I hope its Tim Kaine, Gov of VA!

Hillary Clinton needs to be VP basically. We can do without Chapdogs vote.

That made me laugh.

Hey man, Hillary is nominally more progressive than any of these clowns Obama is floating (with the possible exception of Biden). I think the "hate hillary" crowd needs to rethink this. The "evil shrew" is looking good to me, compared to these Zell Miller-clones.
I'll tell you what Onceler,

Compared to those choices of Nunn, Bayh, Sebilius, or Kaine, I'll take Hillary Clinton as VP. Any day of the week.

That's still hard for me to imagine. I wonder if they gave it any real consideration at all.

The whole thing has been a big disappointment so far, though I suppose I shouldn't judge until a pick is actually made. I hope this isn't a precursor for a series of disappointing, lackluster cabinet picks.
I'll tell you what Onceler,

Compared to those choices of Nunn, Bayh, Sebilius, or Kaine, I'll take Hillary Clinton as VP. Any day of the week.

Kaine is a deal-breaker for me. I go third party then. And not quietly.

I'd still vote for Obama if he put Hillary on the ticket.
Kaine is a deal-breaker for me. I go third party then. And not quietly.

I'd still vote for Obama if he put Hillary on the ticket.

For real?

Can't say I'd blame you. For a microsecond during the primaries, I thought Obama might be brushing up on his populist chops. But, I wasn't fooled for long.

Compared to these Zell Miller choices, I would be totally fine with Hillary Clinton as VP.
For real?

Can't say I'd blame you. For a microsecond during the primaries, I thought Obama might be brushing up on his populist chops. But, I wasn't fooled for long.

Compared to these Zell Miller choices, I would be totally fine with Hillary Clinton as VP.

Yeah, he's a fucking right wing nut, are you kidding? He's anti-labor, anti estate tax, pro public funding for abstinence based sex education, anti-choice, anti civil unions for gays (Not just anti gay marriage, anti CIVIL UNIONS), anti public funding for stem cell research.

Hey, why not nominate Sean Hannity? They can kiss my ass on Kaine, you can bet on it.
Heck yeah I would still vote for Obama if hil were the VP choice.
think of the strokes an cases of aproplexy it would give the Bushies.

A bl;ack pres with Hitlary as VP. Working on her health care reform in an official capacity this time.
"Kaine is a deal-breaker for me. I go third party then. And not quietly."

That's a bit of a shocker, but when I think about it, it's not that crazy.

I don't know what Obama is thinking. It's like they've made some grand decision to play it "safe" on everything, but when you're campaign is about boldness & change, and that is what attracted so many to register & turn out in the primaries, traditional "safe" (whatever that is, but Kaine looks as generic & cookie cutter as anything I could imagine) is one of the riskiest strategies you could try...
"Kaine is a deal-breaker for me. I go third party then. And not quietly."

That's a bit of a shocker, but when I think about it, it's not that crazy.

I don't know what Obama is thinking. It's like they've made some grand decision to play it "safe" on everything, but when you're campaign is about boldness & change, and that is what attracted so many to register & turn out in the primaries, traditional "safe" (whatever that is, but Kaine looks as generic & cookie cutter as anything I could imagine) is one of the riskiest strategies you could try...

I hope what he is thinking is that he was going to face some resistence to Biden among the left, so let me really scare the crap out of them with this guy, and they they will fall down at my feet when they get Biden.

But only time will tell if he is serious or not on this. One thing that SF did get right, and I know that just those seven words are hard to swallow - is that it does seem to read like Kaine is trying to float himself as VP. That's the thing, you don't really know who this is coming from.
Yeah, he's a fucking right wing nut, are you kidding? He's anti-labor, anti estate tax, pro public funding for abstinence based sex education, anti-choice, anti civil unions for gays (Not just anti gay marriage, anti CIVIL UNIONS), anti public funding for stem cell research.

Hey, why not nominate Sean Hannity? They can kiss my ass on Kaine, you can bet on it.

I hear ya. Aren't democrats supposed to be pro-labor and pro-choice? Jesus Christ. Obama is sadly mistaken if he thinks putting a zell miller on the ticket is a wise move.
Kaine is basically George Bush. Why the fuck don't us Democrats just nominate McCain? What the hell are they thinking?

