I hope its Tim Kaine, Gov of VA!

Okay, you convenced me, I am against him choosing Kaine. But I will vote for him even if it is Kaine.

I guess now I am for Biden, but did Biden have to drop out of a presidental race years ago based on some scandal?
Let's hope I can have the same affect on the Obama Campaign.
I didn't really see the ABB out in 2000. I found it more an '04 phenomenon. But I took it more as a sign of a lack of passion behind the Dem candidate. Because of the excitement behind Obama there is more pro-Obama talk now.

Yeah in 2000 it took a more perceptive person to see that bush was a bad choice. In 2004 all but the idiots knew bush to be a bad choice.
In 2008 anone even similar to Bush is a bad choice. Everyone but idiots know that.
No there's not USC. There's very few corporate wall street males in the democratic party. Its just that they have bought disproportionate influence with $$$$.

This party is built on the backs of minorities and women. I doubt that white men are even 35% of the democratic base. That's why, I think, what obama is doing is dangerous. It's not only a slap in the face of labor and unions, its a slap in the face to other demographics in the party, particularly women.

Ohh you are speaking of the demcratic party voters not congresspeople. Yes in that case you are correct.
well, unless Hillary is on the ticket, i will not vote for obama....and there is no way obama will pick her because that would mean sharing in glory, sharing the limelight with her....him the first black pres and her as the first female vice president....and from what i have viewed of his campaign he seems way too arrogant....no way would he personally want to do that....share some of that 15 minutes of fame....

it ain't his supporters that he is taking in to consideration with hillary NOT AS the vp pick imo, what is being played by his camp and the media...that's just plain stupid if you believe that imo because he has shown that he doesn't give a hoot about what his stances were at one time, a long, long age ago...the positions that actually got supporters excited, and out to vote for him....change that they could count on, the change that they all had been waiting for....you know the ''line''..... so, this is why i don't believe for one nano second his supporters have anything to do with him not picking hillary.

though i do love biden, always have....can't see obama's advisors being smart enough, or balls-y enough to pick him with all of their other cowardly stances and flip flops... so far they've had very little that the campaign has been consistant with, they've flip flopped for political pandering of ''the other side'' and NONE considering their supporters imo.

women have been told to just ''shut up'' or we get mccain....well, i'm with darla....don't even think I'm gonna shut up for you....whoever the you is....cuz no one, tells me what to do, or what to think....

I am personally going to write Hillary's name in, on purpose, to show the dnc that i KNOW what they did with their rulings and I KNOW who they supported before the close race was even over or won, and I KNOW who they had as their insider, in their good ole boys club and without doing this, writing Hillary's name in, it will be like me doin as told, "Just shuttin up" and as I said, I am not going to shut up, I'm tired of shutting up, and i don't have the time or patience to play their game and just accept who they have picked for me, as a candidate.

I was going to just sit the election out, but now I realize this will not be "loud enough" and would not be "clear" enough of a message to the DNC, but writing Hillary in, should do the trick and make it lucid enough!

Care, I don't agree with everything you said.

But, one thing I can agree on: Obama is treading dangerous waters here.

I was kinda hoping he'd pick an Edwards, a Sherrod Brown, hell even an Al Gore for VP. I'd be totally fine with Hillary as his VP too.

But, flirting with southern white men, who have dubious records on labor, unions, and women's rights is playing with fire. The Democratic party flacks need to realize, this party's base is minorities, unions, and women. The last thing we need is some southern conservative white guy. The democratic power structure may be comprised of white men. But those white men got where they are on the backs of people of color, union workers, and women. And I don't think some of them realize it, or at a minimum, they take it for granted.
well, unless Hillary is on the ticket, i will not vote for obama....and there is no way obama will pick her because that would mean sharing in glory, sharing the limelight with her....him the first black pres and her as the first female vice president....and from what i have viewed of his campaign he seems way too arrogant....no way would he personally want to do that....share some of that 15 minutes of fame....

it ain't his supporters that he is taking in to consideration with hillary NOT AS the vp pick imo, what is being played by his camp and the media...that's just plain stupid if you believe that imo because he has shown that he doesn't give a hoot about what his stances were at one time, a long, long age ago...the positions that actually got supporters excited, and out to vote for him....change that they could count on, the change that they all had been waiting for....you know the ''line''..... so, this is why i don't believe for one nano second his supporters have anything to do with him not picking hillary.

though i do love biden, always have....can't see obama's advisors being smart enough, or balls-y enough to pick him with all of their other cowardly stances and flip flops... so far they've had very little that the campaign has been consistant with, they've flip flopped for political pandering of ''the other side'' and NONE considering their supporters imo.

women have been told to just ''shut up'' or we get mccain....well, i'm with darla....don't even think I'm gonna shut up for you....whoever the you is....cuz no one, tells me what to do, or what to think....

