
Not surprising. Neither agnostics nor atheists make a big deal of any religion.
Not at all. I'll help you. Every object in the natural world is subject to the forces of gravity. But wait!!!!! I let this object go, and it FLOATS INTO THE HEAVENS!!!!!!!!!!! It's a miracle!!!!! Let's use science to see if God did it!!!

You are a clown, dude.

Even hot air and helium balloons are subject to the force of gravity.
"It just is "

Now that's some magical thinking.

Why do you need there to be a reason?

Militant atheists always want a higher transcendent power to be reduced to the preposterous caricature of an old bearded guy in a white robe. That's not how most religious people in the world concieve of a higher transcendent power.

New Age Bullshit.

Being agnostic means being willing to say you don't know.

And it's a position you do not hold for any other thing in all of the universe.

Leaping out of your chair and hollering that the universe "just is", and there is zero possibility of any higher transcendant reality human brains cannot perceive, is jumping the gun and getting way ahead of ourselves. We are only souped up chimpanzees, with limited brains, and omniscience is beyond our capabilities.

Name ONE OTHER THING in the universe you are "agnostic" about.
Nah, you just don't like it when people can identify what your skillset is.
You didn't. Apparently you can't, since you have closed your mind.
Literally the ONLY THING I"VE SEEN YOU POST that looks like it is technically correct is electricity-related stuff. Literally every other thing you talk about you clearly don't have a clue. But electricity you do. OBVIOUSLY I'm going to infer that you are an electrician.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Why you think that is an insult is beyond me. Maybe YOU are the one who hates electricians.
Inversion fallacy. Semantics fallacy.
More than half the time he and his sock puppets spend on this board are on threads I author.

I shudder to think about how much of his life is spent reading my posts and frantically googling for tidbits of information related to My posts

Inversion fallacy.
Nope. It's the meaning of agnostic.

No, it certainly is not.

Agnostics are the honest people, those who admit we simply do not know.

I've seen no evidence supporting the idea of a god or gods.

Nor have I seen evidence precluding the idea of a god or gods.

I know for a fact that the Koran is crap, the Torah is crap, and the Gospels are crap.

The bhagavad gita is laughably childish, primitive.

Even so, we have no ability to understand, much less explain the marvels of the quantum universe. What we know is a molecule in an ocean, limited and driven by our physical perceptions. Only a fool would claim that we can preclude the ideal of a greater intelligence. We not only don't know, we lack the ability to know.
No, it certainly is not.

Agnostics are the honest people, those who admit we simply do not know.

I've seen no evidence supporting the idea of a god or gods.

Nor have I seen evidence precluding the idea of a god or gods.

I know for a fact that the Koran is crap, the Torah is crap, and the Gospels are crap.

The bhagavad gita is laughably childish, primitive.

Even so, we have no ability to understand, much less explain the marvels of the quantum universe. What we know is a molecule in an ocean, limited and driven by our physical perceptions. Only a fool would claim that we can preclude the ideal of a greater intelligence. We not only don't know, we lack the ability to know.

...and there is literally nothing else in the universe you would apply "agnosticism" to. If someone told you there was an invisible being floating in the sky who could read your mind under any other circumstances you would take your "lack of evidence" for that being to be a failure to believe that being exists. Not a shrug with "I guess we can never know!"
Why do you need there to be a reason?

Oh I see, you want to invoke the cause and effect logic of the scientific experimental method for the limited amount of knowledge we do have of the universe,
But you don't want there to be causes for questions you can't answer.:laugh:

Good work Skippy!
You obviously are, Sock.

He didn't.

Einstein never said any such thing.

Argument from ignorance fallacy
Fallacy 36b.
hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
There is no such thing as an 'accelerating frame of reference'.
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
Axioms are not postulates!
The Nazis were also socialists.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism
Inversion fallacy.

Argument from ignorance fallacy
Fallacy 36b.
hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
There is no such thing as an 'accelerating frame of reference'.
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
Axioms are not postulates!
The Nazis were also socialists.
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism
Ohhhhhh, I see. But what if we had not yet DISCOVERED that principle?

It's a miracle? Are we investigating the existence of God? That's what YOU think. Not what I think. Miracles are just things not yet explained by science. Science has never, ever, investigated the existence of God. It is, by definition, an impossibility. It's sublime that you don't get that.

Science does not disprove God.