First time in ages we've had a huge Democratic mandate, and we just go ahead and throw the Republicans this huge bone, and give them an administration of a true Reaganite tradition.
Kaine is basically George Bush. Why the fuck don't us Democrats just nominate McCain? What the hell are they thinking?

First time in ages we've had a huge Democratic mandate, and we just go ahead and throw the Republicans this huge bone, and give them an administration of a true Reaganite tradition.

I don't freaking understand why Obama doesn't get this.

Running against NAFTA, being pro-choice, and being pro-labor and pro-worker is good politics. Its a winner. Not to mention, it's the morally right thing.
I like Kaine, but I agree he is too conservative for me, but what does political pholosophy matter when you are VP?

THis will temper the Republican claim that Obama/whoever is the Most LIBERAL ticket ever. A claim they are sure to make, no matter who is the VP.

IT wont make Obama less liberal. Obama is very liberal, much more liberal than Senator Clinton ever was.
I like Kaine, but I agree he is too conservative for me, but what does political pholosophy matter when you are VP?

THis will temper the Republican claim that Obama/whoever is the Most LIBERAL ticket ever. A claim they are sure to make, no matter who is the VP.

IT wont make Obama less liberal. Obama is very liberal, much more liberal than Senator Clinton ever was.

Jarod, no matter how you and others want to paint this, he would be one single heart beat away from nominating the next, and the deciding, supreme court judge. Life holds no guarantees. And he is anti-choice.

What I don’t understand is, shortly after Hillary dropped out, women were lectured, scolded and yelled at to shut up, NOW, unless we wanted John McCain picking the next supreme court judge. Why did choice matter then, to the point where democratic men felt very comfortable threatening women with it, but now it doesn’t matter?

I won’t vote for a ticket that has an anti-choice man on it, period. We began this year with the strong possibility that a woman would be elected president. Six months later, we risk losing choice, and from Democrats.
Many of us will go elsewhere. I will. I am not alone.
I've gotta admit, I was pretty surprised by some of those positions - anti-choice, stem cells, civil unions...I mean, WTF? Why is this dude a Democrat? Sounds like a poster boy for the religious right.

There's political expediency (as in, let's see if we can win VA), and then there is selling your soul on one of those "no refund" deals....
I've gotta admit, I was pretty surprised by some of those positions - anti-choice, stem cells, civil unions...I mean, WTF? Why is this dude a Democrat? Sounds like a poster boy for the religious right.

There's political expediency (as in, let's see if we can win VA), and then there is selling your soul on one of those "no refund" deals....

Because that’s how the Democratic old boys club strategized winning red states. That was a Schumer/Rahm Emanual plot. I saw it in 06, when they had an anomalous senator in PA – Santorum who slipped by. That was self-correcting, and ANY democrat would have beat him, but the old boys network tapped anti-choice Bob Casey anyway. Why? Because where are the girlies going to go, heh heh heh. They have done this all over the country, put Republicans on tickets and called them democrats.
Now they are floating the possibility of putting one in the VP slot, and if Obama wins not only will this guy be one heartbeat away – but in 8 years, he becomes the leader of the Democratic party.

I keep hearing Amy Whinehouse in my head. They tried to tell me I had to take Tim Kaine…I said NO NO NO.
Because that’s how the Democratic old boys club strategized winning red states. That was a Schumer/Rahm Emanual plot. I saw it in 06, when they had an anomalous senator in PA – Santorum who slipped by. That was self-correcting, and ANY democrat would have beat him, but the old boys network tapped anti-choice Bob Casey anyway. Why? Because where are the girlies going to go, heh heh heh. They have done this all over the country, put Republicans on tickets and called them democrats.
Now they are floating the possibility of putting one in the VP slot, and if Obama wins not only will this guy be one heartbeat away – but in 8 years, he becomes the leader of the Democratic party.

I keep hearing Amy Whinehouse in my head. They tried to tell me I had to take Tim Kaine…I said NO NO NO.

I have no idea who amy whinehouse is, but personally I have come to the conclusion that Kaine is indeed the best choice Obama could make and I support it 100%.