I am personally going to write Hillary's name in, on purpose, to show the dnc that i KNOW what they did with their rulings and I KNOW who they supported before the close race was even over or won, and I KNOW who they had as their insider, in their good ole boys club and without doing this, writing Hillary's name in, it will be like me doin as told, "Just shuttin up" and as I said, I am not going to shut up, I'm tired of shutting up, and i don't have the time or patience to play their game and just accept who they have picked for me, as a candidate.

I was going to just sit the election out, but now I realize this will not be "loud enough" and would not be "clear" enough of a message to the DNC, but writing Hillary in, should do the trick and make it lucid enough!

So you think Obama should pick someone that said John McCain is more prepared to be CiC than someone in her own party? He should pick someone that LIED about her trip to Bosnia? Someone that even when it became apparent she COULD NOT WIN would not quit and kept up with damaging ads about Obama. SOmeone that cannot put party and country above her own personal gain? He would be a fool to choose her. But if it is between her and Kaine, he better choose her.
Can you imagine the question at a VP debate. "Senator Clinton, during the primary season you said that you and John McCain had a great deal of experience to be Commander in Chief, and Obama has a speech he wrote. What has changed in your mind that you now want us to believe you think Senator Obama is more prepared than Senator McCain?"
well, unless Hillary is on the ticket, i will not vote for obama....and there is no way obama will pick her because that would mean sharing in glory, sharing the limelight with her....him the first black pres and her as the first female vice president....and from what i have viewed of his campaign he seems way too arrogant....no way would he personally want to do that....share some of that 15 minutes of fame....

it ain't his supporters that he is taking in to consideration with hillary NOT AS the vp pick imo, what is being played by his camp and the media...that's just plain stupid if you believe that imo because he has shown that he doesn't give a hoot about what his stances were at one time, a long, long age ago...the positions that actually got supporters excited, and out to vote for him....change that they could count on, the change that they all had been waiting for....you know the ''line''..... so, this is why i don't believe for one nano second his supporters have anything to do with him not picking hillary.

though i do love biden, always have....can't see obama's advisors being smart enough, or balls-y enough to pick him with all of their other cowardly stances and flip flops... so far they've had very little that the campaign has been consistant with, they've flip flopped for political pandering of ''the other side'' and NONE considering their supporters imo.

women have been told to just ''shut up'' or we get mccain....well, i'm with darla....don't even think I'm gonna shut up for you....whoever the you is....cuz no one, tells me what to do, or what to think....

I am personally going to write Hillary's name in, on purpose, to show the dnc that i KNOW what they did with their rulings and I KNOW who they supported before the close race was even over or won, and I KNOW who they had as their insider, in their good ole boys club and without doing this, writing Hillary's name in, it will be like me doin as told, "Just shuttin up" and as I said, I am not going to shut up, I'm tired of shutting up, and i don't have the time or patience to play their game and just accept who they have picked for me, as a candidate.

I was going to just sit the election out, but now I realize this will not be "loud enough" and would not be "clear" enough of a message to the DNC, but writing Hillary in, should do the trick and make it lucid enough!


Well, I understand how you feel now. Unless he picks Kaine, I won't do what you're going to do , but I understand now why you feel this way. If he picks Kaine, instead of voting third party, maybe i will write in Hillary too!
Care, I don't agree with everything you said.

But, one thing I can agree on: Obama is treading dangerous waters here.

I was kinda hoping he'd pick an Edwards, a Sherrod Brown, hell even an Al Gore for VP. I'd be totally fine with Hillary as his VP too.

But, flirting with southern white men, who have dubious records on labor, unions, and women's rights is playing with fire. The Democratic party flacks need to realize, this party's base is minorities, unions, and women. The last thing we need is some southern conservative white guy. The democratic power structure may be comprised of white men. But those white men got where they are on the backs of people of color, union workers, and women. And I don't think some of them realize it, or at a minimum, they take it for granted.

