I hope its Tim Kaine, Gov of VA!

It may be that he wants to ram Evan Bayh down our throats, and, knowing that liberals and women won’t be thrilled at all, is baiting us with Kaine so that when he gives us Bayh, we’ll be relieved.

I find that pretty insidious.

I’m really up to here with this guy already. I am so sorry he is the nominee.

That's still mostly conjecture; we don't know that his short list is really Bayh, Kaine & Biden, unless I missed something. I'll wait until he chooses someone to let the disillusionment really kick in with a vengeance.

I'd be happy with Biden, but if the short list really IS he, Bayh & Kaine, that's pretty sad. I really expected much better, and it really woudn't bode well for cabinet selections if that were the case.
"Kaine is a deal-breaker for me. I go third party then. And not quietly."

That's a bit of a shocker, but when I think about it, it's not that crazy.

I don't know what Obama is thinking. It's like they've made some grand decision to play it "safe" on everything, but when you're campaign is about boldness & change, and that is what attracted so many to register & turn out in the primaries, traditional "safe" (whatever that is, but Kaine looks as generic & cookie cutter as anything I could imagine) is one of the riskiest strategies you could try

Well, he's not the nominee. These are just stories. The media has gotten it wrong before.
That's still mostly conjecture; we don't know that his short list is really Bayh, Kaine & Biden, unless I missed something. I'll wait until he chooses someone to let the disillusionment really kick in with a vengeance.

I'd be happy with Biden, but if the short list really IS he, Bayh & Kaine, that's pretty sad. I really expected much better, and it really woudn't bode well for cabinet selections if that were the case.

You’re right, I am jumping the gun and going ballistic over just the thought that it might be true. It might not be.
That is along the lines of what I suggested about 50 posts ago. He may be "considering" Kaine so that it can appear he is willing to look at candidates from all walks of life (so to speak). Then he grabs a hold of the one he wanted.

Bayh would be a mistake as well. (IMO)

His personality would be an anchor on the charisma of Obama.

I still think it will be Biden.

I’m at the point now, where if he picks Biden, it would be like him picking Kucinich six months ago. I don’t know that we can even hope for anyone better than Biden. Biden at this point, would be the cream of the crop.
I’m at the point now, where if he picks Biden, it would be like him picking Kucinich six months ago. I don’t know that we can even hope for anyone better than Biden. Biden at this point, would be the cream of the crop.

Amazing how that happens.... it is all relative to the "other" options. The more we discuss this, the more I think you are correct in that he is floating these choices that will not go over well, so that when he chooses a Biden or Sebelius it will appear all the better.
That's still mostly conjecture; we don't know that his short list is really Bayh, Kaine & Biden, unless I missed something. I'll wait until he chooses someone to let the disillusionment really kick in with a vengeance.

I'd be happy with Biden, but if the short list really IS he, Bayh & Kaine, that's pretty sad. I really expected much better, and it really woudn't bode well for cabinet selections if that were the case.

Onceler, the mere fact that the names of these DLC democrats are being floated is cause for concern, for me anyway. Did you know that Bush's Labor Secretary Ann Veneman is being floated as a potential Obama VP pick? A republican, bush corporate lackey? You gotta be sh*tting me! The mere fact that these names are being floated tells me what I was worried about all along...that Obama has bought into this clap trap about a post-partisan era where we can all sing songs around the campfire together. It tells me that Obama is not considering a true progressive for his VP pick.

The democratic party is not made up of corporate lackeys or wall street investors. This party is built on the backs of minorities and women. They are the overwhelming majority of this party. White male wall street investors are not the base of this party. And it would be a slap in the face to this party, to put some white male, anti-labor, anti-choice DLC corporate lackey one step away from the presidency.
Just sent this.

Mr. Plouffe,

I am writing to voice my displeasure at even the remotest possibility that Senator Obama would be considering placing and anti-choice candidate on the ticket with him just for the sake of winning Virginia. I am a bit of a political junkie. I was President of the Young Democrats at New Mexico State University in 1992 when Bill Clinton ran for office. I have voted for a democrat for President every year since 1984. I have been a life long supporter of this party in Presidential elections, and this party's plank of supporting a woman's right to make her own choices in regards to reproduction is one of the main reasons why. Now it seems you all are at least looking at placing someone on the ticket that would be one heart beat away from appointing the EXACT same type of jurists to the SCOTUS as would John McCain. I know that Senator Obama is pro-choice, I know that he will replace Justice Stevens and whomever else retires from the Court with jurists that believe the right to privacy exists in this country. I also know, that if god forbid, President Obama had a heart attack, fell down the stairs or even choked a pretzel, President Kaine would appoint people who are adverse to Roe v. Wade and we would enter a patchwork legal world where some poor women in states that outlawed abortions would have to resort to back alley abortions. This is NOT acceptable.

