How can Christianity become so hate driven.

Sorry, but I lose my patience and manors on your type!
You lose your patience when your opponents support their claims that hit close to home ... and then you abruptly tip your king and flee.

I never accused you of being able to recognize your chess pieces. That cross that rises just above the finger tells you that it's a king.

You do make a point about the cross on the King's crown. However, I have played chess on a lot of different boards from various different countries. And there is no hard fast rule that the King is always, or has to be, the tallest piece.

I have a set that is carved in Mexico out of Alabaster, and the queen is definitely the tallest piece. The pieces are more abstract, and not exactly conventional in design. And my friend has a set made in China that has the real lifelike players, and the queen is definitely the one with the crown that has a cross on it, and she is a female, and the King is shorter and fatter with a beard.

So, these people that say that the King is always the tallest don't really know what the fuck they are talking about.

Like I said. there is no hard and fast international Chess rule- that the King has to be the tallest piece on the board.

In fact, the queen is actually the stronger piece, and many chess piece makers gives her the tallest size!
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Akshually, that's pretty much all it's based on.

You are just a hater, that will never be able to tolerate anyone that does not agree right along with you on every issue. That is HATRED- and no way to deny it.

Hater's are going to hate! And, if hate is all you have to offer people that don't agree with you- Many people will hate you back!

It's like giving you a taste of your very own medicine!

Hate begets hate, and hate is the only thing to hate!

Sir, you are not a lightbringer by any measure, AS YOU ARE BEST DEFINED AS A BRINGER OF HATE!

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And there is no hard fast rule that the King is always, or has to be, the tallest piece.
Correct. There are absolutely no rules or requirements whatsoever regarding the appearance, shape and/or material of any of the chess pieces.


Notice that in this set, Princess Leia (queen) is elevated above Chewbacca (bishop) and would be taller than Luke (king) if not for a little bit of light saber sticking up. The dark side of the board has Darth Vader (queen) substantially taller than the Emperor (king).

I have a set that is carved in Mexico out of Alabaster, and the queen is definitely the tallest piece.
It's probably Darth Vader.
You mean the Christian right that tell the truth

So for over 50 years in the supposedly "one nation under God with equal justice under law" more like the Christian rite ethics of Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super egos sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming where "man is God" truth of premeditated malice aforethought thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists Freudian slips in the name of an Islam medical pseudoscience human reproduction immaculate fabricated virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception, cross conditioned way beyond therapy behavioral disorder stimulates Nazi economic responses in survival of the fittest fascists geometrically multiplicative Peter Principle pyramid scheme meaness escalation of hatred avoidance driven compulsive - obsessive acceptance.
If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to. I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it. The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.

The right has hijacked Christianity and converted it into a propaganda machine that they use to indoctrinate the not so intelligent with their ideology of hate.
The right has hijacked Christianity and converted it into a propaganda machine that they use to indoctrinate the not so intelligent with their ideology of hate.

In this Christian Nation national religion tradition of Christiananality pedophilia protected & served by Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement insured "serve the Pope or die" suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming ensured with SCOTUS under color of law fabricated Washington, D. C. born USA citizen is Islam Bill of Attainder with precedent for repayment of the loss of multiple National Archives purchased US Constitiution Bill of Rights from thieving arsonsists rite of "man is God" Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception precedent as the "one nation under God with equal justice under law" second coming of a supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court crusade - jihad Nazi Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations economics.....