Totally. And I am so sick and tired of the "buttt heeee might attraacccttt con votttesss". At what price, first of all? By fucking women over? And secondly - yeah, cons are known to be jumping for joy over the chance to vote for a black guy. Wake the fuck up!
So you think Obama should pick someone that said John McCain is more prepared to be CiC than someone in her own party? He should pick someone that LIED about her trip to Bosnia? Someone that even when it became apparent she COULD NOT WIN would not quit and kept up with damaging ads about Obama. SOmeone that cannot put party and country above her own personal gain? He would be a fool to choose her. But if it is between her and Kaine, he better choose her.

Yeah, I never thought that he should pick Hillary, I just didn't see it as being a good match. But, I would take her over a lot of these fools he has on his short list. I don't want no white southern con man thank you!
Can you imagine the question at a VP debate. "Senator Clinton, during the primary season you said that you and John McCain had a great deal of experience to be Commander in Chief, and Obama has a speech he wrote. What has changed in your mind that you now want us to believe you think Senator Obama is more prepared than Senator McCain?"
yeah, good question to be asked.....of hillary if she were to be picked, and i would have looked forward to her answer! :)

Honestly, i have never thought that he even considered Hillary or her supporters when choosing his vp....and ONLY if he did pick her, would i feel obligated to vote the ticket....i see this as a huge long shot....

I think Obama will win without my vote, and the MOST important thing I can do for the future females of America is to write in Hillary's name....or Susan B Anthony's name, to show the boys, I ain't playing THEIR game anymore, if they want me in the future....they will have to work for it.

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yeah, good question to be asked.....of hillary if she were to be picked, and i would have looked forward to her answer! :)

Honestly, i have never thought that he even considered Hillary or her supporters when choosing his vp....and ONLY if he did pick her, would i feel obligated to vote the ticket....i see this as a huge long shot....

I think Obama will win without my vote, and the MOST important thing I can do for the future females of America is to write in Hillary's name....or Susan B Anthony's name, to show the boys, I ain't playing THEIR game anymore, if they want me in the future....they will have to work for it.


:) I like that Care.
Soc, you make a great point about the things Hillary said about Obama during the Primary. What would happen if she was then, his VP pick? And she did say some nasty stuff, but I am wondering, was it anymore nasty than what went on between Romney and McCain? I really don't know. I'd have to go back and actually view the tapes of Romney/McCain. But I do remember that they were real nasty to each other. Pundits were widely talking about how it was real, they just don't like each other, they said. And it showed.

Yet today, Romney is on the short-list, and a real possibility. Now maybe he won't be picked, but I haven't seen one person bring up what went on between them during the primary as a reason he shouldn't be picked. And I am just wondering if we are only asking this because it's Hillary. There was some nasty shit said between H W and Reagan, and then HW became the VP. Wouldn't the answer from Hillary simply be, a wide smile, a wave of her hand, and a dissmissive comment along the lines of "you haven't witnessed many primaries, have you?"

Isn't this pretty much, SOP?
Just to be devil's advocate: what do Democratic men have to do to "work" for the women's vote?

Do they HAVE to either nominate Hillary, or pick her or another woman for VP?

Hillary is a bad choice for VP on a lot of levels for Obama (one of the biggest ones being a fellow named Bill). If he picked her, it would be sheer political expediency - a move designed to do nothing but appease her supporters.
Just to be devil's advocate: what do Democratic men have to do to "work" for the women's vote?

Do they HAVE to either nominate Hillary, or pick her or another woman for VP?

Hillary is a bad choice for VP on a lot of levels for Obama (one of the biggest ones being a fellow named Bill). If he picked her, it would be sheer political expediency - a move designed to do nothing but appease her supporters.

Well, I could use a personal manservant.
For me, and Care is very likely to have a different view, he has to pick someone very strong on women's issues and women's rights. That leaves out Kaine and Webb right off the bat.

He does not have to pick a woman.

I am able to separate him from many of his supporters. But still...of late, I have picked up on a bit of this dismissivness that Care has always felt.
I'm not going down without a fight....I've honestly had enough....! i've reached my tipping point.

Well, I've become very despondent over these issues, mostly on account of the young male obama supporters. I do not mean the adult ones like Onceler. But ones like Epic, and his partner, and not an Obama supporter, Cawacko. I really feel as if women got left behind in this great leap forward. We are more pornified and degraded by this newest generation than we may have ever been. I see feminism as having been set back a generation.

If i had it to do all over, I might have supported hillary. I could make the case today, that women should support Hillary.