How can Christianity become so hate driven.

Why do you give a fuck who marries who? It's none of you fascist business
All that matters is that she cares. There is no "why" that she needs to explain. It would seem that you can offer no reason she should not care. It's not her fault that you cannot express any reason she should stop caring.
Trump created a safe space for xtians who already hated marginalized groups to be vocal and visible about their hatred. People who hated marginalized groups have always existed. But Trump, and the Republicans who support him, made it OK for them to “take off their white hoods” and show themselves. And feel OK about doing so. And feel supported in doing so. Empowered. Proud.

As a result, these people are the people who worship him and idolize him and glorify him, regardless of what he does or says. This cult like (or klan like) mentality.
I'm a non-believer..."Jeebus" can suck my dick. I don't hate though.

Maybe you should stop looking for hate and start trying to convince people you're right.

Good luck with that by the way.

Maybe you and guno should be getting a room together...
Hell, you should invite the coward to join you two.
How can Christianety become so hate driven.
I love you jbander.

If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to.
Jesus would sit with and talk to any and all people who know that they are sinners and in need of some sort of help. That includes both sides of your hypothetical church.

You will notice, if you read The Bible, that Jesus spent quite a bit of his time with the sick, the injured, the crippled, the beggars, the tax collectors, the "horrible sinners", and all the other outcasts of society in general. He did that because it was those people who "needed a doctor", not the self proclaimed "healthy" people (the self-righteous types, like the scribes and Pharisees, of whom Jesus regularly butted heads with).

I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it.
You very clearly DON'T know the answer to this, because you are acting much like the scribes and Pharisees acted, in this case looking down on "MAGA Christians" as if you are "holier than thou".

The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.
How do you know everything that Jesus said and did?

I suggest reading through John 1, and John 21:25 (and 2nd Timothy 3:16-17) if you hold those views of the OT and think that Jesus (and the basis of a "Christian action") is limited to the "red colored text" of a book that "means less and less to [you]".
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This is your postulate, as is your contrivance that LGBTQIACRIAPPOPLNWSBR+ and Christians are somehow mutually exclusive and that they seek separate sides of the church that the LGBTQIACRIAPPOPLNWSBR+ do not attend. Nonetheless, the Bible says that as the doctor tends to the sick and not to the healthy, preach to those who most need the Word of God.

I'm an atheist. I'm guessing that if there actually is a Jesus Christ and He were to pay us all a visit, He'd be taking me out to dinner. gfm7175 would be begging me to let him join us. To that end, I'd probably work up an endorsement contract that stipulates gfm7175 promote me as a "good guy" and an ideal entry in the Book of Life, despite my theistic shortcomings. I really think we could work something out.
:) I'll put in a kind word for you, but the final decision rests with the "Big Guy"... who takes 10% off the top... from Christians who willingly tithe, not from corrupt dealings involving a crackhead son. ;)
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How is that any of your fucking business! Worry about your own relationships,nobody needs your nosey nose up their hairy asshole!
Splendid. Then why do you keep sticking your nosey nose up Tinker's hairy asshole? Why not worry about your own relationships? Why is it any of your fucking business?

Trump created a safe space for xtians who already hated marginalized groups to be vocal and visible about their hatred.
Once again you are lying outright.

Your premise that Christians somehow already hated certain groups is summarily dismissed. Hating groups is what leftists such as you do.

Your premise that there were "marginalized" groups in the first place, i.e. groups that are inherently victims, is also summarily dismissed.

Your premise that Christians were somehow "vocal" about this non-existent hatred of theirs is similarly dismissed. Vocally expressing hatred is what leftists such as you do.

Your premise that a Christian-hatred "safe space" was somehow established is also dismissed.

Also noted is your lack of any attempt to support any of your claims, as if your accusations are somehow sufficient.

You are still an incorrigible, cowardly and lying leftist shit.



Margot, I have bad news for you. As long as you pretend to be the thought police, you are the spokesperson for Hitler-type fascism, not for freedom.

If you want freedom, you have to take the good with the bad. You have to give all people the freedom to have whatever opinions they have. If you want to claim that you champion freedom then you have to defend everyone's right to freely express their opinions, not dish up a brown-shirt lynching of those expressing ideas with which you disagree.

If you believe same-sex marriage should be legal where it is currently illegal, then you must express your reasons in the open market of ideas, and support all of your arguments. This is not what you are doing. You are simply attacking those with whom you disagree and trying to shout them down, or steamroll your virtue-signaling over them. I have not read a single argument from you as to why same-sex marriage should be legal, much less any sort of convincing argument.

At the moment, you are a fascist brown-shirt, not a champion of freedom. Change that. Present an argument.