I am also very concerned that the women who supported Hillary Clinton and have slowly and in some cases begrudgingly come to support Senator Obama are going to flee from his candidacy if he chooses to select someone like Kaine. These women have been told and in some cases even scolded for saying that they were not going to support Senator Obama, and that he was their only hope of appointing justices to the SCOTUS that will maintain the status quo with regards to Roe and its legal progeny. If Senator Obama chooses Tim Kaine, many of those women will stay home or vote third party on election day. This is NOT a chance your campaign can afford to take. I sincerely hope that you, your candidate and your staff are evaluating this choice very carefully, I fear that choosing Kaine will relegate Senator Obama on the page just after John Kerry and Al Gore in the history books. Both men who should have won the election but instead snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory.
Xxxx Xxxxxxxx
Attorney at Law
Las Cruces NM
"The democratic party is not made up of corporate lackeys or wall street investors"

Umm that is the problem , there is all too much of that in the democratic party now.
Mr. Plouffe,

I am writing to voice my displeasure at even the remotest possibility that Senator Obama would be considering placing and anti-choice candidate on the ticket with him just for the sake of winning Virginia. I am a bit of a political junkie. I was President of the Young Democrats at New Mexico State University in 1992 when Bill Clinton ran for office. I have voted for a democrat for President every year since 1984. I have been a life long supporter of this party in Presidential elections, and this party's plank of supporting a woman's right to make her own choices in regards to reproduction is one of the main reasons why. Now it seems you all are at least looking at placing someone on the ticket that would be one heart beat away from appointing the EXACT same type of jurists to the SCOTUS as would John McCain. I know that Senator Obama is pro-choice, I know that he will replace Justice Stevens and whomever else retires from the Court with jurists that believe the right to privacy exists in this country. I also know, that if god forbid, President Obama had a heart attack, fell down the stairs or even choked a pretzel, President Kaine would appoint people who are adverse to Roe v. Wade and we would enter a patchwork legal world where some poor women in states that outlawed abortions would have to resort to back alley abortions. This is NOT acceptable.

I am also very concerned that the women who supported Hillary Clinton and have slowly and in some cases begrudgingly come to support Senator Obama are going to flee from his candidacy if he chooses to select someone like Kaine. These women have been told and in some cases even scolded for saying that they were not going to support Senator Obama, and that he was their only hope of appointing justices to the SCOTUS that will maintain the status quo with regards to Roe and its legal progeny. If Senator Obama chooses Tim Kaine, many of those women will stay home or vote third party on election day. This is NOT a chance your campaign can afford to take. I sincerely hope that you, your candidate and your staff are evaluating this choice very carefully, I fear that choosing Kaine will relegate Senator Obama on the page just after John Kerry and Al Gore in the history books. Both men who should have won the election but instead snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory.
Xxxx Xxxxxxxx
Attorney at Law
Las Cruces NM

Soc that is a great letter! Thanks, you really heartened me, and I needed it today.
Soc that is a great letter! Thanks, you really heartened me, and I needed it today.
I am going to bug them from now until the choice is made, and if it is Kaine, then I may need step it up and notch and vow not to vote for him either, and in this election, white men supporting Barack Obama are in the minority. He can't afford to lose many of us either.
"The democratic party is not made up of corporate lackeys or wall street investors"

Umm that is the problem , there is all too much of that in the democratic party now.

No there's not USC. There's very few corporate wall street males in the democratic party. Its just that they have bought disproportionate influence with $$$$.

This party is built on the backs of minorities and women. I doubt that white men are even 35% of the democratic base. That's why, I think, what obama is doing is dangerous. It's not only a slap in the face of labor and unions, its a slap in the face to other demographics in the party, particularly women.
Mr. Plouffe,

I am writing to voice my displeasure at even the remotest possibility that Senator Obama would be considering placing and anti-choice candidate on the ticket with him just for the sake of winning Virginia. I am a bit of a political junkie. I was President of the Young Democrats at New Mexico State University in 1992 when Bill Clinton ran for office. I have voted for a democrat for President every year since 1984. I have been a life long supporter of this party in Presidential elections, and this party's plank of supporting a woman's right to make her own choices in regards to reproduction is one of the main reasons why. Now it seems you all are at least looking at placing someone on the ticket that would be one heart beat away from appointing the EXACT same type of jurists to the SCOTUS as would John McCain. I know that Senator Obama is pro-choice, I know that he will replace Justice Stevens and whomever else retires from the Court with jurists that believe the right to privacy exists in this country. I also know, that if god forbid, President Obama had a heart attack, fell down the stairs or even choked a pretzel, President Kaine would appoint people who are adverse to Roe v. Wade and we would enter a patchwork legal world where some poor women in states that outlawed abortions would have to resort to back alley abortions. This is NOT acceptable.

I am also very concerned that the women who supported Hillary Clinton and have slowly and in some cases begrudgingly come to support Senator Obama are going to flee from his candidacy if he chooses to select someone like Kaine. These women have been told and in some cases even scolded for saying that they were not going to support Senator Obama, and that he was their only hope of appointing justices to the SCOTUS that will maintain the status quo with regards to Roe and its legal progeny. If Senator Obama chooses Tim Kaine, many of those women will stay home or vote third party on election day. This is NOT a chance your campaign can afford to take. I sincerely hope that you, your candidate and your staff are evaluating this choice very carefully, I fear that choosing Kaine will relegate Senator Obama on the page just after John Kerry and Al Gore in the history books. Both men who should have won the election but instead snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory.
Xxxx Xxxxxxxx
Attorney at Law
Las Cruces NM

Okay, you convenced me, I am against him choosing Kaine. But I will vote for him even if it is Kaine.

I guess now I am for Biden, but did Biden have to drop out of a presidental race years ago based on some scandal?
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Don't knock ABB. Had it worked in 2000 or '04, it would have done wonders for America. We'd be much better off today.

I didn't really see the ABB out in 2000. I found it more an '04 phenomenon. But I took it more as a sign of a lack of passion behind the Dem candidate. Because of the excitement behind Obama there is more pro-Obama talk now.