How can Christianity become so hate driven.


Margot, I have bad news for you. As long as you pretend to be the thought police, you are the spokesperson for Hitler-type fascism, not for freedom.

If you want freedom, you have to take the good with the bad. You have to give all people the freedom to have whatever opinions they have. If you want to claim that you champion freedom then you have to defend everyone's right to freely express their opinions, not dish up a brown-shirt lynching of those expressing ideas with which you disagree.

If you believe same-sex marriage should be legal where it is currently illegal, then you must express your reasons in the open market of ideas, and support all of your arguments. This is not what you are doing. You are simply attacking those with whom you disagree and trying to shout them down, or steamroll your virtue-signaling over them. I have not read a single argument from you as to why same-sex marriage should be legal, much less any sort of convincing argument.

At the moment, you are a fascist brown-shirt, not a champion of freedom. Change that. Present an argument.


Cue Richie Havens-Freedom
I love you jbander.

Jesus would sit with and talk to any and all people who know that they are sinners and in need of some sort of help. That includes both sides of your hypothetical church.

You will notice, if you read The Bible, that Jesus spent quite a bit of his time with the sick, the injured, the crippled, the beggars, the tax collectors, the "horrible sinners", and all the other outcasts of society in general. He did that because it was those people who "needed a doctor", not the self proclaimed "healthy" people (the self-righteous types, like the scribes and Pharisees, of whom Jesus regularly butted heads with).

You very clearly DON'T know the answer to this, because you are acting much like the scribes and Pharisees acted, in this case looking down on "MAGA Christians" as if you are "holier than thou".

How do you know everything that Jesus said and did?

I suggest reading through John 1, and John 21:25 (and 2nd Timothy 3:16-17) if you hold those views of the OT and think that Jesus (and the basis of a "Christian action") is limited to the "red colored text" of a book that "means less and less to [you]".
This is stupid, There is no such thing as a MAGA Christian. it's literally a oxymoron. The MAGAS are who the antichrist WILL DRAW ON TO FIGHT AGAINST JESUS AND HIS ANGELS.yOU ASKED ME HOW DO i KNOW WHAT Jesus SAID AND DID , that's PRETTY LAME ACE. have YOU EVER READ THE bible.
This is stupid, There is no such thing as a MAGA Christian. it's literally a oxymoron. The MAGAS are who the antichrist WILL DRAW ON TO FIGHT AGAINST JESUS AND HIS ANGELS.yOU ASKED ME HOW DO i KNOW WHAT Jesus SAID AND DID , that's PRETTY LAME ACE. have YOU EVER READ THE bible.

LOL! You haven't even learned when and when not to use capitol letters in a sentence yet :palm:
I love you jbander.

Jesus would sit with and talk to any and all people who know that they are sinners and in need of some sort of help. That includes both sides of your hypothetical church.

You will notice, if you read The Bible, that Jesus spent quite a bit of his time with the sick, the injured, the crippled, the beggars, the tax collectors, the "horrible sinners", and all the other outcasts of society in general. He did that because it was those people who "needed a doctor", not the self proclaimed "healthy" people (the self-righteous types, like the scribes and Pharisees, of whom Jesus regularly butted heads with).

You very clearly DON'T know the answer to this, because you are acting much like the scribes and Pharisees acted, in this case looking down on "MAGA Christians" as if you are "holier than thou".

How do you know everything that Jesus said and did?

I suggest reading through John 1, and John 21:25 (and 2nd Timothy 3:16-17) if you hold those views of the OT and think that Jesus (and the basis of a "Christian action") is limited to the "red colored text" of a book that "means less and less to [you]".
The four major works for the world 4 largest religions encompassing 85% of religious people in the world The VEDA the KORAN the Tripitaka and BIBLE . None of them comes close to the horrors cruelty,evilness and ultra violence of the bible and its old testament. One more time I only care what Jesusbecause the rest of the Bible is to hateful and violent. said and did.

Are you in a same sex marriage? If not, why do you give a fuck!
Thank you for illustrating my point. This is not any sort of argument in favor of same-sex marriage. Your post is nothing more than a bullying effort in search of virtue-signaling points. You aren't even making an attempt to discuss the issue. You aren't trying to find out why opponents of same-sex marriage hold their opposition. You aren't making any effort to persuade opponents of your viewpoint.

You are simply bullying.

As a result, you leave only one response available to be returned to you: "Fuck you, you unwashed colostomy bag, ... come over here, get down on your knees and schlob my knob. Then pull your father's cock out of your ass and let him know that I'm going to be taking my turn. Then you can eat my latest batch of diarrhea to ginger your palette." Actually, you might get some slight variation on that theme, but you can rest assured that it won't advance the conversation any more than your comments will.

