I was arrested at lunch..

Not true, there is nuthing you can do once charged, its a done deal. You can say it was dismissed, thrown out of court, you were found not guilty... all that, but you were still charged.
Rubbish, if they drop charges you are not charged. Which is what they will do.
Not true, there is nuthing you can do once charged, its a done deal. You can say it was dismissed, thrown out of court, you were found not guilty... all that, but you were still charged.

record expunged.
You might have to register as a Republican though.
Look my bet is 8 times outta 10 the cop would have given you a warning. Who knows how his day had gone and then you of course egged him on by asking him how he felt about being a tool of extortion by the government. I have been stopped NUMEROUS times for speeding. I have had cops do everything from ticket me to give me a warning, but in the last 7 years I have not had to pay a single fine. I have not had a single infraction go on my driving record. There are too many ways to avoid paying tickets and getting infractions on your record. NEVER blow up at a cop, it NEVER helps and in some cases can get you tazed. Be respectful even if you don't feel respect for the cop and then work the system. It is easy if you are calm and rational and even throw in a couple of not so commital mea culpa's.

I was VERY nice to the guy until he charged me with a crime. I spoke with his supervisor who says he always gives this ticket... a couple a month, he said.
You were in violation. You made it abundantly clear you were not following the requirements listed on your license.

IMO, you were covered, but instead you told him, "I don't require that!"

I said I did not require them, I did not say I am not wearing them.
Rubbish, if they drop charges you are not charged. Which is what they will do.

You are wrong, I have researched this for clients before. I was presented with a charging document with the proper authorities signature on it. I was charged, not matter what the outcome.
I said I did not require them, I did not say I am not wearing them.
Right. No reasonable person would see it that way.

It's silly to try to argue semantics. You should have said yes, for the reason I stated before. And you should be HACKED at your eye surgeon. They inform everybody that they need to go to the DMV to change their licenses before they let them leave at the one that I have been thinking about getting surgery at. It's even on a sign. They tell them as they drop the glasses into the donation barrel.
It is not a cops job to arrest people that are not in violation of the spirit of the law. It is a cops job to be reasonable.

From what you stated, he did NOT arrest you. He wrote you a ticket for violating your states law. Which as a lawyer you should know.

From what you have stated, the cop was very reasonable in allowing you to continue driving. He knows what we have stated... you walk in and show proof of surgery and that ticket is dismissed. I think you also know it will be that simple.

You are pissed about the CRIME portion. Which is not the cops doing. It is your legislature you should be bitching to and about.
From what you stated, he did NOT arrest you. He wrote you a ticket for violating your states law. Which as a lawyer you should know.

From what you have stated, the cop was very reasonable in allowing you to continue driving. He knows what we have stated... you walk in and show proof of surgery and that ticket is dismissed. I think you also know it will be that simple.

You are pissed about the CRIME portion. Which is not the cops doing. It is your legislature you should be bitching to and about.

There is a difference and I guess you are not capable of understainding it. A speeding citation is not a crime, its a civil infraction not punishable by jail. What I was charged with is a CRIME, punishable by 60 days in jail. It is an abuse of the power of the state.
Me too...most if not all cops schedule their court appearance dates on their days off for the big OT check...Jarod is losing it big time in this silly argument!:cof1:
Our PD has gotten cheap and makes the cops go in on their duty days to avoid paying overtime. Cheap bastards.
Not true, there is nuthing you can do once charged, its a done deal. You can say it was dismissed, thrown out of court, you were found not guilty... all that, but you were still charged.

you sure about that? I thought if they dismissed the ticket prior to court that it was simply expunged. Am I mistaken?
you sure about that? I thought if they dismissed the ticket prior to court that it was simply expunged. Am I mistaken?
If they drop the charges, as they will, there is no charge. That is what they are doing is taking the charge off the record.
Me too...most if not all cops schedule their court appearance dates on their days off for the big OT check...Jarod is losing it big time in this silly argument!:cof1:
By the way is the body on the 928 in good shape? That is one of my favorite body styles for Porsche.
There is a difference and I guess you are not capable of understainding it. A speeding citation is not a crime, its a civil infraction not punishable by jail. What I was charged with is a CRIME, punishable by 60 days in jail. It is an abuse of the power of the state.

There is a difference with being CHARGED and being ARRESTED. For a friggin lawyer I would expect you to understand the difference.
If they drop the charges, as they will, there is no charge. That is what they are doing is taking the charge off the record.

YOU ARE WRONG.. BIG TIME WRONG. I know I was a prosecutor on this type of stuff for over 6 months. They do NOT take it off your record.
YOU ARE WRONG.. BIG TIME WRONG. I know I was a prosecutor on this type of stuff for over 6 months. They do NOT take it off your record.
For gawd's sakes. If they drop charges it means no charges were brought.

If you go through an actual trial they don't drop the charges and they aren't removed.

Putting it in caps doesn't change it.
Here in NM if the charges are dismissed then it is like you were never charged. But I would put on any legal application that you were charged and the charges dropped.