How many in here can admit they actually HATE the " other" side?

Im not talking about the IDEAS of the other side, the MORALS of the other side or the political principles of the other side either. No, wiggle room,....Im talking about the ACTUAL PEOPLE of the other side. This should be an interesting exercise in honesty...... :thinking:
The only thing to hate- Is hate itself! [Geeko Sportivo]
hate is a silly response......I don't hate other people who are mentally deficient......I treat them as I do any other disabled persons......I take steps to help them overcome their short why should I hate lib'ruls?......
Im not talking about the IDEAS of the other side, the MORALS of the other side or the political principles of the other side either. No, wiggle room,....Im talking about the ACTUAL PEOPLE of the other side. This should be an interesting exercise in honesty...... :thinking:
I might say I hate Trump. Not really emotional. I just want him in prison for treason.
Fair enuff,....but I should have defined hate better than I did. When Im talking about hate I mean that you actually just wish the other side were all DEAD. Or just gone somehow.
I wish all leftists were gone, but that doesn’t equate to hate. It is the left that hates and dehumanizes
Hate has long been a province of the Right. When Trump demonizes people, as he does often, it's an expression of hate. Harris and Walz by contrast are bringing an upbeat, happy vibe to the campaign. The crowds react in kind. It's fun to watch. Understandably this is not for Trumpers, however, who reassure each other with discussions of her "cackle".
Momentarily and then it wears off.
I was referring to the other side on this forum.

The real movers and shakers on the other side of the isle. I truly believe many of them are demonic.
Im not talking about the IDEAS of the other side, the MORALS of the other side or the political principles of the other side either. No, wiggle room,....Im talking about the ACTUAL PEOPLE of the other side. This should be an interesting exercise in honesty...... :thinking:
Hmm. I can't really hate someone I don't know in real life, so I'd have to say "none." The MAGATs I know IRL tend to be in-laws. I don't hate them, just their politics and their bigotry. Absent that, I like most of them just fine. What about you?
That makes you hate someone?

When that delusion forces girls to remove their bathing suits in front of boys against their will. And allows boys to take away awards and scholarships from girls that worked very hard for them. Yes I can say I hate the people that do that kind of thing to others.
Im not talking about the IDEAS of the other side, the MORALS of the other side or the political principles of the other side either. No, wiggle room,....Im talking about the ACTUAL PEOPLE of the other side. This should be an interesting exercise in honesty...... :thinking:
Hate has no value and is self defeating.

As a former Ronald Reagan voter myself, I have lost every vestige of respect for MAGA morons.

MAGA had numerous, multiple opportunities over nine years to ditch Trump and choose a conservative with better character, more intelligence, and better moral values

I am left to conclude that MAGA morons actually literally admire and love Trump's serial adultery, shallow materialism, immoral sleazebaggery, cynicism, ch8ldis6 pettiness, and self absorbed narcissism.
Hmm. I can't really hate someone I don't know in real life, so I'd have to say "none." The MAGATs I know IRL tend to be in-laws. I don't hate them, just their politics and their bigotry. Absent that, I like most of them just fine. What about you?
Im a hate the sin not the sinner kind of person for the most part. Sometimes I think that if everyone all had pictures of themselves up instead of an avatar it would be helpful. It can be easy to dislike or " hate" some anonymous unknown person online. But,....if they have a picture up, and you know they have a wife, kids, family, ect is much easier to see them as real people that have all the same struggles and ups and downs in life just as we all do. In a way the online experience can be somewhat dehumanizing actually,...and thats not good. We need to see each other as PEOPLE first,....politics should come way down the list .
Hate has no value and is self defeating.

As a former Ronald Reagan voter myself, I have lost every vestige of respect for MAGA morons.

MAGA had numerous, multiple opportunities over nine years to ditch Trump and choose a conservative with better character, more intelligence, and better moral values

I am left to conclude that MAGA morons actually literally admire and love Trump's serial adultery, shallow materialism, immoral sleazebaggery, cynicism, ch8ldis6 pettiness, and self absorbed narcissism.
This was not helpful AT ALL,....but you already knew that. This wasnt intended to be a thread where people throw backhanded digs at other people in foolish attempt at scoring asshole points. You SHOULD have kept it that way. But hey,...thats on YOU,...not me.
To Hate - To feel intense or passionate dislike for.

I do not feel that way about "the other side" in general, but I do feel intense and passionate dislike for trump himself.
Im a hate the sin not the sinner kind of person for the most part. Sometimes I think that if everyone all had pictures of themselves up instead of an avatar it would be helpful. It can be easy to dislike or " hate" some anonymous unknown person online. But,....if they have a picture up, and you know they have a wife, kids, family, ect is much easier to see them as real people that have all the same struggles and ups and downs in life just as we all do. In a way the online experience can be somewhat dehumanizing actually,...and thats not good. We need to see each other as PEOPLE first,....politics should come way down the list .
That's a nice thought. Wish it would work. For a while, I had my actual pic on my profile at the prior forum I was on. It didn't help. In fact, it just added to the venom thrown by some RW members based on my appearance and gender. One of them is still on this forum, having followed me here.

Some people suck. You know what might be interesting? Start a thread asking ppl what thing(s), if any, do they like about the other party.