How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

Everyone in the US enjoys the same rights.....period.....

BOTH heterosexual or homosexual.......

NEITHER can marry a person of the same sex......
NEITHER can marry a tree
NEITHER can marry an animal
NEITHER can marry an underage child

I've asked this before; but have been unable to receive an answer.
Since when does EXCLUDING or DENYING something, become a right?
Is that what you got out of the piece? She was burned at the stake for heresy and accused of being a witch. The least of her problems was being potentially gay.

You are the one that posted (promoted) the article that asserts she was; plus you are also the one that typed the title of said thread.
The premise that she was gay, seems to hinge on her wearing men's clothing.
That supposition makes the author and any supporters, stupid.
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Hiding from the truth again, huh Poet.

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Grow the fuck up
How does a rabid lefty explain queer rights?

"Those of us who support queerdom are right and all you bigots are wrong."
I've asked this before; but have been unable to receive an answer.
Since when does EXCLUDING or DENYING something, become a right?

Its such an inane question, it doesn't deserve an answer.....but I'll humor you..........

Just about all laws are written to that end.....what you can't do as opposed to what you can do......

You can't speed
You can't steal
You can't kill
You can't drive under the influence
You can't lie under oath
You can't disturb the peace
You can't marry a person of the same sex...etc....

Most rules prevent a particular action...not all, but most
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Its such an inane question, it doesn't deserve an answer.....but I'll humor you..........

Just about all laws are written to that end.....what you can't do as opposed to what you can do......

You can't speed
You can't steal
You can't kill
You can't drive under the influence
You can't lie under oath
You can't disturb the peace...etc....

Most rules prevent a particular action...not all, but most

That was a nice collection of conjecture on your part; but never did address the question.

Please try again.
Since when does excluding or denying something, become a right?
Nope. Try again.


Is your name Dumb Yankee?
Since when does excluding or denying something, become a right?

Your strawman ain't gonna cut it.....

Do you have a special definition of a "right"...????

Marriage isn't a right......any more than swimming is a right, or sleeping is a right.....
There is no such thing a "gay rights" any more than there is "heterosexual rights" ?

There is certainly nothing in the Constitution about marriage "rights" are you using the word 'right'....??? Need a dictionary ?

BOTH black or white.......

NEITHER can marry a person of a different race......
NEITHER can marry a tree
NEITHER can marry an animal
NEITHER can marry an underage child

There IS NO LAW about marrying a person of a different race or religion or citizenship, etc....
If you would like to change the laws, write to your congressman.

There ARE LAWS about marrying objects, animals and children....all of which defies the accepted definition of the word marriage as its been defined for centuries.

So jughead.....WTF are you babbling about ? Trying to prove you're an idiot....?
Your strawman ain't gonna cut it.....

Do you have a special definition of a "right"...????

Marriage isn't a right......any more than swimming is a right, or sleeping is a right.....
There is no such thing a "gay rights" any more than there is "heterosexual rights" ?

There is certainly nothing in the Constitution about marriage "rights" are you using the word 'right'....??? Need a dictionary ?

Many posts ago when I brought it up as a right, you brought up some restraints and claimed they were rights.
I then asked and am still asking: Since when does excluding or denying something, become a right?