Hence, I recommend you stop being an intellectual coward and present an argument, preferably a solid and honest one, as to why you believe same-sex marriage should be legal. But don't present the argument to me; I'm not really in opposition to same-sex marriage. I'm in opposition to bullying.


Thank you for illustrating my point. This is not any sort of argument in favor of same-sex marriage. Your post is nothing more than a bullying effort in search of virtue-signaling points. You aren't even making an attempt to discuss the issue. You aren't trying to find out why opponents of same-sex marriage hold their opposition. You aren't making any effort to persuade opponents of your viewpoint.

You are simply bullying.

As a result, you leave only one response available to be returned to you: "Fuck you, you unwashed colostomy bag, ... come over here, get down on your knees and schlob my knob. Then pull your father's cock out of your ass and let him know that I'm going to be taking my turn. Then you can eat my latest batch of diarrhea to ginger your palette." Actually, you might get some slight variation on that theme, but you can rest assured that it won't advance the conversation any more than your comments will.

Hence, I recommend you stop being an intellectual coward and present an argument, preferably a solid and honest one, as to why you believe same-sex marriage should be legal. But don't present the argument to me; I'm not really in opposition to same-sex marriage. I'm in opposition to bullying.


This is stupid,
You left off the "neener neener boo boo"...

There is no such thing as a MAGA Christian.
You are now in paradox.

(1) "... and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church..."
(2) "There is no such thing as a MAGA Christian".

Which is it?

By definition, what is required to be a Christian is to believe that Jesus Christ exists and is precisely who he says he is, namely the Son of God. MAGA has nothing to do with it...

it's literally a oxymoron.
You obviously have no clue what an oxymoron is... but you seem to have too much personal experience with what a 'moron' is...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: TOO funny!

Have YOU?

If you have, then you'd know full well what the end of the Book of John says about the things that Jesus said and did...
The four major works for the world 4 largest religions encompassing 85% of religious people in the world The VEDA the KORAN the Tripitaka and BIBLE . None of them comes close to the horrors cruelty,evilness and ultra violence of the bible and its old testament. One more time I only care what Jesusbecause the rest of the Bible is to hateful and violent. said and did.
Mostly incoherent; try English.

Don't pretend to be repulsed by the mere mention of historical "hate/violence" when you support a political party (Democrat Party) that has a real-time hate/violence based platform, of which its evilness and destruction includes but is DEFINITELY NOT limited to:

** Founding, forming, funding, and deploying militant hate groups against political opposition (BLM, Antifa).
** Legalizing vandalism
** Legalizing and promoting "hard" drug use (and all drugs, really).
** Criminalizing effective self defense measures.
** Criminalizing unapproved speech.

** Their overall hatred of women, including but not limited to: urging them to kill their own children for the sake of convenience (robbing them of the joys of motherhood), urging them to make their hair rainbow colored, chop off their hair, get face piercings, wear pussy hats, and mutilate their genitals so as to make them completely undesirable to men (again, robbing them of the joys of motherhood, and even robbing them of the joys of being a woman and a desirable person to date), allowing men to compete in their sports (effectively robbing them of fair competition), allowing men into their locker rooms and to shower with them (IOW, openly inviting and exposing them to sexual predators).

** Their overall hatred of children, including but not limited to: killing them for another's convenience, trafficking them, performing sexual perversion in front of them (e.g. "drag queen story hour"), lying to them about their gender (causing mental illness), mutilating their genitals (robbing them of the joys of being a man, a woman, a parent, a desirable person to date, etc), pumping them up with Adderall and other harmful/psychoquack drugs, and forcing them to wear masks in schools, severely hindering their development and mental health.
You left off the "neener neener boo boo"...

You are now in paradox.

(1) "... and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church..."
(2) "There is no such thing as a MAGA Christian".

Which is it?

By definition, what is required to be a Christian is to believe that Jesus Christ exists and is precisely who he says he is, namely the Son of God. MAGA has nothing to do with it...

You obviously have no clue what an oxymoron is... but you seem to have too much personal experience with what a 'moron' is...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: TOO funny!

Have YOU?

If you have, then you'd know full well what the end of the Book of John says about the things that Jesus said and did...

WEAK! but funny
Mostly incoherent; try English.

Don't pretend to be repulsed by the mere mention of historical "hate/violence" when you support a political party (Democrat Party) that has a real-time hate/violence based platform, of which its evilness and destruction includes but is DEFINITELY NOT limited to:

** Founding, forming, funding, and deploying militant hate groups against political opposition (BLM, Antifa).
** Legalizing vandalism
** Legalizing and promoting "hard" drug use (and all drugs, really).
** Criminalizing effective self defense measures.
** Criminalizing unapproved speech.

