How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot

No, we just want equal rights for all. Why are you opposed to freedom?
Why does it matter if gays marry each other? How does it hurt you?
Why are you so concerned with how others lead their lives?
What makes you think you have the right to decide what other people can do?

We have equal rights.....the laws are for everyone.....

There is no reason to re-define the English words to satisfy the whims of anyone.....everyone can practice perverted sex in the privacy of their bedroom.

we don't include women when defining fathers, or men when defining mothers.....don't call men, brides or women, husbands.

Just like "Chaz" Bono will never be a man or father no matter what she does to disfigure her body or how shes chooses to dress.....

Men will never get pregnant and be mothers.....its just the reality of life.....
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The same reason that he wants to teach them that its moral natural and healthy: recruitment.

Recruitment? What nonsense. Gays aren't recruited anymore than heterosexuals are. This isn't the military, where you enlist for service. Teaching people tolerance and compassion for differences is the right thing to do. Discrimination, hate, and bigotry is wrong. People are free to be themselves. You, pretending that it's not, is not the way of the cross.
Just say it's not natural, healthy or moral "for you". You don't get to call the shots for anyone else....not even your children, God save 'em.
Recruitment? What nonsense. Gays aren't recruited anymore than heterosexuals are. This isn't the military, where you enlist for service. Teaching people tolerance and compassion for differences is the right thing to do. Discrimination, hate, and bigotry is wrong. People are free to be themselves. You, pretending that it's not, is not the way of the cross.
Just say it's not natural, healthy or moral "for you". You don't get to call the shots for anyone else....not even your children, God save 'em.

Lying is wrong, so why do it?
The same reason that he wants to teach them that its moral natural and healthy: recruitment.

I saw this in someone's quote box and had to see if that was really what you said.

Recruitment? :rofl: WTF? You really think that gays and "gay enablers" push for tolerance so gays can recruit???

That may be the funniest thing I have seen on these forums.

As you are fond of saying: Cite. Please show us any actual evidence of this?
I saw this in someone's quote box and had to see if that was really what you said.

Recruitment? :rofl: WTF? You really think that gays and "gay enablers" push for tolerance so gays can recruit???

That may be the funniest thing I have seen on these forums.

As you are fond of saying: Cite. Please show us any actual evidence of this?

He can't "cite any evidence".....all of this comes from his psychotic brain.
Lying is wrong, so why do it?
Uh, the one thing that I have prided myself of, is telling the truth, in any forum that I have ever been in. To my detriment, as some forum members used my truth to try to hurt and harm me. I have never lied in this forum. You, on the other hand, can do nothing but.
He can't "cite any evidence".....all of this comes from his psychotic brain.

Actually, it isn't just from his imagination. While he probably wouldn't reference Paul Cameron again, he has done so numerous times in the past.

Paul Cameron is an anti-gay crusader has been rejected by the APA (American Psychological Association) and the ASA (American Sociological Association). While his "research" is often quote in anti-gay propaganda, it has been debunked and ridiculed by numerous peer reviewed researchers. Cameron's research is mostly published in publications where the author pays to have it published.

Here are Paul Cameron's words:

"Marital sex tends toward the boring end. Generally, it doesn't deliver the kind of sheer sexual pleasure that homosexual sex does. If you isolate sexuality as something solely for one's own personal amusement, if all you want is the most satisfying orgasm you can get, then homosexuality seems too powerful to resist."
— Interview with Rolling Stone, 1999
Actually, it isn't just from his imagination. While he probably wouldn't reference Paul Cameron again, he has done so numerous times in the past.

Paul Cameron is an anti-gay crusader has been rejected by the APA (American Psychological Association) and the ASA (American Sociological Association). While his "research" is often quote in anti-gay propaganda, it has been debunked and ridiculed by numerous peer reviewed researchers. Cameron's research is mostly published in publications where the author pays to have it published.

Here are Paul Cameron's words:

"Marital sex tends toward the boring end. Generally, it doesn't deliver the kind of sheer sexual pleasure that homosexual sex does. If you isolate sexuality as something solely for one's own personal amusement, if all you want is the most satisfying orgasm you can get, then homosexuality seems too powerful to resist."
— Interview with Rolling Stone, 1999

I'm thinking that last quote is what has him so jittery. The thing is off the chain obsessed with gay sex. He probably pulls a "Larry Craig", at every opportunity. And can't deal with the guilt.
Uh, the one thing that I have prided myself of, is telling the truth, in any forum that I have ever been in. To my detriment, as some forum members used my truth to try to hurt and harm me. I have never lied in this forum. You, on the other hand, can do nothing but.
You lie about queer being normal, for example.
You lie about queer being normal, for example.
Really? Most forum members are willing to agree that it is "normal variant". Only you and the other bigots and homophobes here, disagree.

Just like you can't dictate what a "normal day" is for anyone....what "normal dress" is for anyone...what "normal transportation" is for cannot dictate that someone's sexual orientation is not normal. I mean who do you think you are? Even the American populace is leaning toward tolerance if not outright enthusiasm for gays and lesbians. Only a small percentage of Neanderthals and inbred cretins protest otherwise.
Who defines what is "normal"?

One thing for sure - I don't want DY & Alias being the arbiters of that one...

Precisely. And he can't challenge you on the grounds of your sexuality or he'll have to present facts, of which there are none.
Really? Most forum members are willing to agree that it is "normal variant". Only you and the other bigots and homophobes here, disagree.

Just like you can't dictate what a "normal day" is for anyone....what "normal dress" is for anyone...what "normal transportation" is for cannot dictate that someone's sexual orientation is not normal. I mean who do you think you are? Even the American populace is leaning toward tolerance if not outright enthusiasm for gays and lesbians. Only a small percentage of Neanderthals and inbred cretins protest otherwise.

Dude, your own source classifies queer as not normal:

While many would freely admit that most of the men and woman of yore were not gay or transgender as defined by our modern standards, they would assert that these people were involved in non-heteronormative relationships, presented non-traditional gender identities, or understood, approached, and complicated aspects of faith with relation to sexuality and/or gender identity.

Doesn't that mean "not normal"?
If you're attracted to someone of the same sex, it wouldn't be normal to be with someone of the opposite sex, imo.

So, it's all relative.
Dude, your own source classifies queer as not normal:

Doesn't that mean "not normal"?

Idiot. I reposted the article for the main gist...the headline topic...not for an author's attempt to defend and caveat his sources. Just because he thinks it, doesn't mean that I do. Fool.
Idiot. I reposted the article for the main gist...the headline topic...not for an author's attempt to defend and caveat his sources. Just because he thinks it, doesn't mean that I do. Fool.
But you posted it as a reference. Your reference states that gay ain't normal. So stop lying about it.