I was arrested at lunch..

No, but I was charged with a crime. Do you really belive this is a reasonable expendature of tax payer money. To cite a person who can OBVIOUSLY see better than most people.

Well, you'll probably have to pay a fine which is a win win for the legalized extortion they like to label as traffic infractions.
Well, you'll probably have to pay a fine which is a win win for the legalized extortion they like to label as traffic infractions.

I asked the cop how he felt about being used by the government to extort law abiding citizens who clearly pose absolutly O public safety risk to anyone out of money.
I asked the cop how he felt about being used by the government to extort law abiding citizens who clearly pose absolutly O public safety risk to anyone out of money.

How is this extortion? Go in, show evidence of your surgery and you are done.
Ignorance is no excuse.

actually it is. I'd venture to say that most people (myself included) forget that the restriction is even there. Let alone remembering to get it updated once you have the surgery. That's an obscure rule and he only gave him $hit to be an a$$. This is exactly why I am not fond of cops and say that they can't be trusted. He could have given him a warning and/or reminder. He wouldn't have done that to a family member or friend.
I asked the cop how he felt about being used by the government to extort law abiding citizens who clearly pose absolutly O public safety risk to anyone out of money.

LOL, sheesh.

I guess we will see you on an episonde of COPS.
How is this extortion? Go in, show evidence of your surgery and you are done.

Take a day off work to go to court or hire an attorney to go for me. Ultimatly I will get off, but it is a huge waste of money. Do you know how much it costs the governmetn to conduct this hearing I have to go to?

Well okay, not arrested, but charged with a crime.

I was pulled over for speeding, not a crime but a traffic infraction. The police officer asked me if I had my corrective lenses on, I reported to him that I no longer required them as I have had surgery that corrected my vision.

THe guy gave me a notice to appear in court to face criminal charges for not following the restrictions on my liscense that say I require glasses.

What a joke, I am pissed. I already hired a friend to represent me.

Ive been to the PD to file an official complaint.

Did you graduate at the bottom of your Law School? fyi there are no longer moving violation 'infractions'...they are now low grade misdeameanors...and when you signed the citation it clearly states you are not admitting guilt...you were let loose on a OR...as are all who receive these types of citations...you were too lazy to go to the DMV and have your license corrected, now you are crying over spilled milk.../and you hired your friend to represent what...your stupidity?...Now you will pay him plus court costs plus the citation fine!
The citation was based on your current license restrictions...it is not the officers problem it is yours!
Take a day off work to go to court or hire an attorney to go for me. Ultimatly I will get off, but it is a huge waste of money. Do you know how much it costs the governmetn to conduct this hearing I have to go to?

and YOU caused all of that cost by not doing what you were supposed to do.
How is this extortion? Go in, show evidence of your surgery and you are done.

I'm guessing he'll have to pay tons of $$$ in order to avoid some ridiculous amounts of points and/or increase to his insurance. That cop was just raising $ for the town and taking out his hatred on life that day on Alex.
Take a day off work to go to court or hire an attorney to go for me. Ultimatly I will get off, but it is a huge waste of money. Do you know how much it costs the governmetn to conduct this hearing I have to go to?

So you are saying that in Florida you cannot walk into the DA's office and drop down evidence of the surgery and get the matter waived before going to court?

Side note... why would you not represent yourself in such a simple OBVIOUS case?