If you say black people are "fooled" into voting dem you are a racist.

I'm saying just like you don't have the right to shout fire, in crowded theater, you cannot insult an entire group of
people, in a public setting, and not expect someone to knock your lights out. I know I would.
You presented no truths. Opinions aren't truths. Goober? That sounds like the white character on Mayberry, RFD.
I'm black and gay, and not afraid of you.

Look here EMO you aren't knocking anybody's lights out. Don't make me laugh
there is NO way around this. If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple. It means you see all black people as stupid or evil. say it loud and say it proud you racists. there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

Gurrllll, please. Deny? It's not even up for discussion. How do you like that? Stopping you in mid-flight. Truth?

You can’t stop facts Goober. Ignoring the fact that the NAACP, the Black Congressional Caucus and the National Negro College Fund are all separatist, racist institutions doesn’t stop anything in mid flight it only proves you have your Goober head up your Goober ass.

And some names are particular to certain groups, and/or races. You won't find any black folks named, Biff, Buffy, Sammie Jo, Dolly, Muffy, or Goober. Sorry.

But you’ve made “Goober” a perfect identification for your mental capacity and rationality. Your pathetic excuse that you and blacks in general can’t be a Goober simply because your black is simply another racist remark by another racist black.

And since you can't be respectful and address me by my ID, this will be my last engagement of you, because you're less than zero, and beneath me.
Any references to black folks committing more crimes than white folks, and them being more violent, are bald faced lies and made up statistics, to paint black people with a broad negative lying brush.
I referred to my sexual orientation to remind the board that it is a gay black man, "kicking your ass", literally and figuratively, succinctly, and decisively, all across this board.
You try to portray yourself as such a man, when you couldn't be more of a pussy. And I merely sought to illustrate that point. Now that it's done, I have no more need for you. Find a rock, and remain there, until someone sends for you.

Allow me to interpret Goober. In other words you have no rational arguments opposed to the truths I have exposed to you and your racist leftist black and white friends. So, your only response left is feeble attempts to aggrandize yourself, make threats and deliver insults.

More blacks are in jail because more blacks commit more crimes. Blacks are in general the most racist, separatist segment of society. Most blacks love slavery that’s why they’re Democrats voting for their Democrat slave masters and task masters who tell them they are victims, make them wards of the State, keep them in poverty and tell them what to think.

Democrats and other leftist have convinced you that you are self-worthless. They’ve made you their little black chillin, their guaranteed idiot bribed voting block. Congratulations!!!
More blacks are in jail because more blacks commit more crimes.

Another lie from the grumpy old senile guy.


The reason there's more blacks in prison? Racism. Institutionalized racism in our courts.

But those numbers count only those who were jailed for a crime. In 2003, more than twice as many whites as blacks were arrested and charged with a crime, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports.

Of 9.5 million offenses charged, 6.7 million whites were arrested, compared to 2.5 million blacks.

The most common crimes were drug abuse violations, resulting in arrest of 770,430 whites and 381,006 blacks.

Whites were far more likely to be arrested driving under the influence. Of 998,035 total offenses, 877,810 of those arrested where whites.


According to statistics from the Justice Department, White men are more likely to kill than any other racial group. When it comes to how and why people kill, Black men do, in fact, outnumber Whites in gun-related homicides, but especially drug-related offenses. However, White men top the list in most all other categories.

When the Bureau of Justice Statistics collected homicidal rates from 1980 to 2008, they found that compared to Blacks, Whites were more likely to kill children, the elderly, family members, and their significant others. They commit more sex-related crimes, gang related crimes, and are more likely to kill at their places of employment.

So why does America still perpetuate the lie of Black criminality?

Is it because one in 15 Black men are in prison? That may not explain it. The racial biases in the War on Drugs contribute to the high incarceration rates. Studies show that Blacks are no more likely than Whites to use or sell drugs. Blacks actually only make up 14 percent of regular drug users. Yet Blacks are more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and receive longer sentences than Whites.

Should we blame gangster rap with the gun-toting rappers? If so, why can’t we blame a White man with a pistol being used to symbolize Second Amendment rights?
You can’t stop facts Goober. Ignoring the fact that the NAACP, the Black Congressional Caucus and the National Negro College Fund are all separatist, racist institutions doesn’t stop anything in mid flight it only proves you have your Goober head up your Goober ass.

They are organizations of racial liberty. Who cares if they fight bitterly with the established racial class? It's all justified in your defeat.
Any references to black folks committing more crimes than white folks, and them being more violent, are bald faced lies and made up statistics, to paint black people with a broad negative lying brush.

Then post something to refute it, goober.
By the way; I believe this was initially about the percentage of crimes committed, compared to their percentage in the population.
CL, I assume you are ALSO against all the Jewish organizations? the Catholic ones? How about Italian or Polish groups?

Absolutely not! Those institutions are NOT fucking RACIST institutions founded and based on the color of people’s skin like the “Congressional BLACK Caucus”, the “National NEGRO College Fund,” and the “National Association For The Advancement Of COLORED People.”

Then post something to refute it, goober.
By the way; I believe this was initially about the percentage of crimes committed, compared to their percentage in the population.

He can’t refute it with facts. Leftist morons don’t give a flying fuck about facts.

Blacks are America’s most racist and criminal segment of American society. The proof of it is everywhere around us. Even the poet writes about the violence of blacks and uses it to threaten folks. Look at his signature.
there is NO way around this.

If you think or say black people only vote dem because they "got tricked", "were fooled", "vote for goodies" you are a racist plain and simple.

It means you see all black people as stupid or evil.

say it loud and say it proud you racists.

there is no hiding and denying it don't cut it

Not all just the 95% that do.
I'm saying just like you don't have the right to shout fire, in crowded theater, you cannot insult an entire group of
people, in a public setting, and not expect someone to knock your lights out. I know I would.
You presented no truths. Opinions aren't truths. Goober? That sounds like the white character on Mayberry, RFD.
I'm black and gay, and not afraid of you.

Do you think anyone is afraid of a limp wrist like you?