Hoarding classified docs will put you in jail

You are so defensive and predictable. Biden is not and has never been a liar, and you know that.

Dumbest lie ever posted. Every time that dotard opens his mouth, he's lying.

1: “Take-home pay has gone up.” That's a LIE.

2. “We have created a record 12 million new jobs.” Bigger lie.

3: “I have presided over the largest deficit reduction in American history.” Laughable lie.

4: “Two years ago, our economy was reeling.” Moronic lie.

5: Oil companies have “invested too little of th[eir] profit to increase domestic production and keep gas prices down.” Buffoonish lie.

6: “Now, thanks to all we’ve done, we’re exporting American products.” Unconnected to reality lie.

7: The wealthy don’t “pay their fair share.” Marxist lie. Unless he is talking about his own family, then yes, that much is true.
Of course you choose to ignore all the lies trumps told about Covid, beginning on day one. He was so worried about his economy, about his re election that he spewed lie after lie to downplay the severity of the virus. Thats what really brought about the economic disaster we had.

Projection (inversion fallacy).
No you did not.
Blatant lie.
I cited up thread what you said and it has nothing to do with it. You made a mistake or posted in error or ignorance.
Blatant lie.
You would not find any legal experts who agree with your derp reading of the PRA.
The law is not 'legal experts'. 'Expert' worship.
The PRA says the exact opposite of what you derps say it does.
Blatant lie.
It was created specifically to draw lines between what are defined as 'personal', what are defined as 'government' and what are designed as 'Secret or classified' and how EACH is handled under different statutes.
And the President has all the authority he needs to retain any document he wishes. That's due to Article II, dumbass. The PRA describes the procedure for handling those documents. Trump complied with every one of them.
Only diaries and memories, etc are governed under the PRA.
Blatant lie. Go read the PRA and Article II of the Constitution.
Basic gov't doc's are not and remain the property of gov't.
Paradox. Irrational.
Classified doc's get handled under the espionage act.
Not for the President (or former Presidents).
Sorry but you are wrong... and dumb.
Attempted proof by Stone.
1) Hunter paid the taxes.
2) a criminal conviction is not even close to a parking ticket, fucking idiot.

No, one of his liars... err, lawyers... did as a "loan." :rolleyes: But only after the IRS was going to press charges, which they should have still pressed given the immensity of his tax evasion and obvious use of shell corporations to hide the money.
No, one of his liars... err, lawyers... did as a "loan." :rolleyes: But only after the IRS was going to press charges, which they should have still pressed given the immensity of his tax evasion and obvious use of shell corporations to hide the money.

The IRS has been deliberately underfunded by Republicans for JUST THIS REASON. They do not want the IRS to have the man power, to take on bigger cases where wealthy people will fight back and instead they want the IRS to simply settle for fines, if the person is willing to pay up. IT is a belief that rich people should only suffer a 'tax' on their cheating, if/when they get caught.

This is very well known and republicans are pushing currently to curtail it even more such that they will only have time to fight normal every day filers and nothing more complex than that.
The IRS has been deliberately underfunded by Republicans for JUST THIS REASON. They do not want the IRS to have the man power, to take on bigger cases where wealthy people will fight back and instead they want the IRS to simply settle for fines, if the person is willing to pay up. IT is a belief that rich people should only suffer a 'tax' on their cheating, if/when they get caught.

This is very well known and republicans are pushing currently to curtail it even more such that they will only have time to fight normal every day filers and nothing more complex than that.

The extra agents won't change that, unless you are a fool and believe the IRS unlike any other government agency will be willing to go to trial each and every time they have a case. They won't do that. They'll settle as many as they can as fast as they can because when it comes to performance reviews having a perfect score of wins and lots of them is far better than a few big wins going to trial at great expense.

In fact, the extra agents have every reason to target smaller income people for that reason. Those people don't have the resources to fight, and if you are still getting settlements, you get the winning score and lots of cases won.

Only an idiot thinks the IRS will be into tiger hunting when those doing the hunting can get the same promotions and attaboys out of rabbit hunting.
The extra agents won't change that, unless you are a fool and believe the IRS unlike any other government agency will be willing to go to trial each and every time they have a case. They won't do that. They'll settle as many as they can as fast as they can because when it comes to performance reviews having a perfect score of wins and lots of them is far better than a few big wins going to trial at great expense.

In fact, the extra agents have every reason to target smaller income people for that reason. Those people don't have the resources to fight, and if you are still getting settlements, you get the winning score and lots of cases won.

Only an idiot thinks the IRS will be into tiger hunting when those doing the hunting can get the same promotions and attaboys out of rabbit hunting.

what you are saying is nonsense and stupid as always.

You can ONLY take on the very rich tax cheats and big corporate tax cheats with very robust strong organizations. You are reversing the argument and sying the smaller the IRS is the more likely they woulkd be take on Enron's or Trump type cases that require mass amounts of people assets and expertise.

WHat in fact happens is the more you shrink the IRS they more they can only deal with typical everyday people filers. And that is exactly what is happening now, You see more and more enforcement in that area for very small return.

It has been shown that hiring more high skilled IRS agents results in a profit to the agency as they can and do take on the bigger cases that bring in way more revenue.

But you are a republiclown mark. They rely on people like you to protect the rich and corporations from paying their taxes so you can pay more and can more of the burden and you just to do it. Why? Because 'culture wars'. You are a dupe who thinks helping the rich, somehow is a win for you.