** Their overall hatred of women, including but not limited to: urging them to kill their own children for the sake of convenience (robbing them of the joys of motherhood), urging them to make their hair rainbow colored, chop off their hair, get face piercings, wear pussy hats, and mutilate their genitals so as to make them completely undesirable to men (again, robbing them of the joys of motherhood, and even robbing them of the joys of being a woman and a desirable person to date), allowing men to compete in their sports (effectively robbing them of fair competition), allowing men into their locker rooms and to shower with them (IOW, openly inviting and exposing them to sexual predators).

** Their overall hatred of children, including but not limited to: killing them for another's convenience, trafficking them, performing sexual perversion in front of them (e.g. "drag queen story hour"), lying to them about their gender (causing mental illness), mutilating their genitals (robbing them of the joys of being a man, a woman, a parent, a desirable person to date, etc), pumping them up with Adderall and other harmful/psychoquack drugs, and forcing them to wear masks in schools, severely hindering their development and mental health.
I'm bored, but I have to keep this simple if you continue to try to hi Jack this thread I'll dump your stupid ass. This has nothing to do with democrats .
I'm bored, but I have to keep this simple if you continue to try to hi Jack this thread I'll dump your stupid ass. This has nothing to do with democrats .
It does when you dishonestly claim to hate the OT due to the "hatred/violence" contained within it, yet wholeheartedly support a political party (Democrat Party) that is rooted entirely in hatred/violence.

This is the party of which you support:

** Founding, forming, funding, and deploying militant hate groups against political opposition (BLM, Antifa).
** Legalizing vandalism
** Legalizing and promoting "hard" drug use (and all drugs, really).
** Criminalizing effective self defense measures.
** Criminalizing unapproved speech.

** Their overall hatred of women, including but not limited to: urging them to kill their own children for the sake of convenience (robbing them of the joys of motherhood), urging them to make their hair rainbow colored, chop off their hair, get face piercings, wear pussy hats, and mutilate their genitals so as to make them completely undesirable to men (again, robbing them of the joys of motherhood, and even robbing them of the joys of being a woman and a desirable person to date), allowing men to compete in their sports (effectively robbing them of fair competition), allowing men into their locker rooms and to shower with them (IOW, openly inviting and exposing them to sexual predators).

** Their overall hatred of children, including but not limited to: killing them for another's convenience, trafficking them, performing sexual perversion in front of them (e.g. "drag queen story hour"), lying to them about their gender (causing mental illness), mutilating their genitals (robbing them of the joys of being a man, a woman, a parent, a desirable person to date, etc), pumping them up with Adderall and other harmful/psychoquack drugs, and forcing them to wear masks in schools, severely hindering their development and mental health.
It does when you dishonestly claim to hate the OT due to the "hatred/violence" contained within it, yet wholeheartedly support a political party (Democrat Party) that is rooted entirely in hatred/violence.

This is the party of which you support:

** Founding, forming, funding, and deploying militant hate groups against political opposition (BLM, Antifa).
** Legalizing vandalism
** Legalizing and promoting "hard" drug use (and all drugs, really).
** Criminalizing effective self defense measures.
** Criminalizing unapproved speech.

** Their overall hatred of women, including but not limited to: urging them to kill their own children for the sake of convenience (robbing them of the joys of motherhood), urging them to make their hair rainbow colored, chop off their hair, get face piercings, wear pussy hats, and mutilate their genitals so as to make them completely undesirable to men (again, robbing them of the joys of motherhood, and even robbing them of the joys of being a woman and a desirable person to date), allowing men to compete in their sports (effectively robbing them of fair competition), allowing men into their locker rooms and to shower with them (IOW, openly inviting and exposing them to sexual predators).

** Their overall hatred of children, including but not limited to: killing them for another's convenience, trafficking them, performing sexual perversion in front of them (e.g. "drag queen story hour"), lying to them about their gender (causing mental illness), mutilating their genitals (robbing them of the joys of being a man, a woman, a parent, a desirable person to date, etc), pumping them up with Adderall and other harmful/psychoquack drugs, and forcing them to wear masks in schools, severely hindering their development and mental health.
I told you that you can't hijack the thread and you go right back to trying to hi Jack the thread, I wasn't kidding stupid , it is one of the main rules in forums , people try to hi-jack thread to change the subject to something they think they know something about, Usually like in this case you find out they know nothing about that also. Your stupid brain dead ass is out of hear. You just can't follow the rules hot rod.
I just dumped this brain-dead , if you want to save the integrity of these forums when they say nothing, except how much they hate you and spend their time here trying to change the subject to hi Jack the thread , you have to dump their dumb asses.